blob: 3c3ebf486947aa49003038b09e755101696e9ee3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "cobalt/media/base/audio_bus.h"
#include "cobalt/media/base/audio_push_fifo.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace media {
namespace {
class AudioPushFifoTest : public testing::TestWithParam<int> {
AudioPushFifoTest() {}
~AudioPushFifoTest() override {}
int output_chunk_size() const { return GetParam(); }
void SetUp() final {
fifo_.reset(new AudioPushFifo(base::Bind(
&AudioPushFifoTest::ReceiveAndCheckNextChunk, base::Unretained(this))));
ASSERT_EQ(output_chunk_size(), fifo_->frames_per_buffer());
struct OutputChunkResult {
int num_frames;
float first_sample_value;
float last_sample_value;
int frame_delay;
// Returns the number of output chunks that should have been emitted given the
// number of input frames pushed so far.
size_t GetExpectedOutputChunks(int frames_pushed) const {
return static_cast<size_t>(frames_pushed / output_chunk_size());
// Returns the number of Push() calls to make in order to get at least 3
// output chunks.
int GetNumPushTestIterations(int input_chunk_size) const {
return 3 * std::max(1, output_chunk_size() / input_chunk_size);
// Repeatedly pushes constant-sized batches of input samples and checks that
// the input data is re-chunked correctly.
void RunSimpleRechunkTest(int input_chunk_size) {
const int num_iterations = GetNumPushTestIterations(input_chunk_size);
int sample_value = 0;
const std::unique_ptr<AudioBus> audio_bus =
AudioBus::Create(1, input_chunk_size);
for (int i = 0; i < num_iterations; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(GetExpectedOutputChunks(i * input_chunk_size), results_.size());
// Fill audio data with predictable values.
for (int j = 0; j < audio_bus->frames(); ++j)
audio_bus->channel(0)[j] = static_cast<float>(sample_value++);
// Note: AudioPushFifo has just called ReceiveAndCheckNextChunk() zero or
// more times.
EXPECT_EQ(GetExpectedOutputChunks(num_iterations * input_chunk_size),
// Confirm first and last sample values that have been output are the
// expected ones.
EXPECT_EQ(0.0f, results_.front().first_sample_value);
const float last_value_in_last_chunk = static_cast<float>(
GetExpectedOutputChunks(num_iterations * input_chunk_size) *
output_chunk_size() -
EXPECT_EQ(last_value_in_last_chunk, results_.back().last_sample_value);
// Confirm the expected frame delays for the first output chunk (or two).
if (input_chunk_size < output_chunk_size()) {
const int num_queued_before_first_output =
((output_chunk_size() - 1) / input_chunk_size) * input_chunk_size;
EXPECT_EQ(-num_queued_before_first_output, results_.front().frame_delay);
} else if (input_chunk_size >= output_chunk_size()) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, results_[0].frame_delay);
if (input_chunk_size >= 2 * output_chunk_size()) {
EXPECT_EQ(output_chunk_size(), results_[1].frame_delay);
} else {
const int num_remaining_after_first_output =
input_chunk_size - output_chunk_size();
EXPECT_EQ(-num_remaining_after_first_output, results_[1].frame_delay);
const size_t num_results_before_flush = results_.size();
const size_t num_results_after_flush = results_.size();
if (num_results_after_flush > num_results_before_flush) {
EXPECT_NE(0, results_.back().frame_delay);
EXPECT_LT(-output_chunk_size(), results_.back().frame_delay);
// Returns a "random" integer in the range [begin,end).
int GetRandomInRange(int begin, int end) {
const int len = end - begin;
const int rand_offset = (len == 0) ? 0 : (NextRandomInt() % (end - begin));
return begin + rand_offset;
std::unique_ptr<AudioPushFifo> fifo_;
std::vector<OutputChunkResult> results_;
// Called by |fifo_| to deliver another chunk of audio. Sanity checks
// the sample values are as expected, and without any dropped/duplicated, and
// adds a result to |results_|.
void ReceiveAndCheckNextChunk(const AudioBus& audio_bus, int frame_delay) {
OutputChunkResult result;
result.num_frames = audio_bus.frames();
result.first_sample_value =[0];
result.last_sample_value =[audio_bus.frames() - 1];
result.frame_delay = frame_delay;
// Check that each sample value is the previous sample value plus one.
for (int i = 1; i < audio_bus.frames(); ++i) {
const float expected_value = result.first_sample_value + i;
const float actual_value =[i];
if (actual_value != expected_value) {
if (actual_value == 0.0f) {
// This chunk is probably being emitted by a Flush(). If that's true
// then the frame_delay will be negative and the rest of the
// |audio_bus| should be all zeroes.
ASSERT_GT(0, frame_delay);
for (int j = i + 1; j < audio_bus.frames(); ++j)
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(expected_value, actual_value) << "Sample at offset " << i
<< " is incorrect.";
// Note: Not using base::RandInt() because it is horribly slow on debug
// builds. The following is a very simple, deterministic LCG:
int NextRandomInt() {
rand_seed_ = (1103515245 * rand_seed_ + 12345) % (1 << 31);
return static_cast<int>(rand_seed_);
uint32_t rand_seed_ = 0x7e110;
// Tests an atypical edge case: Push()ing one frame at a time.
TEST_P(AudioPushFifoTest, PushOneFrameAtATime) { RunSimpleRechunkTest(1); }
// Tests that re-chunking the audio from common platform input chunk sizes
// works.
TEST_P(AudioPushFifoTest, Push128FramesAtATime) { RunSimpleRechunkTest(128); }
TEST_P(AudioPushFifoTest, Push512FramesAtATime) { RunSimpleRechunkTest(512); }
// Tests that re-chunking the audio from common "10 ms" input chunk sizes
// works (44100 Hz * 10 ms = 441, and 48000 Hz * 10 ms = 480).
TEST_P(AudioPushFifoTest, Push441FramesAtATime) { RunSimpleRechunkTest(441); }
TEST_P(AudioPushFifoTest, Push480FramesAtATime) { RunSimpleRechunkTest(480); }
// Tests that re-chunking when input audio is provided in varying chunk sizes
// works.
TEST_P(AudioPushFifoTest, PushArbitraryNumbersOfFramesAtATime) {
// The loop below will run until both: 1) kMinNumIterations loops have
// occurred; and 2) there are at least 3 entries in |results_|.
const int kMinNumIterations = 30;
int sample_value = 0;
int frames_pushed_so_far = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kMinNumIterations || results_.size() < 3; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(GetExpectedOutputChunks(frames_pushed_so_far), results_.size());
// Create an AudioBus of a random length, populated with sample values.
const int input_chunk_size = GetRandomInRange(1, 1920);
const std::unique_ptr<AudioBus> audio_bus =
AudioBus::Create(1, input_chunk_size);
for (int j = 0; j < audio_bus->frames(); ++j)
audio_bus->channel(0)[j] = static_cast<float>(sample_value++);
// Note: AudioPushFifo has just called ReceiveAndCheckNextChunk() zero or
// more times.
frames_pushed_so_far += input_chunk_size;
EXPECT_EQ(GetExpectedOutputChunks(frames_pushed_so_far), results_.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0.0f, results_.front().first_sample_value);
const float last_value_in_last_chunk = static_cast<float>(
GetExpectedOutputChunks(frames_pushed_so_far) * output_chunk_size() - 1);
EXPECT_EQ(last_value_in_last_chunk, results_.back().last_sample_value);
const size_t num_results_before_flush = results_.size();
const size_t num_results_after_flush = results_.size();
if (num_results_after_flush > num_results_before_flush) {
EXPECT_NE(0, results_.back().frame_delay);
EXPECT_LT(-output_chunk_size(), results_.back().frame_delay);
// 1 ms output chunks at common sample rates.
16, // 16000 Hz
22, // 22050 Hz
44, // 44100 Hz
48, // 48000 Hz
// 10 ms output chunks at common sample rates.
160, // 16000 Hz
220, // 22050 Hz
441, // 44100 Hz
480, // 48000 Hz
// 60 ms output chunks at common sample rates.
960, // 16000 Hz
1323, // 22050 Hz
2646, // 44100 Hz
2880 // 48000 Hz
} // namespace
} // namespace media
} // namespace cobalt