blob: 754af95c9d01dc08cb7a6aa3edf34724e06dc870 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<title>Selectors: syntax of case-sensitivity attribute selector</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<div id=log></div>
<div id=test foo="BAR"></div>
<iframe id="quirks" src="resources/syntax-quirks.html"></iframe>
<iframe id="xml" src="resources/syntax-xml.xhtml"></iframe>
var valid = [
"[foo='BAR'] /* sanity check (valid) */",
"[foo='bar' i]",
"[foo=bar i]",
'[foo="bar" i]',
"[foo='bar'i ]",
"[foo='bar' i ]",
"[foo='bar' /**/ i]",
"[foo='bar' i /**/ ]",
"[foo='bar'\ti\t] /* \\t */",
"[foo='bar'\ni\n] /* \\n */",
"[foo='bar'\ri\r] /* \\r */",
"[foo='bar' \\i]",
"[foo='bar' \\69]",
"[foo~='bar' i]",
"[foo^='bar' i]",
"[foo$='bar' i]",
"[|foo='bar' i]",
"[*|foo='bar' i]",
var invalid = [
"[foo[ /* sanity check (invalid) */",
"[foo='bar' i i]",
"[foo='bar' I]",
"[foo i ='bar']",
"[foo= i 'bar']",
"[i foo='bar']",
"[foo='bar' i\u0000] /* \\0 */",
"[foo='bar' \u0130]",
"[foo='bar' \u0131]",
"[foo='bar' ii]",
"[foo='bar' ij]",
"[foo='bar' j]",
"[foo='bar' \\\\i]",
"[foo='bar' \\\\69]",
"[foo='bar' i()]",
"[foo='bar' i ()]",
"[foo='bar' () i]",
"[foo='bar' (i)]",
"[foo='bar' i []]",
"[foo='bar' [] i]",
"[foo='bar' [i]]",
"[foo='bar' i {}]",
"[foo='bar' {} i]",
"[foo='bar' {i}]",
"[foo='bar' 1i]",
"[foo='bar' 1]",
"[foo='bar' 'i']",
"[foo='bar' url(i)]",
"[foo='bar' ,i]",
"[foo='bar' i,]",
"[foo='bar' |i]",
"[foo='bar' \\|i]",
"[foo='bar' *|i]",
"[foo='bar' \\*|i]",
"[foo='bar' *]",
"[foo='bar' \\*]",
"[foo i]",
var mode = "standards mode";
onload = function() {
var quirks = document.getElementById('quirks').contentWindow;
var xml = document.getElementById('xml').contentWindow;
[window, quirks, xml].forEach(function(global) {
var style = global.document.getElementsByTagName('style')[0];
var elm = global.document.getElementById('test');
function clean_slate() {
style.textContent = '';
assert_equals(style.sheet.cssRules.length, 0, 'CSSOM was not empty for empty stylesheet');
assert_equals(global.getComputedStyle(elm).visibility, 'visible', 'computed style for empty stylesheet');
valid.forEach(function(s) {
test(function() {
style.textContent = s + ' { visibility:hidden }';
assert_equals(style.sheet.cssRules.length, 1, 'valid rule didn\'t parse into CSSOM');
assert_equals(global.getComputedStyle(elm).visibility, 'hidden', 'valid selector didn\'t match');
}, s + ' in ' + global.mode);
test(function() {
assert_equals(global.document.querySelector(s), elm, 'valid selector');
}, s + ' with querySelector in ' + global.mode);
invalid.forEach(function(s) {
test(function() {
style.textContent = s + ' { visibility:hidden }';
assert_equals(style.sheet.cssRules.length, 0, 'invalid rule parsed into CSSOM');
assert_equals(global.getComputedStyle(elm).visibility, 'visible', 'invalid selector matched');
}, s + ' in ' + global.mode);
test(function() {
// Should be TypeError but this is not widely implemented yet
// and this isn't intended to be a querySelector API conformance test.
assert_throws(null, function() {
}, 'invalid selector');
}, s + ' with querySelector in ' + global.mode);