| # Required table(s) are missing (e.g. OS/2 table). |
| AppleGothic.ttf |
| AppleMyungjo.ttf |
| ArialHB.ttf |
| ArialHBBold.ttf |
| Corsiva.ttf |
| CorsivaBold.ttf |
| InaiMathi.ttf |
| NISC18030.ttf |
| NewPeninimMT.ttf |
| NewPeninimMTBold.ttf |
| NewPeninimMTBoldInclined.ttf |
| NewPeninimMTInclined.ttf |
| Raanana.ttf |
| RaananaBold.ttf |
| |
| # The length field of a table is weird. |
| homa.ttf |
| nazli.ttf |
| titr.ttf |
| ume-tgc4.ttf |
| ume-tgs4.ttf |
| ume-tgc5.ttf |
| ume-tgs5.ttf |
| ume-tms3.ttf |
| |
| # Table(s) are not 4-byte aligned. |
| UnBatang.ttf |
| UnBom.ttf |
| UnDotum.ttf |
| UnGraphic.ttf |
| UnGungseo.ttf |
| UnJamoBatang.ttf |
| UnJamoDotum.ttf |
| UnJamoNovel.ttf |
| UnJamoSora.ttf |
| UnPenheulim.ttf |
| UnPen.ttf |
| UnPilgiBold.ttf |
| UnPilgi.ttf |
| UnShinmun.ttf |
| UnTaza.ttf |
| UnYetgul.ttf |
| |
| # Tables are not sorted by table tags. |
| f500.ttf |
| |
| # non-ASCII characters are used in a table tag |
| SyrCOMAdiabene.otf |
| SyrCOMAntioch.otf |
| SyrCOMBatnanBold.otf |
| SyrCOMBatnan.otf |
| SyrCOMCtesiphon.otf |
| SyrCOMJerusalemBold.otf |
| SyrCOMJerusalemItalic.otf |
| SyrCOMJerusalem.otf |
| SyrCOMJerusalemOutline.otf |
| SyrCOMKharput.otf |
| SyrCOMMalankara.otf |
| SyrCOMMardinBold.otf |
| SyrCOMMardin.otf |
| SyrCOMMidyat.otf |
| SyrCOMNisibin.otf |
| SyrCOMNisibinOutline.otf |
| SyrCOMQenNeshrin.otf |
| SyrCOMTalada.otf |
| SyrCOMTurAbdin.otf |
| SyrCOMUrhoyBold.otf |
| SyrCOMUrhoy.otf |
| |
| # Malformed SFNT table; unexpected entry selector |
| misakimn.ttf |
| misaki.ttf |
| |
| # Malformed CMAP table; Subtables are not sorted by platform ID |
| ani.ttf |
| Caliban.ttf |
| |
| # Malformed CMAP table; Entries in a 3-0-4 or 3-1-4 subtable are not sorted. |
| LucidaSansOblique.ttf |
| LucidaTypewriterOblique.ttf |
| bkai00mp.ttf |
| bsmi00lp.ttf |
| modelwor.ttf |
| |
| # Malformed CMAP table; "search range" in a 3-0-4 or 3-1-4 subtable are invalid. |
| cmmi10.ttf |
| cmsy10.ttf |
| msam10.ttf |
| |
| # Malformed CMAP table; The 3-10-12 table is too short. |
| BPG_Chveulebrivi.ttf |
| BPG_Chveulebrivi_bold.ttf |
| |
| # Unsupported CMAP table; ots doesn't support non-Unicode fonts. |
| Apple Symbols.ttf |
| 儷宋 Pro.ttf |
| 儷黑 Pro.ttf |
| 华文仿宋.ttf |
| 华文宋体.ttf |
| 华文楷体.ttf |
| 华文细黑.ttf |
| 华文黑体.ttf |
| |
| # Unsupported CMAP table; The Unicode BMP table is missing, while the UCS-4 table is available. |
| DroidSansJapanese.ttf |
| DroidSansFallback.ttf |
| |
| # Malformed GLYF table; The content of flags array and the lengths of xCoordinates, yCoordinates are inconsistent. |
| DecoTypeNaskh.ttf |
| |
| # Malformed POST table; A glyph index in the reserved area (>= 32768) is specified. |
| wqy-zenhei.ttf |
| unifont.ttf |
| |
| # Malformed HMTX table; The table is too short. |
| mona.ttf |
| |
| # CMAP glyph id is out of range. |
| Samyak-Oriya.ttf |
| |
| # Unsupported CFF table; "supplemental encoding" is not supported at the moment. This should be fixed in the future. |
| Walbf___.otf |
| |
| # GDEF MarkAttachClassDef offset is invalid. |
| ManchuFont.ttf |
| arianamu.ttf |
| summersby.ttf |