blob: 91d2c8e2d8c0b6b255bb42e231469e745d90f7ee [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- BenchmarkRunner.h ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// Defines the abstract BenchmarkRunner class for measuring a certain execution
/// property of instructions (e.g. latency).
#include "Assembler.h"
#include "BenchmarkResult.h"
#include "LlvmState.h"
#include "MCInstrDescView.h"
#include "RegisterAliasing.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCInst.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include <vector>
namespace exegesis {
// A class representing failures that happened during Benchmark, they are used
// to report informations to the user.
class BenchmarkFailure : public llvm::StringError {
BenchmarkFailure(const llvm::Twine &S);
// A collection of instructions that are to be assembled, executed and measured.
struct BenchmarkConfiguration {
// This code is run before the Snippet is iterated. Since it is part of the
// measurement it should be as short as possible. It is usually used to setup
// the content of the Registers.
struct Setup {
std::vector<unsigned> RegsToDef;
Setup SnippetSetup;
// The sequence of instructions that are to be repeated.
std::vector<llvm::MCInst> Snippet;
// Informations about how this configuration was built.
std::string Info;
// Common code for all benchmark modes.
class BenchmarkRunner {
explicit BenchmarkRunner(const LLVMState &State,
InstructionBenchmark::ModeE Mode);
virtual ~BenchmarkRunner();
run(unsigned Opcode, unsigned NumRepetitions);
// Given a snippet, computes which registers the setup code needs to define.
computeRegsToDef(const std::vector<InstructionInstance> &Snippet) const;
const LLVMState &State;
const RegisterAliasingTrackerCache RATC;
// Generates a single instruction prototype that has a self-dependency.
generateSelfAliasingPrototype(const Instruction &Instr) const;
// Generates a single instruction prototype without assignment constraints.
generateUnconstrainedPrototype(const Instruction &Instr,
llvm::StringRef Msg) const;
// API to be implemented by subclasses.
virtual llvm::Expected<SnippetPrototype>
generatePrototype(unsigned Opcode) const = 0;
virtual std::vector<BenchmarkMeasure>
runMeasurements(const ExecutableFunction &EF,
const unsigned NumRepetitions) const = 0;
// Internal helpers.
InstructionBenchmark runOne(const BenchmarkConfiguration &Configuration,
unsigned Opcode, unsigned NumRepetitions) const;
// Calls generatePrototype and expands the SnippetPrototype into one or more
// BenchmarkConfiguration.
generateConfigurations(unsigned Opcode) const;
writeObjectFile(const BenchmarkConfiguration::Setup &Setup,
llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::MCInst> Code) const;
const InstructionBenchmark::ModeE Mode;
} // namespace exegesis