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<title>Response error</title>
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var invalidStatus = [0, 100, 199, 600, 1000];
invalidStatus.forEach(function(status) {
test(function() {
assert_throws(new RangeError() , function() { new Response("", { "status" : status }); },
"Expect RangeError exception when status is " + status);
},"Throws RangeError when responseInit's status is " + status);
var invalidStatusText = ["\n", "Ā"];
invalidStatusText.forEach(function(statusText) {
test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError() , function() { new Response("", { "statusText" : statusText }); },
"Expect TypeError exception " + statusText);
},"Throws TypeError when responseInit's statusText is " + statusText);
var nullBodyStatus = [204, 205, 304];
nullBodyStatus.forEach(function(status) {
test(function() {
assert_throws(new TypeError() ,
function() { new Response("body", {"status" : status }); },
"Expect TypeError exception ");
},"Throws TypeError when building a response with body and a body status of " + status);