| ID=1 |
| CA_DIR=out |
| |
| [ca] |
| default_ca = ca_settings |
| preserve = yes |
| |
| [ca_settings] |
| dir = ${ENV::CA_DIR} |
| database = $dir/${ENV::ID}-index.txt |
| new_certs_dir = $dir |
| serial = $dir/${ENV::ID}-serial |
| certificate = $dir/${ENV::ID}.pem |
| private_key = $dir/${ENV::ID}.key |
| RANDFILE = $dir/rand |
| default_md = sha256 |
| default_days = 3650 |
| policy = policy_anything |
| unique_subject = no |
| copy_extensions = copy |
| |
| [policy_anything] |
| # Default signing policy |
| countryName = optional |
| stateOrProvinceName = optional |
| localityName = optional |
| organizationName = optional |
| organizationalUnitName = optional |
| commonName = optional |
| emailAddress = optional |
| |
| [req] |
| default_bits = 2048 |
| default_md = sha256 |
| string_mask = utf8only |
| prompt = no |
| encrypt_key = no |
| distinguished_name = req_env_dn |
| |
| [user_cert] |
| # Extensions to add when signing a request for an EE cert |
| basicConstraints = critical, CA:false |
| extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth,clientAuth |
| |
| [san_user_cert] |
| subjectAltName = email:santest@example.com,otherName:msUPN;UTF8:santest@ad.corp.example.com |
| |
| [ca_cert] |
| # Extensions to add when signing a request for an intermediate/CA cert |
| basicConstraints = critical, CA:true |
| keyUsage = critical, keyCertSign, cRLSign |
| |
| [req_env_dn] |