blob: 69fe8f1cd2d5817099b1dc1b4f1751c49968f784 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* PR time code. */
#include "vm/Time.h"
#include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h"
#include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h"
#ifdef SOLARIS
#define _REENTRANT 1
#include <string.h>
#if defined(STARBOARD)
#include "starboard/time.h"
// TODO: Don't include this on starboard.
#include <time.h>
#include "jstypes.h"
#include "jsutil.h"
#ifdef XP_WIN
#include <windef.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <crtdbg.h> /* for _CrtSetReportMode */
#include <mmsystem.h> /* for timeBegin/EndPeriod */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for _set_invalid_parameter_handler */
#include "prinit.h"
#ifdef XP_UNIX
#ifdef _SVID_GETTOD /* Defined only on Solaris, see Solaris <sys/types.h> */
extern int gettimeofday(struct timeval* tv);
#include <sys/time.h>
#endif /* XP_UNIX */
using mozilla::DebugOnly;
#if defined(STARBOARD)
// SbTime is in microseconds since the Starboard/Windows epoch, and PRMJ_Now
// should return microseconds since the Posix epoch.
return SbTimeToPosix(SbTimeGetNow());
#elif defined(XP_UNIX)
struct timeval tv;
#ifdef _SVID_GETTOD /* Defined only on Solaris, see Solaris <sys/types.h> */
gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
#endif /* _SVID_GETTOD */
return int64_t(tv.tv_sec) * PRMJ_USEC_PER_SEC + int64_t(tv.tv_usec);
// Returns the number of microseconds since the Unix epoch.
static double
FileTimeToUnixMicroseconds(const FILETIME& ft)
// Get the time in 100ns intervals.
int64_t t = (int64_t(ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | int64_t(ft.dwLowDateTime);
// The Windows epoch is around 1600. The Unix epoch is around 1970.
// Subtract the difference.
static const int64_t TimeToEpochIn100ns = 0x19DB1DED53E8000;
t -= TimeToEpochIn100ns;
// Divide by 10 to convert to microseconds.
return double(t) * 0.1;
struct CalibrationData {
double freq; /* The performance counter frequency */
double offset; /* The low res 'epoch' */
double timer_offset; /* The high res 'epoch' */
bool calibrated;
static CalibrationData calibration = { 0 };
static void
MOZ_ASSERT(calibration.freq > 0);
// By wrapping a timeBegin/EndPeriod pair of calls around this loop,
// the loop seems to take much less time (1 ms vs 15ms) on Vista.
FILETIME ft, ftStart;
do {
} while (memcmp(&ftStart, &ft, sizeof(ft)) == 0);
calibration.offset = FileTimeToUnixMicroseconds(ft);
calibration.timer_offset = double(now.QuadPart);
calibration.calibrated = true;
static const unsigned DataLockSpinCount = 4096;
static void (WINAPI* pGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime)(LPFILETIME) = nullptr;
memset(&calibration, 0, sizeof(calibration));
// According to the documentation, QueryPerformanceFrequency will never
// return false or return a non-zero frequency on systems that run
// Windows XP or later. Also, the frequency is fixed so we only have to
// query it once.
DebugOnly<BOOL> res = QueryPerformanceFrequency(&liFreq);
calibration.freq = double(liFreq.QuadPart);
MOZ_ASSERT(calibration.freq > 0.0);
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&calibration.data_lock, DataLockSpinCount);
// Windows 8 has a new API function we can use.
if (HMODULE h = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll")) {
pGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime =
(void (WINAPI*)(LPFILETIME))GetProcAddress(h, "GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime");
#define MUTEX_LOCK(m) EnterCriticalSection(m)
#define MUTEX_UNLOCK(m) LeaveCriticalSection(m)
#define MUTEX_SETSPINCOUNT(m, c) SetCriticalSectionSpinCount((m),(c))
// Please see bug 363258 for why the win32 timing code is so complex.
if (pGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime) {
// Windows 8 has a new API function that does all the work.
return int64_t(FileTimeToUnixMicroseconds(ft));
bool calibrated = false;
bool needsCalibration = !calibration.calibrated;
double cachedOffset = 0.0;
while (true) {
if (needsCalibration) {
// Recalibrate only if no one else did before us.
if (calibration.offset == cachedOffset) {
// Since calibration can take a while, make any other
// threads immediately wait.
MUTEX_SETSPINCOUNT(&calibration.data_lock, 0);
calibrated = true;
// Restore spin count.
MUTEX_SETSPINCOUNT(&calibration.data_lock, DataLockSpinCount);
// Calculate a low resolution time.
double lowresTime = FileTimeToUnixMicroseconds(ft);
// Grab high resolution time.
double highresTimerValue = double(now.QuadPart);
double highresTime = calibration.offset +
PRMJ_USEC_PER_SEC * (highresTimerValue - calibration.timer_offset) / calibration.freq;
cachedOffset = calibration.offset;
// Assume the NT kernel ticks every 15.6 ms. Unfortunately there's no
// good way to determine this (NtQueryTimerResolution is an undocumented
// API), but 15.6 ms seems to be the max possible value. Hardcoding 15.6
// means we'll recalibrate if the highres and lowres timers diverge by
// more than 30 ms.
static const double KernelTickInMicroseconds = 15625.25;
// Check for clock skew.
double diff = lowresTime - highresTime;
// For some reason that I have not determined, the skew can be
// up to twice a kernel tick. This does not seem to happen by
// itself, but I have only seen it triggered by another program
// doing some kind of file I/O. The symptoms are a negative diff
// followed by an equally large positive diff.
if (mozilla::Abs(diff) <= 2 * KernelTickInMicroseconds) {
// No detectable clock skew.
return int64_t(highresTime);
if (calibrated) {
// If we already calibrated once this instance, and the
// clock is still skewed, then either the processor(s) are
// wildly changing clockspeed or the system is so busy that
// we get switched out for long periods of time. In either
// case, it would be infeasible to make use of high
// resolution results for anything, so let's resort to old
// behavior for this call. It's possible that in the
// future, the user will want the high resolution timer, so
// we don't disable it entirely.
return int64_t(lowresTime);
// It is possible that when we recalibrate, we will return a
// value less than what we have returned before; this is
// unavoidable. We cannot tell the different between a
// faulty QueryPerformanceCounter implementation and user
// changes to the operating system time. Since we must
// respect user changes to the operating system time, we
// cannot maintain the invariant that never
// decreases; the old implementation has this behavior as
// well.
needsCalibration = true;
#ifdef XP_WIN
static void
PRMJ_InvalidParameterHandler(const wchar_t* expression,
const wchar_t* function,
const wchar_t* file,
unsigned int line,
uintptr_t pReserved)
/* empty */
/* Format a time value into a buffer. Same semantics as strftime() */
PRMJ_FormatTime(char* buf, int buflen, const char* fmt, PRMJTime* prtm)
size_t result = 0;
// Use this for Starboard until Internationalization API is enabled.
#if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_WIN) || defined(STARBOARD)
struct tm a;
int fake_tm_year = 0;
#ifdef XP_WIN
_invalid_parameter_handler oldHandler;
int oldReportMode;
memset(&a, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
a.tm_sec = prtm->tm_sec;
a.tm_min = prtm->tm_min;
a.tm_hour = prtm->tm_hour;
a.tm_mday = prtm->tm_mday;
a.tm_mon = prtm->tm_mon;
a.tm_wday = prtm->tm_wday;
* On systems where |struct tm| has members tm_gmtoff and tm_zone, we
* must fill in those values, or else strftime will return wrong results
* (e.g., bug 511726, bug 554338).
#if defined(HAVE_LOCALTIME_R) && defined(HAVE_TM_ZONE_TM_GMTOFF)
* Fill out |td| to the time represented by |prtm|, leaving the
* timezone fields zeroed out. localtime_r will then fill in the
* timezone fields for that local time according to the system's
* timezone parameters.
struct tm td;
memset(&td, 0, sizeof(td));
td.tm_sec = prtm->tm_sec;
td.tm_min = prtm->tm_min;
td.tm_hour = prtm->tm_hour;
td.tm_mday = prtm->tm_mday;
td.tm_mon = prtm->tm_mon;
td.tm_wday = prtm->tm_wday;
td.tm_year = prtm->tm_year - 1900;
td.tm_yday = prtm->tm_yday;
td.tm_isdst = prtm->tm_isdst;
time_t t = mktime(&td);
localtime_r(&t, &td);
a.tm_gmtoff = td.tm_gmtoff;
a.tm_zone = td.tm_zone;
* Years before 1900 and after 9999 cause strftime() to abort on Windows.
* To avoid that we replace it with FAKE_YEAR_BASE + year % 100 and then
* replace matching substrings in the strftime() result with the real year.
* Note that FAKE_YEAR_BASE should be a multiple of 100 to make 2-digit
* year formats (%y) work correctly (since we won't find the fake year
* in that case).
* e.g. new Date(1873, 0).toLocaleFormat('%Y %y') => "1873 73"
* See bug 327869.
#define FAKE_YEAR_BASE 9900
if (prtm->tm_year < 1900 || prtm->tm_year > 9999) {
fake_tm_year = FAKE_YEAR_BASE + prtm->tm_year % 100;
a.tm_year = fake_tm_year - 1900;
else {
a.tm_year = prtm->tm_year - 1900;
a.tm_yday = prtm->tm_yday;
a.tm_isdst = prtm->tm_isdst;
* Even with the above, SunOS 4 seems to detonate if tm_zone and tm_gmtoff
* are null. This doesn't quite work, though - the timezone is off by
* tzoff + dst. (And mktime seems to return -1 for the exact dst
* changeover time.)
#ifdef XP_WIN
oldHandler = _set_invalid_parameter_handler(PRMJ_InvalidParameterHandler);
oldReportMode = _CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ASSERT, 0);
result = strftime(buf, buflen, fmt, &a);
#ifdef XP_WIN
_CrtSetReportMode(_CRT_ASSERT, oldReportMode);
if (fake_tm_year && result) {
char real_year[16];
char fake_year[16];
size_t real_year_len;
size_t fake_year_len;
char* p;
sprintf(real_year, "%d", prtm->tm_year);
real_year_len = strlen(real_year);
sprintf(fake_year, "%d", fake_tm_year);
fake_year_len = strlen(fake_year);
/* Replace the fake year in the result with the real year. */
for (p = buf; (p = strstr(p, fake_year)); p += real_year_len) {
size_t new_result = result + real_year_len - fake_year_len;
if ((int)new_result >= buflen) {
return 0;
memmove(p + real_year_len, p + fake_year_len, strlen(p + fake_year_len));
memcpy(p, real_year, real_year_len);
result = new_result;
*(buf + result) = '\0';
return result;