blob: c536e32dd3b03ee39c8352e5ee72a8e575ac0eb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "starboard/system.h"
#include <linux/limits.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstring>
#include "starboard/common/log.h"
#include "starboard/common/string.h"
#include "starboard/directory.h"
#include "starboard/user.h"
namespace {
const int kMaxPathSize = SB_FILE_MAX_PATH;
// Gets the path to the cache directory, using the user's home directory.
bool GetCacheDirectory(char* out_path, int path_size) {
char home_path[kMaxPathSize + 1];
if (!SbUserGetProperty(SbUserGetCurrent(), kSbUserPropertyHomeDirectory,
home_path, kMaxPathSize)) {
return false;
int result = SbStringFormatF(out_path, path_size, "%s/.cache", home_path);
if (result < 0 || result >= path_size) {
out_path[0] = '\0';
return false;
return SbDirectoryCreate(out_path);
// Gets the path to the storage directory, using the user's home directory.
bool GetStorageDirectory(char* out_path, int path_size) {
char home_path[kMaxPathSize + 1];
if (!SbUserGetProperty(SbUserGetCurrent(), kSbUserPropertyHomeDirectory,
home_path, kMaxPathSize)) {
return false;
int result =
SbStringFormatF(out_path, path_size, "%s/.cobalt_storage", home_path);
if (result < 0 || result >= path_size) {
out_path[0] = '\0';
return false;
return SbDirectoryCreate(out_path);
// Places up to |path_size| - 1 characters of the path to the current
// executable in |out_path|, ensuring it is NULL-terminated. Returns success
// status. The result being greater than |path_size| - 1 characters is a
// failure. |out_path| may be written to in unsuccessful cases.
bool GetExecutablePath(char* out_path, int path_size) {
if (path_size < 1) {
return false;
char path[kMaxPathSize + 1];
ssize_t bytes_read = readlink("/proc/self/exe", path, kMaxPathSize);
if (bytes_read < 1) {
return false;
path[bytes_read] = '\0';
if (bytes_read > path_size) {
return false;
SbStringCopy(out_path, path, path_size);
return true;
// Places up to |path_size| - 1 characters of the path to the directory
// containing the current executable in |out_path|, ensuring it is
// NULL-terminated. Returns success status. The result being greater than
// |path_size| - 1 characters is a failure. |out_path| may be written to in
// unsuccessful cases.
bool GetExecutableDirectory(char* out_path, int path_size) {
if (!GetExecutablePath(out_path, path_size)) {
return false;
char* last_slash =
const_cast<char *>(SbStringFindLastCharacter(out_path, '/'));
if (!last_slash) {
return false;
*last_slash = '\0';
return true;
// Gets only the name portion of the current executable.
bool GetExecutableName(char* out_path, int path_size) {
char path[kMaxPathSize] = {0};
if (!GetExecutablePath(path, kMaxPathSize)) {
return false;
const char* last_slash = SbStringFindLastCharacter(path, '/');
if (SbStringCopy(out_path, last_slash + 1, path_size) >= path_size) {
return false;
return true;
// Gets the path to a temporary directory that is unique to this process.
bool GetTemporaryDirectory(char* out_path, int path_size) {
char binary_name[kMaxPathSize] = {0};
if (!GetExecutableName(binary_name, kMaxPathSize)) {
return false;
int result = SbStringFormatF(out_path, path_size, "/tmp/%s-%d", binary_name,
if (result < 0 || result >= path_size) {
out_path[0] = '\0';
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
bool SbSystemGetPath(SbSystemPathId path_id, char* out_path, int path_size) {
if (!out_path || !path_size) {
return false;
const int kPathSize = SB_FILE_MAX_PATH;
char path[kPathSize];
path[0] = '\0';
switch (path_id) {
case kSbSystemPathContentDirectory:
if (!GetExecutableDirectory(path, kPathSize)) {
return false;
if (SbStringConcat(path, "/content", kPathSize) >= kPathSize) {
return false;
case kSbSystemPathCacheDirectory:
if (!GetCacheDirectory(path, kPathSize)) {
return false;
if (SbStringConcat(path, "/cobalt", kPathSize) >= kPathSize) {
return false;
if (!SbDirectoryCreate(path)) {
return false;
case kSbSystemPathDebugOutputDirectory:
if (!SbSystemGetPath(kSbSystemPathTempDirectory, path, kPathSize)) {
return false;
if (SbStringConcat(path, "/log", kPathSize) >= kPathSize) {
return false;
case kSbSystemPathTempDirectory:
if (!GetTemporaryDirectory(path, kPathSize)) {
return false;
case kSbSystemPathTestOutputDirectory:
return SbSystemGetPath(kSbSystemPathDebugOutputDirectory, out_path,
case kSbSystemPathExecutableFile:
return GetExecutablePath(out_path, path_size);
case kSbSystemPathFontConfigurationDirectory:
case kSbSystemPathFontDirectory:
return false;
case kSbSystemPathStorageDirectory:
if (!GetStorageDirectory(path, kPathSize)) {
return false;
SB_NOTIMPLEMENTED() << "SbSystemGetPath not implemented for "
<< path_id;
return false;
int length = SbStringGetLength(path);
if (length < 1 || length > path_size) {
return false;
SbStringCopy(out_path, path, path_size);
return true;