blob: 1da1521733114bb24592dce62570d1e5f1f95466 [file] [log] [blame]
name: "skia"
"Skia is an open-source graphics library for drawing, geometries, and "
"images, with both hardware and software support. Cobalt most recently "
"updated its version of Skia from m79 to m97."
third_party {
url {
type: GIT
value: ""
version: "b4d28b2f35396ae4dd69338254415066629dfd25"
last_upgrade_date {
year: 2021
month: 12
day: 1
license_type: NOTICE
"The current nested third_party/skia_next/third_party/skia is used to "
"support existing include paths without significant modification and is a "
"temporary measure during migration."