blob: 0cf8f3c449ecf51de18be54fff3de1454419978d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkArCamera_DEFINED
#define SkArCamera_DEFINED
#include <memory>
#include "SkArTrackingState.h"
class ArCamera;
class SkArFrame;
class SkArSession;
* Provides information about the camera that is used to capture images. Such information
* includes projection matrices, pose of camera...
class SkArCamera {
* Factory method used to construct an SkArCamera from the current frame, using the current
* session
* @param session raw pointer to the current SkArSession
* @param frame raw pointer to the current SkArFrame
* @return unique pointer to an SkArCamera. Never nullptr
static std::unique_ptr<SkArCamera> Make(SkArSession* session, SkArFrame* frame);
* Fills outColMajor with the values of the camera's current View matrix in column-major order
* @param session current SkArSession
* @param outColMajor 16-float array that will contain the View matrix content
void getViewMatrix(const SkArSession* session, float outColMajor[16]);
* Fills outColMajor with the values of the camera's current Projection matrix in
* column-major order
* @param session current SkArSession
* @param nearClip wanted near clip value for the camera
* @param farClip wanted far clip value for the camera
* @param outColMajor 16-float array that will contain the Projection matrix content
void getProjectionMatrix(const SkArSession* session, float nearClip, float farClip,
float outColMajor[16]);
* Used to check the current SkArTrackingState of the camera
* @param session current SkArSession
* @return tracking state of the SkArCamera described by the SkArTrackingState enum
SkArTrackingState getTrackingState(const SkArSession* session);
SkArCamera(SkArSession* session, SkArFrame* frame);
// This is a raw pointer. Its lifetime matches that of this class (SkArCamera)
ArCamera* fArCamera;
#endif // SkArCamera_DEFINED