blob: a918f727e3877597387b37c456f5d4da62b69d5d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Harri Porten (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2003 Peter Kelly (
* Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
#include "config.h"
#include "ArrayPrototype.h"
#include "ButterflyInlines.h"
#include "CachedCall.h"
#include "CodeBlock.h"
#include "CopiedSpaceInlines.h"
#include "Interpreter.h"
#include "JIT.h"
#include "JSStringBuilder.h"
#include "JSStringJoiner.h"
#include "Lookup.h"
#include "ObjectPrototype.h"
#include "Operations.h"
#include "StringRecursionChecker.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
namespace JSC {
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncToString(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncToLocaleString(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncConcat(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncJoin(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncPop(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncPush(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncReverse(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncShift(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncSlice(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncSort(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncSplice(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncUnShift(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncEvery(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncForEach(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncSome(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncIndexOf(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncFilter(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncMap(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncReduce(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncReduceRight(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncLastIndexOf(ExecState*);
#include "ArrayPrototype.lut.h"
namespace JSC {
static inline bool isNumericCompareFunction(ExecState* exec, CallType callType, const CallData& callData)
if (callType != CallTypeJS)
return false;
FunctionExecutable* executable = callData.js.functionExecutable;
JSObject* error = executable->compileForCall(exec, callData.js.scope);
if (error)
return false;
return executable->generatedBytecodeForCall().isNumericCompareFunction();
// ------------------------------ ArrayPrototype ----------------------------
const ClassInfo ArrayPrototype::s_info = {"Array", JSArray::s_classinfo(), 0, ExecState::arrayPrototypeTable, CREATE_METHOD_TABLE(ArrayPrototype)};
/* Source for ArrayPrototype.lut.h
@begin arrayPrototypeTable 16
toString arrayProtoFuncToString DontEnum|Function 0
toLocaleString arrayProtoFuncToLocaleString DontEnum|Function 0
concat arrayProtoFuncConcat DontEnum|Function 1
join arrayProtoFuncJoin DontEnum|Function 1
pop arrayProtoFuncPop DontEnum|Function 0
push arrayProtoFuncPush DontEnum|Function 1
reverse arrayProtoFuncReverse DontEnum|Function 0
shift arrayProtoFuncShift DontEnum|Function 0
slice arrayProtoFuncSlice DontEnum|Function 2
sort arrayProtoFuncSort DontEnum|Function 1
splice arrayProtoFuncSplice DontEnum|Function 2
unshift arrayProtoFuncUnShift DontEnum|Function 1
every arrayProtoFuncEvery DontEnum|Function 1
forEach arrayProtoFuncForEach DontEnum|Function 1
some arrayProtoFuncSome DontEnum|Function 1
indexOf arrayProtoFuncIndexOf DontEnum|Function 1
lastIndexOf arrayProtoFuncLastIndexOf DontEnum|Function 1
filter arrayProtoFuncFilter DontEnum|Function 1
reduce arrayProtoFuncReduce DontEnum|Function 1
reduceRight arrayProtoFuncReduceRight DontEnum|Function 1
map arrayProtoFuncMap DontEnum|Function 1
ArrayPrototype* ArrayPrototype::create(ExecState* exec, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, Structure* structure)
ArrayPrototype* prototype = new (NotNull, allocateCell<ArrayPrototype>(*exec->heap())) ArrayPrototype(globalObject, structure);
return prototype;
// ECMA 15.4.4
ArrayPrototype::ArrayPrototype(JSGlobalObject* globalObject, Structure* structure)
: JSArray(globalObject->globalData(), structure, 0)
void ArrayPrototype::finishCreation(JSGlobalObject* globalObject)
JSGlobalData& globalData = globalObject->globalData();
bool ArrayPrototype::getOwnPropertySlot(JSCell* cell, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot)
return getStaticFunctionSlot<JSArray>(exec, ExecState::arrayPrototypeTable(exec), jsCast<ArrayPrototype*>(cell), propertyName, slot);
bool ArrayPrototype::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(JSObject* object, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
return getStaticFunctionDescriptor<JSArray>(exec, ExecState::arrayPrototypeTable(exec), jsCast<ArrayPrototype*>(object), propertyName, descriptor);
// ------------------------------ Array Functions ----------------------------
// Helper function
static JSValue getProperty(ExecState* exec, JSObject* obj, unsigned index)
PropertySlot slot(obj);
if (!obj->getPropertySlot(exec, index, slot))
return JSValue();
return slot.getValue(exec, index);
static void putProperty(ExecState* exec, JSObject* obj, PropertyName propertyName, JSValue value)
PutPropertySlot slot;
obj->methodTable()->put(obj, exec, propertyName, value, slot);
static unsigned argumentClampedIndexFromStartOrEnd(ExecState* exec, int argument, unsigned length, unsigned undefinedValue = 0)
JSValue value = exec->argument(argument);
if (value.isUndefined())
return undefinedValue;
double indexDouble = value.toInteger(exec);
if (indexDouble < 0) {
indexDouble += length;
return indexDouble < 0 ? 0 : static_cast<unsigned>(indexDouble);
return indexDouble > length ? length : static_cast<unsigned>(indexDouble);
// The shift/unshift function implement the shift/unshift behaviour required
// by the corresponding array prototype methods, and by splice. In both cases,
// the methods are operating an an array or array like object.
// header currentCount (remainder)
// [------][------------][-----------]
// header resultCount (remainder)
// [------][-----------][-----------]
// The set of properties in the range 'header' must be unchanged. The set of
// properties in the range 'remainder' (where remainder = length - header -
// currentCount) will be shifted to the left or right as appropriate; in the
// case of shift this must be removing values, in the case of unshift this
// must be introducing new values.
template<JSArray::ShiftCountMode shiftCountMode>
void shift(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObj, unsigned header, unsigned currentCount, unsigned resultCount, unsigned length)
ASSERT(currentCount > resultCount);
unsigned count = currentCount - resultCount;
ASSERT(header <= length);
ASSERT(currentCount <= (length - header));
if (isJSArray(thisObj)) {
JSArray* array = asArray(thisObj);
if (array->length() == length && asArray(thisObj)->shiftCount<shiftCountMode>(exec, header, count))
for (unsigned k = header; k < length - currentCount; ++k) {
unsigned from = k + currentCount;
unsigned to = k + resultCount;
PropertySlot slot(thisObj);
if (thisObj->getPropertySlot(exec, from, slot)) {
JSValue value = slot.getValue(exec, from);
if (exec->hadException())
thisObj->methodTable()->putByIndex(thisObj, exec, to, value, true);
if (exec->hadException())
} else if (!thisObj->methodTable()->deletePropertyByIndex(thisObj, exec, to)) {
throwTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("Unable to delete property."));
for (unsigned k = length; k > length - count; --k) {
if (!thisObj->methodTable()->deletePropertyByIndex(thisObj, exec, k - 1)) {
throwTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("Unable to delete property."));
template<JSArray::ShiftCountMode shiftCountMode>
void unshift(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObj, unsigned header, unsigned currentCount, unsigned resultCount, unsigned length)
ASSERT(resultCount > currentCount);
unsigned count = resultCount - currentCount;
ASSERT(header <= length);
ASSERT(currentCount <= (length - header));
// Guard against overflow.
if (count > (UINT_MAX - length)) {
if (isJSArray(thisObj)) {
JSArray* array = asArray(thisObj);
if (array->length() == length && array->unshiftCount<shiftCountMode>(exec, header, count))
for (unsigned k = length - currentCount; k > header; --k) {
unsigned from = k + currentCount - 1;
unsigned to = k + resultCount - 1;
PropertySlot slot(thisObj);
if (thisObj->getPropertySlot(exec, from, slot)) {
JSValue value = slot.getValue(exec, from);
if (exec->hadException())
thisObj->methodTable()->putByIndex(thisObj, exec, to, value, true);
} else if (!thisObj->methodTable()->deletePropertyByIndex(thisObj, exec, to)) {
throwTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("Unable to delete property."));
if (exec->hadException())
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncToString(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
// 1. Let array be the result of calling ToObject on the this value.
JSObject* thisObject = thisValue.toObject(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
// 2. Let func be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of array with argument "join".
JSValue function = JSValue(thisObject).get(exec, exec->propertyNames().join);
// 3. If IsCallable(func) is false, then let func be the standard built-in method Object.prototype.toString (
if (!function.isCell())
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "[object ", thisObject->methodTable()->className(thisObject), "]"));
CallData callData;
CallType callType = getCallData(function, callData);
if (callType == CallTypeNone)
return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, "[object ", thisObject->methodTable()->className(thisObject), "]"));
// 4. Return the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of func providing array as the this value and an empty arguments list.
if (!isJSArray(thisObject) || callType != CallTypeHost || callData.native.function != arrayProtoFuncJoin)
return JSValue::encode(call(exec, function, callType, callData, thisObject, exec->emptyList()));
JSArray* thisObj = asArray(thisValue);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
StringRecursionChecker checker(exec, thisObj);
if (JSValue earlyReturnValue = checker.earlyReturnValue())
return JSValue::encode(earlyReturnValue);
unsigned totalSize = length ? length - 1 : 0;
Vector<RefPtr<StringImpl>, 256> strBuffer(length);
bool allStrings8Bit = true;
for (unsigned k = 0; k < length; k++) {
JSValue element;
if (thisObj->canGetIndexQuickly(k))
element = thisObj->getIndexQuickly(k);
element = thisObj->get(exec, k);
if (element.isUndefinedOrNull())
String str = element.toWTFString(exec);
strBuffer[k] = str.impl();
totalSize += str.length();
allStrings8Bit = allStrings8Bit && str.is8Bit();
if (! {
if (exec->hadException())
if (!totalSize)
return JSValue::encode(jsEmptyString(exec));
if (allStrings8Bit) {
Vector<LChar> buffer;
if (!
return JSValue::encode(throwOutOfMemoryError(exec));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i)
if (RefPtr<StringImpl> rep = strBuffer[i])
buffer.append(rep->characters8(), rep->length());
ASSERT(buffer.size() == totalSize);
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, String::adopt(buffer)));
Vector<UChar> buffer;
if (!
return JSValue::encode(throwOutOfMemoryError(exec));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i)
if (RefPtr<StringImpl> rep = strBuffer[i])
buffer.append(rep->characters(), rep->length());
ASSERT(buffer.size() == totalSize);
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, String::adopt(buffer)));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncToLocaleString(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (!thisValue.inherits(JSArray::s_classinfo()))
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSObject* thisObj = asArray(thisValue);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
StringRecursionChecker checker(exec, thisObj);
if (JSValue earlyReturnValue = checker.earlyReturnValue())
return JSValue::encode(earlyReturnValue);
String separator(",", String::ConstructFromLiteral);
JSStringJoiner stringJoiner(separator, length);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < length; k++) {
JSValue element = thisObj->get(exec, k);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (!element.isUndefinedOrNull()) {
JSObject* o = element.toObject(exec);
JSValue conversionFunction = o->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().toLocaleString);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
String str;
CallData callData;
CallType callType = getCallData(conversionFunction, callData);
if (callType != CallTypeNone)
str = call(exec, conversionFunction, callType, callData, element, exec->emptyList()).toWTFString(exec);
str = element.toWTFString(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
return JSValue::encode(;
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncJoin(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
StringRecursionChecker checker(exec, thisObj);
if (JSValue earlyReturnValue = checker.earlyReturnValue())
return JSValue::encode(earlyReturnValue);
String separator;
if (!exec->argument(0).isUndefined())
separator = exec->argument(0).toWTFString(exec);
if (separator.isNull())
separator = String(",", String::ConstructFromLiteral);
JSStringJoiner stringJoiner(separator, length);
unsigned k = 0;
if (isJSArray(thisObj)) {
JSArray* array = asArray(thisObj);
for (; k < length; k++) {
if (!array->canGetIndexQuickly(k))
JSValue element = array->getIndexQuickly(k);
if (!element.isUndefinedOrNull())
for (; k < length; k++) {
JSValue element = thisObj->get(exec, k);
if (!element.isUndefinedOrNull())
return JSValue::encode(;
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncConcat(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
JSArray* arr = constructEmptyArray(exec, 0);
unsigned n = 0;
JSValue curArg = thisValue.toObject(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
size_t i = 0;
size_t argCount = exec->argumentCount();
while (1) {
if (curArg.inherits(JSArray::s_classinfo())) {
unsigned length = curArg.get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
JSObject* curObject = curArg.toObject(exec);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < length; ++k) {
JSValue v = getProperty(exec, curObject, k);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (v)
arr->putDirectIndex(exec, n, v);
} else {
arr->putDirectIndex(exec, n, curArg);
if (i == argCount)
curArg = (exec->argument(i));
arr->setLength(exec, n);
return JSValue::encode(arr);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncPop(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (isJSArray(thisValue))
return JSValue::encode(asArray(thisValue)->pop(exec));
JSObject* thisObj = thisValue.toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue result;
if (length == 0) {
putProperty(exec, thisObj, exec->propertyNames().length, jsNumber(length));
result = jsUndefined();
} else {
result = thisObj->get(exec, length - 1);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (!thisObj->methodTable()->deletePropertyByIndex(thisObj, exec, length - 1)) {
throwTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("Unable to delete property."));
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
putProperty(exec, thisObj, exec->propertyNames().length, jsNumber(length - 1));
return JSValue::encode(result);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncPush(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
if (isJSArray(thisValue) && exec->argumentCount() == 1) {
JSArray* array = asArray(thisValue);
array->push(exec, exec->argument(0));
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(array->length()));
JSObject* thisObj = thisValue.toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
for (unsigned n = 0; n < exec->argumentCount(); n++) {
// Check for integer overflow; where safe we can do a fast put by index.
if (length + n >= length)
thisObj->methodTable()->putByIndex(thisObj, exec, length + n, exec->argument(n), true);
else {
PutPropertySlot slot;
Identifier propertyName(exec, JSValue(static_cast<int64_t>(length) + static_cast<int64_t>(n)).toWTFString(exec));
thisObj->methodTable()->put(thisObj, exec, propertyName, exec->argument(n), slot);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue newLength(static_cast<int64_t>(length) + static_cast<int64_t>(exec->argumentCount()));
putProperty(exec, thisObj, exec->propertyNames().length, newLength);
return JSValue::encode(newLength);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncReverse(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
unsigned middle = length / 2;
for (unsigned k = 0; k < middle; k++) {
unsigned lk1 = length - k - 1;
JSValue obj2 = getProperty(exec, thisObj, lk1);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue obj = getProperty(exec, thisObj, k);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (obj2) {
thisObj->methodTable()->putByIndex(thisObj, exec, k, obj2, true);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
} else if (!thisObj->methodTable()->deletePropertyByIndex(thisObj, exec, k)) {
throwTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("Unable to delete property."));
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (obj) {
thisObj->methodTable()->putByIndex(thisObj, exec, lk1, obj, true);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
} else if (!thisObj->methodTable()->deletePropertyByIndex(thisObj, exec, lk1)) {
throwTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("Unable to delete property."));
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
return JSValue::encode(thisObj);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncShift(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue result;
if (length == 0) {
putProperty(exec, thisObj, exec->propertyNames().length, jsNumber(length));
result = jsUndefined();
} else {
result = thisObj->get(exec, 0);
shift<JSArray::ShiftCountForShift>(exec, thisObj, 0, 1, 0, length);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
putProperty(exec, thisObj, exec->propertyNames().length, jsNumber(length - 1));
return JSValue::encode(result);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncSlice(ExecState* exec)
// or
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
// We return a new array
JSArray* resObj = constructEmptyArray(exec, 0);
JSValue result = resObj;
unsigned begin = argumentClampedIndexFromStartOrEnd(exec, 0, length);
unsigned end = argumentClampedIndexFromStartOrEnd(exec, 1, length, length);
unsigned n = 0;
for (unsigned k = begin; k < end; k++, n++) {
JSValue v = getProperty(exec, thisObj, k);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (v)
resObj->putDirectIndex(exec, n, v);
resObj->setLength(exec, n);
return JSValue::encode(result);
inline JSValue getOrHole(JSObject* obj, ExecState* exec, unsigned propertyName)
PropertySlot slot(obj);
if (obj->getPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot))
return slot.getValue(exec, propertyName);
return JSValue();
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncSort(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (!length || exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(thisObj);
JSValue function = exec->argument(0);
CallData callData;
CallType callType = getCallData(function, callData);
if (thisObj->classInfo() == JSArray::s_classinfo() && !asArray(thisObj)->hasSparseMap() && !shouldUseSlowPut(thisObj->structure()->indexingType())) {
if (isNumericCompareFunction(exec, callType, callData))
asArray(thisObj)->sortNumeric(exec, function, callType, callData);
else if (callType != CallTypeNone)
asArray(thisObj)->sort(exec, function, callType, callData);
return JSValue::encode(thisObj);
// "Min" sort. Not the fastest, but definitely less code than heapsort
// or quicksort, and much less swapping than bubblesort/insertionsort.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length - 1; ++i) {
JSValue iObj = getOrHole(thisObj, exec, i);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
unsigned themin = i;
JSValue minObj = iObj;
for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < length; ++j) {
JSValue jObj = getOrHole(thisObj, exec, j);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
double compareResult;
if (!jObj)
compareResult = 1;
else if (!minObj)
compareResult = -1;
else if (jObj.isUndefined())
compareResult = 1; // don't check minObj because there's no need to differentiate == (0) from > (1)
else if (minObj.isUndefined())
compareResult = -1;
else if (callType != CallTypeNone) {
MarkedArgumentBuffer l;
compareResult = call(exec, function, callType, callData, jsUndefined(), l).toNumber(exec);
} else
compareResult = codePointCompareLessThan(jObj.toWTFStringInline(exec), minObj.toWTFStringInline(exec)) ? -1 : 1;
if (compareResult < 0) {
themin = j;
minObj = jObj;
// Swap themin and i
if (themin > i) {
if (minObj) {
thisObj->methodTable()->putByIndex(thisObj, exec, i, minObj, true);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
} else if (!thisObj->methodTable()->deletePropertyByIndex(thisObj, exec, i)) {
throwTypeError(exec, "Unable to delete property.");
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (iObj) {
thisObj->methodTable()->putByIndex(thisObj, exec, themin, iObj, true);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
} else if (!thisObj->methodTable()->deletePropertyByIndex(thisObj, exec, themin)) {
throwTypeError(exec, "Unable to delete property.");
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
return JSValue::encode(thisObj);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncSplice(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (!exec->argumentCount())
return JSValue::encode(constructEmptyArray(exec, 0));
unsigned begin = argumentClampedIndexFromStartOrEnd(exec, 0, length);
unsigned deleteCount = length - begin;
if (exec->argumentCount() > 1) {
double deleteDouble = exec->argument(1).toInteger(exec);
if (deleteDouble < 0)
deleteCount = 0;
else if (deleteDouble > length - begin)
deleteCount = length - begin;
deleteCount = static_cast<unsigned>(deleteDouble);
JSArray* resObj = JSArray::tryCreateUninitialized(exec->globalData(), exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->arrayStructureForIndexingTypeDuringAllocation(ArrayWithUndecided), deleteCount);
if (!resObj)
return JSValue::encode(throwOutOfMemoryError(exec));
JSValue result = resObj;
JSGlobalData& globalData = exec->globalData();
for (unsigned k = 0; k < deleteCount; k++) {
JSValue v = getProperty(exec, thisObj, k + begin);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
resObj->initializeIndex(globalData, k, v);
unsigned additionalArgs = std::max<int>(exec->argumentCount() - 2, 0);
if (additionalArgs < deleteCount) {
shift<JSArray::ShiftCountForSplice>(exec, thisObj, begin, deleteCount, additionalArgs, length);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
} else if (additionalArgs > deleteCount) {
unshift<JSArray::ShiftCountForSplice>(exec, thisObj, begin, deleteCount, additionalArgs, length);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
for (unsigned k = 0; k < additionalArgs; ++k) {
thisObj->methodTable()->putByIndex(thisObj, exec, k + begin, exec->argument(k + 2), true);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
putProperty(exec, thisObj, exec->propertyNames().length, jsNumber(length - deleteCount + additionalArgs));
return JSValue::encode(result);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncUnShift(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
unsigned nrArgs = exec->argumentCount();
if (nrArgs) {
unshift<JSArray::ShiftCountForShift>(exec, thisObj, 0, 0, nrArgs, length);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
for (unsigned k = 0; k < nrArgs; ++k) {
thisObj->methodTable()->putByIndex(thisObj, exec, k, exec->argument(k), true);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue result = jsNumber(length + nrArgs);
putProperty(exec, thisObj, exec->propertyNames().length, result);
return JSValue::encode(result);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncFilter(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue function = exec->argument(0);
CallData callData;
CallType callType = getCallData(function, callData);
if (callType == CallTypeNone)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSValue applyThis = exec->argument(1);
JSArray* resultArray = constructEmptyArray(exec, 0);
unsigned filterIndex = 0;
unsigned k = 0;
if (callType == CallTypeJS && isJSArray(thisObj)) {
JSFunction* f = jsCast<JSFunction*>(function);
JSArray* array = asArray(thisObj);
CachedCall cachedCall(exec, f, 3);
for (; k < length && !exec->hadException(); ++k) {
if (!array->canGetIndexQuickly(k))
JSValue v = array->getIndexQuickly(k);
cachedCall.setArgument(0, v);
cachedCall.setArgument(1, jsNumber(k));
cachedCall.setArgument(2, thisObj);
JSValue result =;
if (result.toBoolean(exec))
resultArray->putDirectIndex(exec, filterIndex++, v);
if (k == length)
return JSValue::encode(resultArray);
for (; k < length && !exec->hadException(); ++k) {
PropertySlot slot(thisObj);
if (!thisObj->getPropertySlot(exec, k, slot))
JSValue v = slot.getValue(exec, k);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
MarkedArgumentBuffer eachArguments;
JSValue result = call(exec, function, callType, callData, applyThis, eachArguments);
if (result.toBoolean(exec))
resultArray->putDirectIndex(exec, filterIndex++, v);
return JSValue::encode(resultArray);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncMap(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue function = exec->argument(0);
CallData callData;
CallType callType = getCallData(function, callData);
if (callType == CallTypeNone)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSValue applyThis = exec->argument(1);
JSArray* resultArray = constructEmptyArray(exec, 0, length);
unsigned k = 0;
if (callType == CallTypeJS && isJSArray(thisObj)) {
JSFunction* f = jsCast<JSFunction*>(function);
JSArray* array = asArray(thisObj);
CachedCall cachedCall(exec, f, 3);
for (; k < length && !exec->hadException(); ++k) {
if (UNLIKELY(!array->canGetIndexQuickly(k)))
cachedCall.setArgument(0, array->getIndexQuickly(k));
cachedCall.setArgument(1, jsNumber(k));
cachedCall.setArgument(2, thisObj);
resultArray->putDirectIndex(exec, k,;
for (; k < length && !exec->hadException(); ++k) {
PropertySlot slot(thisObj);
if (!thisObj->getPropertySlot(exec, k, slot))
JSValue v = slot.getValue(exec, k);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
MarkedArgumentBuffer eachArguments;
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue result = call(exec, function, callType, callData, applyThis, eachArguments);
resultArray->putDirectIndex(exec, k, result);
return JSValue::encode(resultArray);
// Documentation for these three is available at:
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncEvery(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue function = exec->argument(0);
CallData callData;
CallType callType = getCallData(function, callData);
if (callType == CallTypeNone)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSValue applyThis = exec->argument(1);
JSValue result = jsBoolean(true);
unsigned k = 0;
if (callType == CallTypeJS && isJSArray(thisObj)) {
JSFunction* f = jsCast<JSFunction*>(function);
JSArray* array = asArray(thisObj);
CachedCall cachedCall(exec, f, 3);
for (; k < length && !exec->hadException(); ++k) {
if (UNLIKELY(!array->canGetIndexQuickly(k)))
cachedCall.setArgument(0, array->getIndexQuickly(k));
cachedCall.setArgument(1, jsNumber(k));
cachedCall.setArgument(2, thisObj);
JSValue result =;
if (!result.toBoolean(exec))
return JSValue::encode(jsBoolean(false));
for (; k < length && !exec->hadException(); ++k) {
PropertySlot slot(thisObj);
if (!thisObj->getPropertySlot(exec, k, slot))
MarkedArgumentBuffer eachArguments;
eachArguments.append(slot.getValue(exec, k));
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
bool predicateResult = call(exec, function, callType, callData, applyThis, eachArguments).toBoolean(exec);
if (!predicateResult) {
result = jsBoolean(false);
return JSValue::encode(result);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncForEach(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue function = exec->argument(0);
CallData callData;
CallType callType = getCallData(function, callData);
if (callType == CallTypeNone)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSValue applyThis = exec->argument(1);
unsigned k = 0;
if (callType == CallTypeJS && isJSArray(thisObj)) {
JSFunction* f = jsCast<JSFunction*>(function);
JSArray* array = asArray(thisObj);
CachedCall cachedCall(exec, f, 3);
for (; k < length && !exec->hadException(); ++k) {
if (UNLIKELY(!array->canGetIndexQuickly(k)))
cachedCall.setArgument(0, array->getIndexQuickly(k));
cachedCall.setArgument(1, jsNumber(k));
cachedCall.setArgument(2, thisObj);;
for (; k < length && !exec->hadException(); ++k) {
PropertySlot slot(thisObj);
if (!thisObj->getPropertySlot(exec, k, slot))
MarkedArgumentBuffer eachArguments;
eachArguments.append(slot.getValue(exec, k));
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
call(exec, function, callType, callData, applyThis, eachArguments);
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncSome(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue function = exec->argument(0);
CallData callData;
CallType callType = getCallData(function, callData);
if (callType == CallTypeNone)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSValue applyThis = exec->argument(1);
JSValue result = jsBoolean(false);
unsigned k = 0;
if (callType == CallTypeJS && isJSArray(thisObj)) {
JSFunction* f = jsCast<JSFunction*>(function);
JSArray* array = asArray(thisObj);
CachedCall cachedCall(exec, f, 3);
for (; k < length && !exec->hadException(); ++k) {
if (UNLIKELY(!array->canGetIndexQuickly(k)))
cachedCall.setArgument(0, array->getIndexQuickly(k));
cachedCall.setArgument(1, jsNumber(k));
cachedCall.setArgument(2, thisObj);
JSValue result =;
if (result.toBoolean(exec))
return JSValue::encode(jsBoolean(true));
for (; k < length && !exec->hadException(); ++k) {
PropertySlot slot(thisObj);
if (!thisObj->getPropertySlot(exec, k, slot))
MarkedArgumentBuffer eachArguments;
eachArguments.append(slot.getValue(exec, k));
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
bool predicateResult = call(exec, function, callType, callData, applyThis, eachArguments).toBoolean(exec);
if (predicateResult) {
result = jsBoolean(true);
return JSValue::encode(result);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncReduce(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue function = exec->argument(0);
CallData callData;
CallType callType = getCallData(function, callData);
if (callType == CallTypeNone)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
unsigned i = 0;
JSValue rv;
if (!length && exec->argumentCount() == 1)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSArray* array = 0;
if (isJSArray(thisObj))
array = asArray(thisObj);
if (exec->argumentCount() >= 2)
rv = exec->argument(1);
else if (array && array->canGetIndexQuickly(0)) {
rv = array->getIndexQuickly(0);
i = 1;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
rv = getProperty(exec, thisObj, i);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (rv)
if (!rv)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
if (callType == CallTypeJS && array) {
CachedCall cachedCall(exec, jsCast<JSFunction*>(function), 4);
for (; i < length && !exec->hadException(); ++i) {
cachedCall.setArgument(0, rv);
JSValue v;
if (LIKELY(array->canGetIndexQuickly(i)))
v = array->getIndexQuickly(i);
break; // length has been made unsafe while we enumerate fallback to slow path
cachedCall.setArgument(1, v);
cachedCall.setArgument(2, jsNumber(i));
cachedCall.setArgument(3, array);
rv =;
if (i == length) // only return if we reached the end of the array
return JSValue::encode(rv);
for (; i < length && !exec->hadException(); ++i) {
JSValue prop = getProperty(exec, thisObj, i);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (!prop)
MarkedArgumentBuffer eachArguments;
rv = call(exec, function, callType, callData, jsUndefined(), eachArguments);
return JSValue::encode(rv);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncReduceRight(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
JSValue function = exec->argument(0);
CallData callData;
CallType callType = getCallData(function, callData);
if (callType == CallTypeNone)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
unsigned i = 0;
JSValue rv;
if (!length && exec->argumentCount() == 1)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSArray* array = 0;
if (isJSArray(thisObj))
array = asArray(thisObj);
if (exec->argumentCount() >= 2)
rv = exec->argument(1);
else if (array && array->canGetIndexQuickly(length - 1)) {
rv = array->getIndexQuickly(length - 1);
i = 1;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
rv = getProperty(exec, thisObj, length - i - 1);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (rv)
if (!rv)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
if (callType == CallTypeJS && array) {
CachedCall cachedCall(exec, jsCast<JSFunction*>(function), 4);
for (; i < length && !exec->hadException(); ++i) {
unsigned idx = length - i - 1;
cachedCall.setArgument(0, rv);
if (UNLIKELY(!array->canGetIndexQuickly(idx)))
break; // length has been made unsafe while we enumerate fallback to slow path
cachedCall.setArgument(1, array->getIndexQuickly(idx));
cachedCall.setArgument(2, jsNumber(idx));
cachedCall.setArgument(3, array);
rv =;
if (i == length) // only return if we reached the end of the array
return JSValue::encode(rv);
for (; i < length && !exec->hadException(); ++i) {
unsigned idx = length - i - 1;
JSValue prop = getProperty(exec, thisObj, idx);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (!prop)
MarkedArgumentBuffer eachArguments;
rv = call(exec, function, callType, callData, jsUndefined(), eachArguments);
return JSValue::encode(rv);
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncIndexOf(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
unsigned index = argumentClampedIndexFromStartOrEnd(exec, 1, length);
JSValue searchElement = exec->argument(0);
for (; index < length; ++index) {
JSValue e = getProperty(exec, thisObj, index);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (!e)
if (JSValue::strictEqual(exec, searchElement, e))
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(index));
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(-1));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL arrayProtoFuncLastIndexOf(ExecState* exec)
JSObject* thisObj = exec->hostThisValue().toObject(exec);
unsigned length = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().length).toUInt32(exec);
if (!length)
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(-1));
unsigned index = length - 1;
if (exec->argumentCount() >= 2) {
JSValue fromValue = exec->argument(1);
double fromDouble = fromValue.toInteger(exec);
if (fromDouble < 0) {
fromDouble += length;
if (fromDouble < 0)
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(-1));
if (fromDouble < length)
index = static_cast<unsigned>(fromDouble);
JSValue searchElement = exec->argument(0);
do {
ASSERT(index < length);
JSValue e = getProperty(exec, thisObj, index);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined());
if (!e)
if (JSValue::strictEqual(exec, searchElement, e))
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(index));
} while (index--);
return JSValue::encode(jsNumber(-1));
} // namespace JSC