blob: 8c2e66141290a476152dbee38c77034d8f5a2514 [file] [log] [blame]
# NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
# RUN: llvm-mca -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-unknown -mcpu=haswell -iterations=1 -timeline -resource-pressure=false < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=HASWELL
# RUN: llvm-mca -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-unknown -mcpu=broadwell -iterations=1 -timeline -resource-pressure=false < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=BDWELL
# RUN: llvm-mca -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-unknown -mcpu=skylake -iterations=1 -timeline -resource-pressure=false < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=SKYLAKE
# RUN: llvm-mca -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-unknown -mcpu=btver2 -iterations=1 -timeline -resource-pressure=false < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=BTVER2
# RUN: llvm-mca -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-unknown -mcpu=znver1 -iterations=1 -timeline -resource-pressure=false < %s | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=ALL -check-prefix=ZNVER1
add %edi, %esi
bextrl %esi, (%rdi), %eax
# ALL: Iterations: 1
# ALL-NEXT: Instructions: 2
# BDWELL-NEXT: Total Cycles: 10
# BDWELL-NEXT: Dispatch Width: 4
# BDWELL-NEXT: Block RThroughput: 1.0
# BTVER2-NEXT: Total Cycles: 7
# BTVER2-NEXT: Dispatch Width: 2
# BTVER2-NEXT: IPC: 0.29
# BTVER2-NEXT: Block RThroughput: 1.0
# HASWELL-NEXT: Total Cycles: 10
# HASWELL-NEXT: Dispatch Width: 4
# HASWELL-NEXT: Block RThroughput: 1.0
# SKYLAKE-NEXT: Total Cycles: 10
# SKYLAKE-NEXT: Dispatch Width: 6
# SKYLAKE-NEXT: Block RThroughput: 0.7
# ZNVER1-NEXT: Total Cycles: 8
# ZNVER1-NEXT: Dispatch Width: 4
# ZNVER1-NEXT: IPC: 0.25
# ZNVER1-NEXT: Block RThroughput: 0.8
# ALL: Instruction Info:
# ALL-NEXT: [1]: #uOps
# ALL-NEXT: [2]: Latency
# ALL-NEXT: [3]: RThroughput
# ALL-NEXT: [4]: MayLoad
# ALL-NEXT: [5]: MayStore
# ALL-NEXT: [6]: HasSideEffects (U)
# ALL: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Instructions:
# BDWELL-NEXT: 1 1 0.25 addl %edi, %esi
# BDWELL-NEXT: 3 7 0.50 * bextrl %esi, (%rdi), %eax
# BTVER2-NEXT: 1 1 0.50 addl %edi, %esi
# BTVER2-NEXT: 1 4 1.00 * bextrl %esi, (%rdi), %eax
# HASWELL-NEXT: 1 1 0.25 addl %edi, %esi
# HASWELL-NEXT: 3 7 0.50 * bextrl %esi, (%rdi), %eax
# SKYLAKE-NEXT: 1 1 0.25 addl %edi, %esi
# SKYLAKE-NEXT: 3 7 0.50 * bextrl %esi, (%rdi), %eax
# ZNVER1-NEXT: 1 1 0.25 addl %edi, %esi
# ZNVER1-NEXT: 2 5 0.50 * bextrl %esi, (%rdi), %eax
# ALL: Timeline view:
# BDWELL-NEXT: Index 0123456789
# BTVER2-NEXT: Index 0123456
# HASWELL-NEXT: Index 0123456789
# SKYLAKE-NEXT: Index 0123456789
# ZNVER1-NEXT: Index 01234567
# BDWELL: [0,0] DeER . . addl %edi, %esi
# BDWELL-NEXT: [0,1] DeeeeeeeER bextrl %esi, (%rdi), %eax
# HASWELL: [0,0] DeER . . addl %edi, %esi
# HASWELL-NEXT: [0,1] DeeeeeeeER bextrl %esi, (%rdi), %eax
# SKYLAKE: [0,0] DeER . . addl %edi, %esi
# SKYLAKE-NEXT: [0,1] DeeeeeeeER bextrl %esi, (%rdi), %eax
# ZNVER1: [0,0] DeER . . addl %edi, %esi
# ZNVER1-NEXT: [0,1] DeeeeeER bextrl %esi, (%rdi), %eax
# BTVER2: [0,0] DeER .. addl %edi, %esi
# BTVER2-NEXT: [0,1] DeeeeER bextrl %esi, (%rdi), %eax
# ALL: Average Wait times (based on the timeline view):
# ALL-NEXT: [0]: Executions
# ALL-NEXT: [1]: Average time spent waiting in a scheduler's queue
# ALL-NEXT: [2]: Average time spent waiting in a scheduler's queue while ready
# ALL-NEXT: [3]: Average time elapsed from WB until retire stage
# ALL: [0] [1] [2] [3]
# ALL-NEXT: 0. 1 1.0 1.0 0.0 addl %edi, %esi
# ALL-NEXT: 1. 1 1.0 0.0 0.0 bextrl %esi, (%rdi), %eax