blob: 5bb52e9beb5147fead5e1098ce65aa8d85a3dcfe [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL1.2 -emit-llvm -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -o - | FileCheck %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -cl-std=CL1.2 -emit-llvm -triple amdgcn-unknown-unknown -o - | FileCheck -check-prefixes=AMDGCN %s
// Test that the kernels always use the SPIR calling convention
// to have unambiguous mapping of arguments to feasibly implement
// clSetKernelArg().
typedef struct int_single {
int a;
} int_single;
typedef struct int_pair {
long a;
long b;
} int_pair;
typedef struct test_struct {
int elementA;
int elementB;
long elementC;
char elementD;
long elementE;
float elementF;
short elementG;
double elementH;
} test_struct;
kernel void test_single(int_single input, global int* output) {
// CHECK: spir_kernel
// AMDGCN: define amdgpu_kernel void @test_single
// CHECK: struct.int_single* byval nocapture
// CHECK: i32* nocapture %output
output[0] = input.a;
kernel void test_pair(int_pair input, global int* output) {
// CHECK: spir_kernel
// AMDGCN: define amdgpu_kernel void @test_pair
// CHECK: struct.int_pair* byval nocapture
// CHECK: i32* nocapture %output
output[0] = (int)input.a;
output[1] = (int)input.b;
kernel void test_kernel(test_struct input, global int* output) {
// CHECK: spir_kernel
// AMDGCN: define amdgpu_kernel void @test_kernel
// CHECK: struct.test_struct* byval nocapture
// CHECK: i32* nocapture %output
output[0] = input.elementA;
output[1] = input.elementB;
output[2] = (int)input.elementC;
output[3] = (int)input.elementD;
output[4] = (int)input.elementE;
output[5] = (int)input.elementF;
output[6] = (int)input.elementG;
output[7] = (int)input.elementH;
void test_function(int_pair input, global int* output) {
// CHECK-NOT: spir_kernel
// AMDGCN-NOT: define amdgpu_kernel void @test_function
// CHECK: i64 %input.coerce0, i64 %input.coerce1, i32* nocapture %output
output[0] = (int)input.a;
output[1] = (int)input.b;