blob: 5f3477b69ffdfbc622f148c9bc7629e48b3666e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Delegate calls from WebCore::MediaPlayerPrivate to Chrome's video player.
// It contains Pipeline which is the actual media player pipeline, it glues
// the media player pipeline, data source, audio renderer and renderer.
// Pipeline would creates multiple threads and access some public methods
// of this class, so we need to be extra careful about concurrent access of
// methods and members.
// WebMediaPlayerImpl works with multiple objects, the most important ones are:
// Pipeline
// The media playback pipeline.
// VideoRendererBase
// Video renderer object.
// WebMediaPlayerClient
// Client of this media player object.
// The following diagram shows the relationship of these objects:
// (note: ref-counted reference is marked by a "r".)
// WebMediaPlayerClient
// ^
// |
// WebMediaPlayerImpl ---> Pipeline
// | ^ |
// | | v r
// | | VideoRendererBase
// | | | ^ r
// | r | v r |
// '---> WebMediaPlayerProxy --'
// Notice that WebMediaPlayerProxy and VideoRendererBase are referencing each
// other. This interdependency has to be treated carefully.
// Other issues:
// During tear down of the whole browser or a tab, the DOM tree may not be
// destructed nicely, and there will be some dangling media threads trying to
// the main thread, so we need this class to listen to destruction event of the
// main thread and cleanup the media threads when the even is received. Also
// at destruction of this class we will need to unhook it from destruction event
// list of the main thread.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "cobalt/media/base/decoder_buffer.h"
#include "cobalt/media/base/demuxer.h"
#include "cobalt/media/base/eme_constants.h"
#include "cobalt/media/base/pipeline.h"
#include "cobalt/media/base/ranges.h"
#include "cobalt/media/player/web_media_player.h"
#include "cobalt/media/player/web_media_player_delegate.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
#if defined(OS_STARBOARD)
#endif // SB_HAS(PLAYER)
#endif // defined(OS_STARBOARD)
namespace cobalt {
namespace media {
class ChunkDemuxer;
class MediaLog;
class WebMediaPlayerProxy;
class WebMediaPlayerImpl : public WebMediaPlayer,
public MessageLoop::DestructionObserver,
public base::SupportsWeakPtr<WebMediaPlayerImpl> {
// Construct a WebMediaPlayerImpl with reference to the client, and media
// filter collection. By providing the filter collection the implementor can
// provide more specific media filters that does resource loading and
// rendering.
// WebMediaPlayerImpl comes packaged with the following media filters:
// - URL fetching
// - Demuxing
// - Software audio/video decoding
// - Video rendering
// Clients are expected to add their platform-specific audio rendering media
// filter if they wish to hear any sound coming out the speakers, otherwise
// audio data is discarded and media plays back based on wall clock time.
// When calling this, the |audio_source_provider| and
// |audio_renderer_sink| arguments should be the same object.
PipelineWindow window, WebMediaPlayerClient* client,
WebMediaPlayerDelegate* delegate,
DecoderBuffer::Allocator* buffer_allocator,
const scoped_refptr<ShellVideoFrameProvider>& video_frame_provider,
const scoped_refptr<MediaLog>& media_log);
~WebMediaPlayerImpl() OVERRIDE;
void LoadMediaSource() OVERRIDE;
void LoadProgressive(const GURL& url,
scoped_ptr<BufferedDataSource> data_source,
CORSMode cors_mode) OVERRIDE;
void CancelLoad() OVERRIDE;
// Playback controls.
void Play() OVERRIDE;
void Pause() OVERRIDE;
bool SupportsFullscreen() const OVERRIDE;
bool SupportsSave() const OVERRIDE;
void Seek(float seconds) OVERRIDE;
void SetEndTime(float seconds) OVERRIDE;
void SetRate(float rate) OVERRIDE;
void SetVolume(float volume) OVERRIDE;
void SetVisible(bool visible) OVERRIDE;
const Ranges<base::TimeDelta>& GetBufferedTimeRanges() OVERRIDE;
float GetMaxTimeSeekable() const OVERRIDE;
// Suspend/Resume
void Suspend() OVERRIDE;
void Resume() OVERRIDE;
// True if the loaded media has a playable video/audio track.
bool HasVideo() const OVERRIDE;
bool HasAudio() const OVERRIDE;
// Dimensions of the video.
gfx::Size GetNaturalSize() const OVERRIDE;
// Getters of playback state.
bool IsPaused() const OVERRIDE;
bool IsSeeking() const OVERRIDE;
float GetDuration() const OVERRIDE;
float GetCurrentTime() const OVERRIDE;
// Get rate of loading the resource.
int32 GetDataRate() const OVERRIDE;
// Internal states of loading and network.
// TODO(hclam): Ask the pipeline about the state rather than having reading
// them from members which would cause race conditions.
WebMediaPlayer::NetworkState GetNetworkState() const OVERRIDE;
WebMediaPlayer::ReadyState GetReadyState() const OVERRIDE;
bool DidLoadingProgress() const OVERRIDE;
bool HasSingleSecurityOrigin() const OVERRIDE;
bool DidPassCORSAccessCheck() const OVERRIDE;
float MediaTimeForTimeValue(float timeValue) const OVERRIDE;
unsigned GetDecodedFrameCount() const OVERRIDE;
unsigned GetDroppedFrameCount() const OVERRIDE;
unsigned GetAudioDecodedByteCount() const OVERRIDE;
unsigned GetVideoDecodedByteCount() const OVERRIDE;
scoped_refptr<ShellVideoFrameProvider> GetVideoFrameProvider() OVERRIDE;
SetBoundsCB GetSetBoundsCB() OVERRIDE;
// As we are closing the tab or even the browser, |main_loop_| is destroyed
// even before this object gets destructed, so we need to know when
// |main_loop_| is being destroyed and we can stop posting repaint task
// to it.
void WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop() OVERRIDE;
bool GetDebugReportDataAddress(void** out_address, size_t* out_size) OVERRIDE;
void SetDrmSystem(DrmSystem* drm_system) OVERRIDE;
void SetDrmSystemReadyCB(const DrmSystemReadyCB& drm_system_ready_cb);
void OnPipelineSeek(PipelineStatus status);
void OnPipelineEnded(PipelineStatus status);
void OnPipelineError(PipelineStatus error);
void OnPipelineBufferingState(Pipeline::BufferingState buffering_state);
void OnDemuxerOpened();
void SetOpaque(bool);
// Called when the data source is downloading or paused.
void OnDownloadingStatusChanged(bool is_downloading);
// Finishes starting the pipeline due to a call to load().
void StartPipeline(Demuxer* demuxer);
// Helpers that set the network/ready state and notifies the client if
// they've changed.
void SetNetworkState(WebMediaPlayer::NetworkState state);
void SetReadyState(WebMediaPlayer::ReadyState state);
// Destroy resources held.
void Destroy();
void GetMediaTimeAndSeekingState(base::TimeDelta* media_time,
bool* is_seeking) const;
void OnEncryptedMediaInitDataEncountered(
EmeInitDataType init_data_type, const std::vector<uint8_t>& init_data);
// Getter method to |client_|.
WebMediaPlayerClient* GetClient();
// Callbacks that forward duration change from |pipeline_| to |client_|.
void OnDurationChanged();
base::Thread pipeline_thread_;
// TODO(hclam): get rid of these members and read from the pipeline directly.
WebMediaPlayer::NetworkState network_state_;
WebMediaPlayer::ReadyState ready_state_;
// Keep a list of buffered time ranges.
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> buffered_;
// Message loops for posting tasks between Chrome's main thread. Also used
// for DCHECKs so methods calls won't execute in the wrong thread.
MessageLoop* main_loop_;
scoped_refptr<Pipeline> pipeline_;
// The currently selected key system. Empty string means that no key system
// has been selected.
std::string current_key_system_;
// Internal state of the WebMediaPlayer. Gathered in one struct to support
// serialization of this state in debug logs. This should not contain any
// sensitive or potentially PII.
struct WebMediaPlayerState {
: paused(true),
is_media_source(false) {}
// Playback state.
// TODO(scherkus): we have these because Pipeline favours the simplicity of
// a single "playback rate" over worrying about paused/stopped etc... It
// forces all clients to manage the pause+playback rate externally, but is
// that really a bad thing?
// TODO(scherkus): since SetPlaybackRate(0) is asynchronous and we don't
// want to hang the render thread during pause(), we record the time at the
// same time we pause and then return that value in currentTime().
// Otherwise our clock can creep forward a little bit while the asynchronous
// SetPlaybackRate(0) is being executed.
bool paused;
bool seeking;
float playback_rate;
base::TimeDelta paused_time;
// Seek gets pending if another seek is in progress. Only last pending seek
// will have effect.
bool pending_seek;
float pending_seek_seconds;
bool starting;
bool is_progressive;
bool is_media_source;
} state_;
WebMediaPlayerClient* client_;
WebMediaPlayerDelegate* delegate_;
DecoderBuffer::Allocator* buffer_allocator_;
scoped_refptr<ShellVideoFrameProvider> video_frame_provider_;
scoped_refptr<WebMediaPlayerProxy> proxy_;
scoped_refptr<MediaLog> media_log_;
bool incremented_externally_allocated_memory_;
bool is_local_source_;
bool supports_save_;
scoped_ptr<Demuxer> progressive_demuxer_;
scoped_ptr<ChunkDemuxer> chunk_demuxer_;
#if defined(__LB_ANDROID__)
AudioFocusBridge audio_focus_bridge_;
#endif // defined(__LB_ANDROID__)
// Suppresses calls to OnPipelineError() after destruction / shutdown has been
// started; prevents us from spuriously logging errors that are transient or
// unimportant.
bool suppress_destruction_errors_;
base::Callback<void(base::TimeDelta*, bool*)>
DrmSystemReadyCB drm_system_ready_cb_;
DrmSystem* drm_system_;
} // namespace media
} // namespace cobalt