blob: 9adb3a09a080679b23cf30c2bb13a7c41dd40912 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test that the lldb command `statistics` works.
int main(void) {
int patatino = 27;
//%self.expect("statistics disable", substrs=['need to enable statistics before disabling'], error=True)
//%self.expect("statistics enable")
//%self.expect("statistics enable", substrs=['already enabled'], error=True)
//%self.expect("expr patatino", substrs=['27'])
//%self.expect("statistics disable")
//%self.expect("statistics dump", substrs=['expr evaluation successes : 1', 'expr evaluation failures : 0'])
//%self.expect("frame var", substrs=['27'])
//%self.expect("statistics enable")
//%self.expect("frame var", substrs=['27'])
//%self.expect("statistics disable")
//%self.expect("statistics dump", substrs=['frame var successes : 1', 'frame var failures : 0'])
return 0;