blob: 3c8c87f4792c88b40212b8718d5db82747375086 [file] [log] [blame]
import itertools
import re
import types
from logger import get_logger
any_method = object()
class RouteTokenizer(object):
def literal(self, scanner, token):
return ("literal", token)
def slash(self, scanner, token):
return ("slash", None)
def group(self, scanner, token):
return ("group", token[1:-1])
def star(self, scanner, token):
return ("star", token[1:-3])
def scan(self, input_str):
scanner = re.Scanner([(r"/", self.slash),
(r"(?:\\.|[^{\*/])*", self.literal),])
return scanner.scan(input_str)
class RouteCompiler(object):
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.star_seen = False
def compile(self, tokens):
func_map = {"slash":self.process_slash,
re_parts = ["^"]
if not tokens or tokens[0][0] != "slash":
tokens = itertools.chain([("slash", None)], tokens)
for token in tokens:
if self.star_seen:
return re.compile("".join(re_parts))
def process_literal(self, token):
return re.escape(token[1])
def process_slash(self, token):
return "/"
def process_group(self, token):
if self.star_seen:
raise ValueError("Group seen after star in regexp")
return "(?P<%s>[^/]+)" % token[1]
def process_star(self, token):
if self.star_seen:
raise ValueError("Star seen after star in regexp")
self.star_seen = True
return "(.*"
def compile_path_match(route_pattern):
"""tokens: / or literal or match or *"""
tokenizer = RouteTokenizer()
tokens, unmatched = tokenizer.scan(route_pattern)
assert unmatched is "", unmatched
compiler = RouteCompiler()
return compiler.compile(tokens)
class Router(object):
"""Object for matching handler functions to requests.
:param doc_root: Absolute path of the filesystem location from
which to serve tests
:param routes: Initial routes to add; a list of three item tuples
(method, path_pattern, handler_function), defined
as for register()
def __init__(self, doc_root, routes):
self.doc_root = doc_root
self.routes = []
self.logger = get_logger()
for route in reversed(routes):
def register(self, methods, path, handler):
"""Register a handler for a set of paths.
:param methods: Set of methods this should match. "*" is a
special value indicating that all methods should
be matched.
:param path_pattern: Match pattern that will be used to determine if
a request path matches this route. Match patterns
consist of either literal text, match groups,
denoted {name}, which match any character except /,
and, at most one \*, which matches and character and
creates a match group to the end of the string.
If there is no leading "/" on the pattern, this is
automatically implied. For example::
Would match `/api/test/data.json` or
`/api/test/test2/data.json`, but not `/api/test/`.
The match groups are made available in the request object
as a dictionary through the route_match property. For
example, given the route pattern above and the path
`/api/test/data.json`, the route_match property would
{"resource": "test", "*": "data.json"}
:param handler: Function that will be called to process matching
requests. This must take two parameters, the request
object and the response object.
if type(methods) in types.StringTypes or methods in (any_method, "*"):
methods = [methods]
for method in methods:
self.routes.append((method, compile_path_match(path), handler))
self.logger.debug("Route pattern: %s" % self.routes[-1][1].pattern)
def get_handler(self, request):
"""Get a handler for a request or None if there is no handler.
:param request: Request to get a handler for.
:rtype: Callable or None
for method, regexp, handler in reversed(self.routes):
if (request.method == method or
method in (any_method, "*") or
(request.method == "HEAD" and method == "GET")):
m = regexp.match(request.url_parts.path)
if m:
if not hasattr(handler, "__class__"):
name = handler.__name__
name = handler.__class__.__name__
self.logger.debug("Found handler %s" % name)
match_parts = m.groupdict().copy()
if len(match_parts) < len(m.groups()):
match_parts["*"] = m.groups()[-1]
request.route_match = match_parts
return handler
return None