blob: 4bacb0bd98848cf562bfe6c0439c676c37dbae1b [file] [log] [blame]
Test that we can backtrace correctly from standard functions.
This test suit is a collection of automatically generated tests from the source files in the
directory. Please DON'T add individual test cases to this file.
To add a new test case to this test suit please create a simple C/C++ application and put the
source file into the directory of the test cases. The test suit will automatically pick the
file up and generate a test case from it in run time (with name test_standard_unwind_<file_name>
after escaping some special characters).
from __future__ import print_function
import unittest2
import os
import time
import lldb
from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
test_source_dirs = ["."]
class StandardUnwindTest(TestBase):
mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
def standard_unwind_tests(self):
# The following variables have to be defined for each architecture and OS we testing for:
# base_function_names: List of function names where we accept that the stack unwinding is
# correct if they are on the stack. It should include the bottom most
# function on the stack and a list of functions where we know we can't
# unwind for any reason (list of expected failure functions)
# no_step_function_names: The list of functions where we don't want to step through
# instruction by instruction for any reason. (A valid reason is if
# it is impossible to step through a function instruction by
# instruction because it is special for some reason.) For these
# functions we will immediately do a step-out when we hit them.
triple = self.dbg.GetSelectedPlatform().GetTriple()
if re.match("arm-.*-.*-android", triple):
base_function_names = [
"_start", # Base function on the stack
"__memcpy_base", # Function reached by a fall through from the previous function
# Function reached by a fall through from the previous function
no_step_function_names = [
"__sync_fetch_and_add_4", # Calls into a special SO where we can't set a breakpoint
# Uses ldrex and strex what interferes with the software single
# stepping
# Uses ldrex and strex what interferes with the software single
# stepping
# Uses ldrex and strex what interferes with the software single
# stepping
elif re.match("aarch64-.*-.*-android", triple):
base_function_names = [
"do_arm64_start", # Base function on the stack
no_step_function_names = [
# Uses ldxr and stxr what interferes with the software single
# stepping
# Uses ldxr and stxr what interferes with the software single
# stepping
# Uses ldxr and stxr what interferes with the software single
# stepping
# Uses ldxr and stxr what interferes with the software single
# stepping
# Uses ldxr and stxr what interferes with the software single
# stepping
self.skipTest("No expectations for the current architecture")
exe = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe)
self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET)
process = target.LaunchSimple(
None, None, self.get_process_working_directory())
self.assertTrue(process is not None, "SBTarget.Launch() failed")
"The process didn't hit main")
index = 0
while process.GetState() == lldb.eStateStopped:
index += 1
if process.GetNumThreads() > 1:
# In case of a multi threaded inferior if one of the thread is stopped in a blocking
# syscall and we try to step it then
# SBThread::StepInstruction() will block forever
"Multi threaded inferiors are not supported by this test")
thread = process.GetThreadAtIndex(0)
if self.TraceOn():
print("INDEX: %u" % index)
for f in thread.frames:
if thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0).GetFunctionName() is not None:
found_main = False
for f in thread.frames:
if f.GetFunctionName() in base_function_names:
found_main = True
"Main function isn't found on the backtrace")
if thread.GetFrameAtIndex(
0).GetFunctionName() in no_step_function_names:
# Collect source files in the specified directories
test_source_files = set([])
for d in test_source_dirs:
if os.path.isabs(d):
dirname = d
dirname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), d)
for root, _, files in os.walk(dirname):
test_source_files = test_source_files | set(
os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, f)) for f in files)
# Generate test cases based on the collected source files
for f in test_source_files:
if f.endswith(".cpp") or f.endswith(".c"):
"Skip this long running test")
def test_function_dwarf(self, f=f):
if f.endswith(".cpp"):
d = {'CXX_SOURCES': f}
elif f.endswith(".c"):
d = {'C_SOURCES': f}
# If we can't compile the inferior just skip the test instead of failing it.
# It makes the test suit more robust when testing on several different architecture
# avoid the hassle of skipping tests manually.
if self.TraceOn():
self.skipTest("Inferior not supported")
test_name = "test_unwind_" + str(f)
for c in ".=()/\\":
test_name = test_name.replace(c, '_')
test_function_dwarf.__name__ = test_name