blob: 705dbf5484a9438e12ed9a010d5a9ef6fed7762f [file] [log] [blame]
# #############################################################################
# Copyright (c) 2018-present lzutao <taolzu(at)>
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
# in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
# #############################################################################
lz4_root_dir = '../../../..'
lz4_includes = include_directories(join_paths(lz4_root_dir, 'programs'))
lz4_sources = [join_paths(lz4_root_dir, 'programs/bench.c'),
join_paths(lz4_root_dir, 'programs/datagen.c'),
join_paths(lz4_root_dir, 'programs/lz4cli.c'),
join_paths(lz4_root_dir, 'programs/lz4io.c')]
lz4_c_args = []
export_dynamic_on_windows = false
# explicit backtrace enable/disable for Linux & Darwin
if not use_backtrace
lz4_c_args += '-DBACKTRACE_ENABLE=0'
elif use_debug and host_machine_os == os_windows # MinGW target
lz4_c_args += '-DBACKTRACE_ENABLE=1'
export_dynamic_on_windows = true
lz4_deps = [ liblz4_dep ]
lz4 = executable('lz4',
include_directories: lz4_includes,
c_args: lz4_c_args,
dependencies: lz4_deps,
export_dynamic: export_dynamic_on_windows, # Since Meson 0.45.0
install: true)
# =============================================================================
# Programs and manpages installing
# =============================================================================
install_man(join_paths(lz4_root_dir, 'programs/lz4.1'))
InstallSymlink_py = '../'
lz4_man1_dir = join_paths(lz4_mandir, 'man1')
bin_EXT = host_machine_os == os_windows ? '.exe' : ''
man1_EXT = meson.version().version_compare('>=0.49.0') ? '.1' : '.1.gz'
foreach f : ['lz4c', 'lz4cat', 'unlz4']
meson.add_install_script(InstallSymlink_py, 'lz4' + bin_EXT, f + bin_EXT, lz4_bindir)
meson.add_install_script(InstallSymlink_py, 'lz4' + man1_EXT, f + man1_EXT, lz4_man1_dir)