blob: b827b56c5d4750e1c8ae9f4b5aea2d0a95d02f74 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "cobalt/renderer/rasterizer/skia/text_shaper.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include "base/i18n/char_iterator.h"
#include "base/i18n/icu_string_conversions.h"
#include "cobalt/base/polymorphic_downcast.h"
#include "cobalt/base/unicode/character.h"
#include "cobalt/base/unicode/character_values.h"
#include "cobalt/renderer/rasterizer/skia/glyph_buffer.h"
#include "cobalt/renderer/rasterizer/skia/harfbuzz_font.h"
namespace cobalt {
namespace renderer {
namespace rasterizer {
namespace skia {
namespace {
// A simple implementation of FontProvider where a single font is always used.
class SingleFontFontProvider : public render_tree::FontProvider {
explicit SingleFontFontProvider(const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font>& font)
: font_(font) {}
const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font>& GetCharacterFont(
int32 utf32_character, render_tree::GlyphIndex* glyph_index) OVERRIDE {
*glyph_index = font_->GetGlyphForCharacter(utf32_character);
return font_;
scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font> font_;
void TryAddFontToUsedFonts(const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font>& font,
render_tree::FontVector* maybe_used_fonts) {
if (!maybe_used_fonts) {
// Verify that the font has not already been added to the used fonts, before
// adding it to the end.
for (int i = 0; i < maybe_used_fonts->size(); ++i) {
if ((*maybe_used_fonts)[i]->GetTypefaceId() == font->GetTypefaceId()) {
} // namespace
: local_glyph_array_size_(0), local_text_buffer_size_(0) {}
scoped_refptr<SkiaGlyphBuffer> TextShaper::CreateGlyphBuffer(
const char16* text_buffer, size_t text_length, const std::string& language,
bool is_rtl, render_tree::FontProvider* font_provider) {
math::RectF bounds;
SkTextBlobBuilder builder;
ShapeText(text_buffer, text_length, language, is_rtl, font_provider, &builder,
&bounds, NULL);
return make_scoped_refptr(new SkiaGlyphBuffer(bounds, &builder));
scoped_refptr<SkiaGlyphBuffer> TextShaper::CreateGlyphBuffer(
const std::string& utf8_string,
const scoped_refptr<render_tree::Font>& font) {
string16 utf16_string;
base::CodepageToUTF16(utf8_string, base::kCodepageUTF8,
SingleFontFontProvider font_provider(font);
return CreateGlyphBuffer(utf16_string.c_str(), utf16_string.size(), "en-US",
false, &font_provider);
float TextShaper::GetTextWidth(const char16* text_buffer, size_t text_length,
const std::string& language, bool is_rtl,
render_tree::FontProvider* font_provider,
render_tree::FontVector* maybe_used_fonts) {
return ShapeText(text_buffer, text_length, language, is_rtl, font_provider,
NULL, NULL, maybe_used_fonts);
float TextShaper::ShapeText(const char16* text_buffer, size_t text_length,
const std::string& language, bool is_rtl,
render_tree::FontProvider* font_provider,
SkTextBlobBuilder* maybe_builder,
math::RectF* maybe_bounds,
render_tree::FontVector* maybe_used_fonts) {
base::AutoLock lock(shaping_mutex_);
float total_width = 0;
VerticalBounds vertical_bounds;
// Only set |maybe_vertical_bounds| to a non-NULL value when |maybe_bounds| is
// non-NULL. Otherwise, the text bounds are not being calculated.
VerticalBounds* maybe_vertical_bounds =
maybe_bounds ? &vertical_bounds : NULL;
// Check for if the text contains a complex script, meaning that it requires
// HarfBuzz. If it does, then attempt to collect the scripts. In the event
// that this fails, fall back to the simple shaper.
ScriptRuns script_runs;
if (base::unicode::ContainsComplexScript(text_buffer, text_length) &&
CollectScriptRuns(text_buffer, text_length, font_provider,
&script_runs)) {
// If the direction is RTL, then reverse the script runs, so that the glyphs
// will be added in the correct order.
if (is_rtl) {
std::reverse(script_runs.begin(), script_runs.end());
for (int i = 0; i < script_runs.size(); ++i) {
ScriptRun& run = script_runs[i];
const char16* script_run_text_buffer = text_buffer + run.start_index;
// Check to see if the script run requires HarfBuzz. Because HarfBuzz
// shaping is much slower than simple shaping, we only want to run
// HarfBuzz shaping on the bare minimum possible, so any script run
// that doesn't contain complex scripts will be simply shaped.
if (base::unicode::ContainsComplexScript(script_run_text_buffer,
run.length)) {
ShapeComplexRun(script_run_text_buffer, run, language, is_rtl,
font_provider, maybe_builder, maybe_vertical_bounds,
maybe_used_fonts, &total_width);
} else {
ShapeSimpleRunWithDirection(script_run_text_buffer, run.length, is_rtl,
font_provider, maybe_builder,
maybe_vertical_bounds, maybe_used_fonts,
} else {
ShapeSimpleRunWithDirection(text_buffer, text_length, is_rtl, font_provider,
maybe_builder, maybe_vertical_bounds,
maybe_used_fonts, &total_width);
// If |maybe_bounds| has been provided, then update the width of the bounds
// with the total width of all of the shaped glyphs. The height is already
// correct.
if (maybe_bounds) {
*maybe_bounds = math::RectF(0, vertical_bounds.GetY(), total_width,
return total_width;
bool TextShaper::CollectScriptRuns(const char16* text_buffer,
size_t text_length,
render_tree::FontProvider* font_provider,
ScriptRuns* runs) {
// Initialize the next data with the first character. This allows us to avoid
// checking for the first character case within the while loop.
int32 next_character = base::unicode::NormalizeSpaces(
base::i18n::UTF16CharIterator(text_buffer, text_length).get());
render_tree::GlyphIndex next_glyph = render_tree::kInvalidGlyphIndex;
SkiaFont* next_font = base::polymorphic_downcast<SkiaFont*>(
font_provider->GetCharacterFont(next_character, &next_glyph).get());
UErrorCode error_code = U_ZERO_ERROR;
UScriptCode next_script = uscript_getScript(next_character, &error_code);
// If we're unable to determine the script of a character, we failed to
// successfully collect the script runs. Return failure.
if (U_FAILURE(error_code)) {
return false;
// Iterate for as long as the current index has not reached the end index.
unsigned int current_index = 0;
unsigned int end_index = text_length;
while (current_index < end_index) {
SkiaFont* current_font = next_font;
UScriptCode current_script = next_script;
// Create an iterator starting at the current index and containing the
// remaining length.
base::i18n::UTF16CharIterator iter(text_buffer + current_index,
end_index - current_index);
// Skip over the first character. It's already set as our current font
// and current script.
size_t next_index_offset = iter.array_pos();
for (; !iter.end(); iter.Advance(), next_index_offset = iter.array_pos()) {
// Normalize spaces within the current character, so that we are
// guaranteed that they will map to a consistent font and glyph.
next_character = base::unicode::NormalizeSpaces(iter.get());
if (next_character == base::unicode::kZeroWidthSpaceCharacter) {
// Check for mark characters. If this is a mark character and the current
// font contains a glyph for it, then simply add it to the current run.
// Doing so ensures that combining character sequences will be shaped in
// one font run if possible.
if ((U_GET_GC_MASK(next_character) & U_GC_M_MASK) &&
(current_font->GetGlyphForCharacter(next_character) !=
render_tree::kInvalidGlyphIndex)) {
next_font = base::polymorphic_downcast<SkiaFont*>(
font_provider->GetCharacterFont(next_character, &next_glyph).get());
next_script = uscript_getScript(next_character, &error_code);
// If we're unable to determine the script of a character, we failed to
// successfully collect the script runs. Return failure.
if (U_FAILURE(error_code)) {
return false;
// We've reached the end of the script run in two cases:
// 1. If the characters use different fonts.
// 2. If the characters use different scripts, the next script isn't
// inherited, and the next character doesn't support the current
// script.
if ((current_font->GetTypefaceId() != next_font->GetTypefaceId()) ||
((current_script != next_script) &&
(next_script != USCRIPT_INHERITED) &&
(!uscript_hasScript(next_character, current_script)))) {
// If the script is inherited, then simply retain the current script.
if (next_script == USCRIPT_INHERITED) {
next_script = current_script;
runs->push_back(ScriptRun(current_font, current_script, current_index,
// Update the index where we're starting the next script run.
current_index += next_index_offset;
return true;
void TextShaper::ShapeComplexRun(const char16* text_buffer,
const ScriptRun& script_run,
const std::string& language, bool is_rtl,
render_tree::FontProvider* font_provider,
SkTextBlobBuilder* maybe_builder,
VerticalBounds* maybe_vertical_bounds,
render_tree::FontVector* maybe_used_fonts,
float* total_width) {
TryAddFontToUsedFonts(script_run.font, maybe_used_fonts);
hb_font_t* harfbuzz_font = CreateHarfBuzzFont(script_run.font);
// Ensure that the local text buffer is large enough to hold the normalized
// string.
// Normalize the spaces in the run before providing it to HarfBuzz.
bool error = false;
unsigned int normalized_buffer_length = 0;
unsigned int buffer_position = 0;
while (buffer_position < script_run.length) {
UChar32 character;
U16_NEXT(text_buffer, buffer_position, script_run.length, character);
character = base::unicode::NormalizeSpacesInComplexScript(character);
U16_APPEND(local_text_buffer_.get(), normalized_buffer_length,
script_run.length, character, error);
// Create a HarfBuzz buffer and add the string to be shaped. The HarfBuzz
// buffer holds our text, run information to be used by the shaping engine,
// and the resulting glyph data.
hb_buffer_t* buffer = hb_buffer_create();
hb_buffer_add_utf16(buffer, (const uint16_t*)local_text_buffer_.get(),
normalized_buffer_length, 0, normalized_buffer_length);
hb_buffer_set_script(buffer, hb_icu_script_to_script(script_run.script));
hb_buffer_set_direction(buffer, is_rtl ? HB_DIRECTION_RTL : HB_DIRECTION_LTR);
buffer, hb_language_from_string(language.c_str(), language.length()));
// Shape the text.
hb_shape(harfbuzz_font, buffer, NULL, 0);
// Populate the run fields with the resulting glyph data in the buffer.
unsigned int glyph_count = 0;
hb_glyph_info_t* infos = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(buffer, &glyph_count);
hb_glyph_position_t* hb_positions =
hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(buffer, NULL);
// If |maybe_builder| has been provided, the allocate enough memory within
// the builder for the shaped glyphs.
const SkTextBlobBuilder::RunBuffer* run_buffer = NULL;
if (maybe_builder) {
SkPaint paint = script_run.font->GetSkPaint();
run_buffer = &(maybe_builder->allocRunPos(paint, glyph_count));
// Walk each of the shaped glyphs.
size_t pos_index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < glyph_count; ++i) {
DCHECK_LE(infos[i].codepoint, std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max());
// If |run_buffer| has been allocated, then we're populating it with the
// glyph and position data.
if (run_buffer) {
run_buffer->glyphs[i] = static_cast<uint16_t>(infos[i].codepoint);
run_buffer->pos[pos_index++] =
*total_width + SkFixedToScalar(hb_positions[i].x_offset);
run_buffer->pos[pos_index++] = -SkFixedToScalar(hb_positions[i].y_offset);
// If |maybe_vertical_bounds| has been provided, then we're updating it with
// the vertical bounds of all of the shaped glyphs.
if (maybe_vertical_bounds) {
const math::RectF& glyph_bounds =
float min_y =
glyph_bounds.y() - SkFixedToScalar(hb_positions[i].y_offset);
float max_y = min_y + glyph_bounds.height();
maybe_vertical_bounds->IncludeRange(min_y, max_y);
// Include the shaped glyph within the total width.
*total_width += SkFixedToFloat(hb_positions[i].x_advance);
void TextShaper::ShapeSimpleRunWithDirection(
const char16* text_buffer, size_t text_length, bool is_rtl,
render_tree::FontProvider* font_provider, SkTextBlobBuilder* maybe_builder,
VerticalBounds* maybe_vertical_bounds,
render_tree::FontVector* maybe_used_fonts, float* total_width) {
// If the text has an RTL direction and a builder was provided, then reverse
// the text. This ensures that the glyphs will appear in the proper order
// within the glyph buffer. The width and bounds do not rely on the direction
// of the text, so in the case where there is no builder, reversing the text
// is not necessary.
if (maybe_builder && is_rtl) {
// Ensure that the local text buffer is large enough to hold the reversed
// string.
// Both reverse the text and replace mirror characters so that characters
// such as parentheses will appear in the proper direction.
bool error = false;
unsigned int reversed_buffer_length = 0;
unsigned int buffer_position = text_length;
while (buffer_position > 0) {
UChar32 character;
U16_PREV(text_buffer, 0, buffer_position, character);
character = u_charMirror(character);
U16_APPEND(local_text_buffer_.get(), reversed_buffer_length, text_length,
character, error);
ShapeSimpleRun(local_text_buffer_.get(), reversed_buffer_length,
font_provider, maybe_builder, maybe_vertical_bounds,
maybe_used_fonts, total_width);
} else {
ShapeSimpleRun(text_buffer, text_length, font_provider, maybe_builder,
maybe_vertical_bounds, maybe_used_fonts, total_width);
void TextShaper::ShapeSimpleRun(const char16* text_buffer, size_t text_length,
render_tree::FontProvider* font_provider,
SkTextBlobBuilder* maybe_builder,
VerticalBounds* maybe_vertical_bounds,
render_tree::FontVector* maybe_used_fonts,
float* total_width) {
// If there's a builder (meaning that a glyph buffer is being generated), then
// ensure that the local arrays are large enough to hold all of the glyphs
// within the simple run.
if (maybe_builder) {
int glyph_count = 0;
SkiaFont* last_font = NULL;
// Walk through each character within the run.
for (base::i18n::UTF16CharIterator iter(text_buffer, text_length);
!iter.end(); iter.Advance()) {
// Retrieve the current character and normalize spaces and zero width
// spaces before processing it.
int32 character = base::unicode::NormalizeSpaces(iter.get());
render_tree::GlyphIndex glyph = render_tree::kInvalidGlyphIndex;
// If a space character is encountered, simply add to the width and continue
// on. As an optimization, we don't add space character glyphs to the glyph
// buffer.
if (character == base::unicode::kSpaceCharacter) {
*total_width += font_provider->GetCharacterFont(character, &glyph)
// If a zero width space character is encountered, simply continue on. It
// doesn't impact the width or shaping data.
} else if (character == base::unicode::kZeroWidthSpaceCharacter) {
// Look up the font and glyph for the current character.
SkiaFont* current_font = base::polymorphic_downcast<SkiaFont*>(
font_provider->GetCharacterFont(character, &glyph).get());
// If there's a builder (meaning that a glyph buffer is being generated),
// then we need to update the glyph buffer data for the new glyph.
if (maybe_builder) {
// If at least one glyph has previously been added and the typeface has
// changed, then the current run has ended and we need to add the run
// into the glyph buffer. Allocate space within the text blob for the
// glyphs and copy them into the blob.
if (glyph_count > 0 &&
last_font->GetTypefaceId() != current_font->GetTypefaceId()) {
TryAddFontToUsedFonts(last_font, maybe_used_fonts);
SkPaint paint = last_font->GetSkPaint();
const SkTextBlobBuilder::RunBuffer& buffer =
maybe_builder->allocRunPosH(paint, glyph_count, 0);
std::copy(&local_glyphs_[0], &local_glyphs_[0] + glyph_count,
std::copy(&local_positions_[0], &local_positions_[0] + glyph_count,
glyph_count = 0;
local_glyphs_[glyph_count] = glyph;
local_positions_[glyph_count] = *total_width;
const math::RectF& glyph_bounds = current_font->GetGlyphBounds(glyph);
*total_width += glyph_bounds.width();
// If |maybe_vertical_bounds| has been provided, then we're updating it with
// the vertical bounds of all of the shaped glyphs.
if (maybe_vertical_bounds) {
last_font = current_font;
// If there's a builder (meaning that a glyph buffer is being generated), and
// the at least one glyph was generated, then allocate space within the text
// blob for the glyphs and copy them into the blob.
if (maybe_builder && glyph_count > 0) {
TryAddFontToUsedFonts(last_font, maybe_used_fonts);
SkPaint paint = last_font->GetSkPaint();
const SkTextBlobBuilder::RunBuffer& buffer =
maybe_builder->allocRunPosH(paint, glyph_count, 0);
std::copy(&local_glyphs_[0], &local_glyphs_[0] + glyph_count,
std::copy(&local_positions_[0], &local_positions_[0] + glyph_count,
void TextShaper::EnsureLocalGlyphArraysHaveSize(size_t size) {
if (local_glyph_array_size_ < size) {
local_glyph_array_size_ = size;
local_glyphs_.reset(new render_tree::GlyphIndex[size]);
local_positions_.reset(new SkScalar[size]);
void TextShaper::EnsureLocalTextBufferHasSize(size_t size) {
if (local_text_buffer_size_ < size) {
local_text_buffer_size_ = size;
local_text_buffer_.reset(new char16[size]);
} // namespace skia
} // namespace rasterizer
} // namespace renderer
} // namespace cobalt