blob: b5d0cc00246a8e4fb22bacf864af3fc1450107a0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This gypi file handles the removal of platform-specific files from the
# Skia build.
'include_dirs': [
'variables': {
'skia_support_pdf': '0',
'skia_zlib_static': '1',
# These two set the paths so we can include skia/gyp/core.gypi
'skia_src_path': '<(DEPTH)/third_party/skia/src',
'skia_include_path': '<(DEPTH)/third_party/skia/include',
'skia_modules_path': '<(DEPTH)/third_party/skia/modules',
# This list will contain all defines that also need to be exported to
# dependent components.
'skia_export_defines': [
# The |default_font_cache_limit| specifies the max size of the glyph cache,
# which contains path and metrics information for glyphs, before it will
# start purging entries. The current value matches the limit used by
# Android.
'default_font_cache_limit%': '(1*1024*1024)',
'conditions': [
['gl_type != "none"', {
'dependencies': [
['target_arch == "win"', {
'variables': {
'skia_export_defines': [
# Required define by Skia to take certain code paths, such
# as including windows.h in various places.
['clang == 1', {
'cflags': [
'defines': [
# skia uses static initializers to initialize the serialization logic
# of its "pictures" library. This is currently not used in Cobalt; if
# it ever gets used the processes that use it need to call
# SkGraphics::Init().
# ETC1 texture encoding is not supported in Cobalt by default.
# Use scalar portable implementations instead of Clang/GCC vector extensions
# in SkVx.h, as this causes an internal compiler error for raspi-2.
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'defines': [
# We would prefer this to be direct_dependent_settings,
# however we currently have no means to enforce that direct dependents
# re-export if they include Skia headers in their public headers.
'all_dependent_settings': {
'include_dirs': [
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [4244, 4267, 4341, 4345, 4390, 4554, 4748, 4800],