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<title>Typed Arrays Test: ArrayBuffer properties</title>
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test(function () {
var intLen = 8;
var abuffer = new ArrayBuffer(intLen);
test(function () {
var len = abuffer.byteLength;
abuffer.byteLength = len + 1;
assert_equals(len, intLen, "the byteLength of ArrayBuffer");
assert_equals(abuffer.byteLength, len, "the byteLength of ArrayBuffer");
}, "Check if the byteLength is fixed at construction time and readonly");
test(function () {
var b = abuffer.slice(2);
assert_true(b instanceof ArrayBuffer, "Returns a new ArrayBuffer");
assert_equals(b.byteLength, intLen-2, "The byteLength of ArrayBuffer");
}, "Check if the new ArrayBuffer contains all bytes from begin to the end of this ArrayBuffer when the end is unspecified");
test(function () {
var b = abuffer.slice(2, 6);
assert_true(b instanceof ArrayBuffer, "Returns a new ArrayBuffer");
assert_equals(b.byteLength, 4, "The byteLength of ArrayBuffer");
}, "Check if the new ArrayBuffer contains the bytes from begin to the end of this ArrayBuffer when the end is specified");
test(function () {
b = abuffer.slice(2, 10);
assert_equals(b.byteLength, 6, "The byteLength of ArrayBuffer");
}, "Check if the slice range specified by the begin and end values is clamped to the valid index range for the current array");
test(function () {
var b = abuffer.slice(2, -1);
assert_equals(b.byteLength, 5, "The byteLength of ArrayBuffer");
b = abuffer.slice(-2, -1);
assert_equals(b.byteLength, 1, "The byteLength of ArrayBuffer");
}, "Check if it refers to an index from the end of the array when either begin or end is negative");
test(function () {
var b = abuffer.slice(4, 2);
assert_equals(b.byteLength, 0, "The byteLength of ArrayBuffer");
b = abuffer.slice(-1, -2);
assert_equals(b.byteLength, 0, "The byteLength of ArrayBuffer");
}, "Check if the length is clamped to zero when the computed length of the new ArrayBuffer is negative");
//static isView()
test(function () {
var int8a = new Int8Array(8);
assert_true(ArrayBuffer.isView(int8a), "The return value of ArrayBufferView.isView");
}, "Check if the isView returns true when the value is an object implementing the ArrayBufferView interface");
test(function () {
var arr = new Array(8);
assert_false(ArrayBuffer.isView(arr), "The return value of ArrayBufferView.isView");
}, "Check if the isView returns false when the value is an object not implementing the ArrayBufferView interface");