blob: a627abd5499e60d25139d59e0a37affba1279b65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17, c++20
// Throwing bad_optional_access is supported starting in macosx10.13
// XFAIL: use_system_cxx_lib && target={{.+}}-apple-macosx10.{{9|10|11|12}} && !no-exceptions
// <optional>
// template<class F> constexpr auto and_then(F&&) &;
// template<class F> constexpr auto and_then(F&&) &&;
// template<class F> constexpr auto and_then(F&&) const&;
// template<class F> constexpr auto and_then(F&&) const&&;
#include <cassert>
#include <optional>
#include "test_macros.h"
struct LVal {
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(int&) { return 1; }
std::optional<int> operator()(const int&) = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int&&) = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(const int&&) = delete;
struct CLVal {
std::optional<int> operator()(int&) = delete;
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(const int&) { return 1; }
std::optional<int> operator()(int&&) = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(const int&&) = delete;
struct RVal {
std::optional<int> operator()(int&) = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(const int&) = delete;
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(int&&) { return 1; }
std::optional<int> operator()(const int&&) = delete;
struct CRVal {
std::optional<int> operator()(int&) = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(const int&) = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int&&) = delete;
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(const int&&) { return 1; }
struct RefQual {
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(int) & { return 1; }
std::optional<int> operator()(int) const& = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int) && = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int) const&& = delete;
struct CRefQual {
std::optional<int> operator()(int) & = delete;
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(int) const& { return 1; }
std::optional<int> operator()(int) && = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int) const&& = delete;
struct RVRefQual {
std::optional<int> operator()(int) & = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int) const& = delete;
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(int) && { return 1; }
std::optional<int> operator()(int) const&& = delete;
struct RVCRefQual {
std::optional<int> operator()(int) & = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int) const& = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int) && = delete;
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(int) const&& { return 1; }
struct NOLVal {
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(int&) { return std::nullopt; }
std::optional<int> operator()(const int&) = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int&&) = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(const int&&) = delete;
struct NOCLVal {
std::optional<int> operator()(int&) = delete;
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(const int&) { return std::nullopt; }
std::optional<int> operator()(int&&) = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(const int&&) = delete;
struct NORVal {
std::optional<int> operator()(int&) = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(const int&) = delete;
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(int&&) { return std::nullopt; }
std::optional<int> operator()(const int&&) = delete;
struct NOCRVal {
std::optional<int> operator()(int&) = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(const int&) = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int&&) = delete;
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(const int&&) { return std::nullopt; }
struct NORefQual {
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(int) & { return std::nullopt; }
std::optional<int> operator()(int) const& = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int) && = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int) const&& = delete;
struct NOCRefQual {
std::optional<int> operator()(int) & = delete;
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(int) const& { return std::nullopt; }
std::optional<int> operator()(int) && = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int) const&& = delete;
struct NORVRefQual {
std::optional<int> operator()(int) & = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int) const& = delete;
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(int) && { return std::nullopt; }
std::optional<int> operator()(int) const&& = delete;
struct NORVCRefQual {
std::optional<int> operator()(int) & = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int) const& = delete;
std::optional<int> operator()(int) && = delete;
constexpr std::optional<int> operator()(int) const&& { return std::nullopt; }
struct NoCopy {
NoCopy() = default;
NoCopy(const NoCopy&) { assert(false); }
std::optional<int> operator()(const NoCopy&&) { return 1; }
struct NonConst {
std::optional<int> non_const() { return 1; }
constexpr void test_val_types() {
// Test & overload
// Without & qualifier on F's operator()
std::optional<int> i{0};
assert(i.and_then(LVal{}) == 1);
assert(i.and_then(NOLVal{}) == std::nullopt);
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(i.and_then(LVal{})), std::optional<int>);
//With & qualifier on F's operator()
std::optional<int> i{0};
RefQual l{};
assert(i.and_then(l) == 1);
NORefQual nl{};
assert(i.and_then(nl) == std::nullopt);
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(i.and_then(l)), std::optional<int>);
// Test const& overload
// Without & qualifier on F's operator()
const std::optional<int> i{0};
assert(i.and_then(CLVal{}) == 1);
assert(i.and_then(NOCLVal{}) == std::nullopt);
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(i.and_then(CLVal{})), std::optional<int>);
//With & qualifier on F's operator()
const std::optional<int> i{0};
const CRefQual l{};
assert(i.and_then(l) == 1);
const NOCRefQual nl{};
assert(i.and_then(nl) == std::nullopt);
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(i.and_then(l)), std::optional<int>);
// Test && overload
// Without & qualifier on F's operator()
std::optional<int> i{0};
assert(std::move(i).and_then(RVal{}) == 1);
assert(std::move(i).and_then(NORVal{}) == std::nullopt);
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(std::move(i).and_then(RVal{})), std::optional<int>);
//With & qualifier on F's operator()
std::optional<int> i{0};
assert(i.and_then(RVRefQual{}) == 1);
assert(i.and_then(NORVRefQual{}) == std::nullopt);
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(i.and_then(RVRefQual{})), std::optional<int>);
// Test const&& overload
// Without & qualifier on F's operator()
const std::optional<int> i{0};
assert(std::move(i).and_then(CRVal{}) == 1);
assert(std::move(i).and_then(NOCRVal{}) == std::nullopt);
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(std::move(i).and_then(CRVal{})), std::optional<int>);
//With & qualifier on F's operator()
const std::optional<int> i{0};
const RVCRefQual l{};
assert(i.and_then(std::move(l)) == 1);
const NORVCRefQual nl{};
assert(i.and_then(std::move(nl)) == std::nullopt);
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(i.and_then(std::move(l))), std::optional<int>);
// check that the lambda body is not instantiated during overload resolution
constexpr void test_sfinae() {
std::optional<NonConst> opt{};
auto l = [](auto&& x) { return x.non_const(); };
constexpr bool test() {
std::optional<int> opt{};
const auto& copt = opt;
const auto never_called = [](int) {
return std::optional<int>{};
std::optional<NoCopy> nc;
const auto& cnc = nc;
return true;
int main(int, char**) {
return 0;