blob: 24cb2d710cd61e5008523b917041336776fee26d [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "builtin/TestingFunctions.h"
#include "jsapi.h"
#include "jscntxt.h"
#include "jsfriendapi.h"
#include "jsgc.h"
#include "jsobj.h"
#include "jsprf.h"
#include "jswrapper.h"
#include "jit/AsmJS.h"
#include "vm/ForkJoin.h"
#include "vm/ObjectImpl-inl.h"
using namespace js;
using namespace JS;
using mozilla::ArrayLength;
static JSBool
GetBuildConfiguration(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
RootedObject info(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, NULL, NULL, NULL));
if (!info)
return false;
Value value;
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "rooting-analysis", &value))
return false;
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "exact-rooting", &value))
return false;
#ifdef DEBUG
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "debug", &value))
return false;
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "has-ctypes", &value))
return false;
#ifdef JS_CPU_X86
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "x86", &value))
return false;
#ifdef JS_CPU_X64
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "x64", &value))
return false;
#ifdef MOZ_ASAN
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "asan", &value))
return false;
#ifdef JS_GC_ZEAL
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "has-gczeal", &value))
return false;
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "threadsafe", &value))
return false;
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "more-deterministic", &value))
return false;
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "profiling", &value))
return false;
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "dtrace", &value))
return false;
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "trace-jscalls-api", &value))
return false;
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "incremental-gc", &value))
return false;
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "generational-gc", &value))
return false;
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "valgrind", &value))
return false;
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "oom-backtraces", &value))
return false;
value = BooleanValue(true);
value = BooleanValue(false);
if (!JS_SetProperty(cx, info, "parallelJS", &value))
return false;
*vp = ObjectValue(*info);
return true;
static JSBool
GC(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
* If the first argument is 'compartment', we collect any compartments
* previously scheduled for GC via schedulegc. If the first argument is an
* object, we collect the object's compartment (and any other compartments
* scheduled for GC). Otherwise, we collect all compartments.
JSBool compartment = false;
if (argc == 1) {
Value arg = vp[2];
if (arg.isString()) {
if (!JS_StringEqualsAscii(cx, arg.toString(), "compartment", &compartment))
return false;
} else if (arg.isObject()) {
compartment = true;
size_t preBytes = cx->runtime()->gcBytes;
if (compartment)
GCForReason(cx->runtime(), gcreason::API);
char buf[256] = { '\0' };
JS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "before %lu, after %lu\n",
(unsigned long)preBytes, (unsigned long)cx->runtime()->gcBytes);
JSString *str = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, buf);
if (!str)
return false;
*vp = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
return true;
static JSBool
MinorGC(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (args.get(0) == BooleanValue(true))
MinorGC(cx->runtime(), gcreason::API);
return true;
static const struct ParamPair {
const char *name;
JSGCParamKey param;
} paramMap[] = {
{"maxBytes", JSGC_MAX_BYTES },
{"maxMallocBytes", JSGC_MAX_MALLOC_BYTES},
{"gcBytes", JSGC_BYTES},
{"gcNumber", JSGC_NUMBER},
{"sliceTimeBudget", JSGC_SLICE_TIME_BUDGET}
static JSBool
GCParameter(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
JSString *str;
if (argc == 0) {
str = JS_ValueToString(cx, JSVAL_VOID);
} else {
str = JS_ValueToString(cx, vp[2]);
if (!str)
return JS_FALSE;
vp[2] = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
JSFlatString *flatStr = JS_FlattenString(cx, str);
if (!flatStr)
return false;
size_t paramIndex = 0;
for (;; paramIndex++) {
if (paramIndex == ArrayLength(paramMap)) {
"the first argument argument must be maxBytes, "
"maxMallocBytes, gcStackpoolLifespan, gcBytes or "
return false;
if (JS_FlatStringEqualsAscii(flatStr, paramMap[paramIndex].name))
JSGCParamKey param = paramMap[paramIndex].param;
if (argc == 1) {
uint32_t value = JS_GetGCParameter(cx->runtime(), param);
vp[0] = JS_NumberValue(value);
return true;
if (param == JSGC_NUMBER ||
param == JSGC_BYTES) {
JS_ReportError(cx, "Attempt to change read-only parameter %s",
return false;
uint32_t value;
if (!JS_ValueToECMAUint32(cx, vp[3], &value)) {
"the second argument must be convertable to uint32_t "
"with non-zero value");
return false;
if (param == JSGC_MAX_BYTES) {
uint32_t gcBytes = JS_GetGCParameter(cx->runtime(), JSGC_BYTES);
if (value < gcBytes) {
"attempt to set maxBytes to the value less than the current "
"gcBytes (%u)",
return false;
JS_SetGCParameter(cx->runtime(), param, value);
return true;
static JSBool
IsProxy(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc != 1) {
JS_ReportError(cx, "the function takes exactly one argument");
return false;
if (!args[0].isObject()) {
return true;
return true;
static JSBool
InternalConst(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
if (argc != 1) {
JS_ReportError(cx, "the function takes exactly one argument");
return false;
JSString *str = JS_ValueToString(cx, vp[2]);
if (!str)
return false;
JSFlatString *flat = JS_FlattenString(cx, str);
if (!flat)
return false;
if (JS_FlatStringEqualsAscii(flat, "MARK_STACK_LENGTH")) {
} else {
JS_ReportError(cx, "unknown const name");
return false;
return true;
static JSBool
GCPreserveCode(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc != 0) {
RootedObject callee(cx, &args.callee());
ReportUsageError(cx, callee, "Wrong number of arguments");
return JS_FALSE;
cx->runtime()->alwaysPreserveCode = true;
return JS_TRUE;
#ifdef JS_GC_ZEAL
static JSBool
GCZeal(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
uint32_t zeal, frequency = JS_DEFAULT_ZEAL_FREQ;
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc > 2) {
RootedObject callee(cx, &args.callee());
ReportUsageError(cx, callee, "Too many arguments");
return JS_FALSE;
if (!JS_ValueToECMAUint32(cx, argc < 1 ? JSVAL_VOID : args[0], &zeal))
return JS_FALSE;
if (argc >= 2)
if (!JS_ValueToECMAUint32(cx, args[1], &frequency))
return JS_FALSE;
JS_SetGCZeal(cx, (uint8_t)zeal, frequency);
return JS_TRUE;
static JSBool
ScheduleGC(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc != 1) {
RootedObject callee(cx, &args.callee());
ReportUsageError(cx, callee, "Wrong number of arguments");
return JS_FALSE;
if (args[0].isInt32()) {
/* Schedule a GC to happen after |arg| allocations. */
JS_ScheduleGC(cx, args[0].toInt32());
} else if (args[0].isObject()) {
/* Ensure that |zone| is collected during the next GC. */
Zone *zone = UncheckedUnwrap(&args[0].toObject())->zone();
} else if (args[0].isString()) {
/* This allows us to schedule atomsCompartment for GC. */
return JS_TRUE;
static JSBool
SelectForGC(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
JSRuntime *rt = cx->runtime();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
Value arg(JS_ARGV(cx, vp)[i]);
if (arg.isObject()) {
if (!rt->gcSelectedForMarking.append(&arg.toObject()))
return false;
return true;
static JSBool
VerifyPreBarriers(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc) {
RootedObject callee(cx, &args.callee());
ReportUsageError(cx, callee, "Too many arguments");
return JS_FALSE;
gc::VerifyBarriers(cx->runtime(), gc::PreBarrierVerifier);
return JS_TRUE;
static JSBool
VerifyPostBarriers(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
if (argc) {
RootedObject callee(cx, &JS_CALLEE(cx, vp).toObject());
ReportUsageError(cx, callee, "Too many arguments");
return JS_FALSE;
gc::VerifyBarriers(cx->runtime(), gc::PostBarrierVerifier);
return JS_TRUE;
static JSBool
GCState(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc != 0) {
RootedObject callee(cx, &args.callee());
ReportUsageError(cx, callee, "Too many arguments");
return false;
const char *state;
gc::State globalState = cx->runtime()->gcIncrementalState;
if (globalState == gc::NO_INCREMENTAL)
state = "none";
else if (globalState == gc::MARK)
state = "mark";
else if (globalState == gc::SWEEP)
state = "sweep";
JS_NOT_REACHED("Unobserveable global GC state");
JSString *str = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, state);
if (!str)
return false;
*vp = StringValue(str);
return true;
static JSBool
DeterministicGC(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc != 1) {
RootedObject callee(cx, &args.callee());
ReportUsageError(cx, callee, "Wrong number of arguments");
return JS_FALSE;
gc::SetDeterministicGC(cx, ToBoolean(vp[2]));
return JS_TRUE;
#endif /* JS_GC_ZEAL */
static JSBool
GCSlice(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
bool limit = true;
uint32_t budget = 0;
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc > 1) {
RootedObject callee(cx, &args.callee());
ReportUsageError(cx, callee, "Wrong number of arguments");
return JS_FALSE;
if (argc == 1) {
if (!JS_ValueToECMAUint32(cx, args[0], &budget))
return false;
} else {
limit = false;
GCDebugSlice(cx->runtime(), limit, budget);
return JS_TRUE;
static JSBool
ValidateGC(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc != 1) {
RootedObject callee(cx, &args.callee());
ReportUsageError(cx, callee, "Wrong number of arguments");
return JS_FALSE;
gc::SetValidateGC(cx, ToBoolean(vp[2]));
return JS_TRUE;
static JSBool
FullCompartmentChecks(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc != 1) {
RootedObject callee(cx, &args.callee());
ReportUsageError(cx, callee, "Wrong number of arguments");
return JS_FALSE;
gc::SetFullCompartmentChecks(cx, ToBoolean(vp[2]));
return JS_TRUE;
static JSBool
NondeterminsticGetWeakMapKeys(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc != 1) {
RootedObject callee(cx, &args.callee());
ReportUsageError(cx, callee, "Wrong number of arguments");
return false;
if (!args[0].isObject()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_NOT_EXPECTED_TYPE,
"nondeterministicGetWeakMapKeys", "WeakMap",
return false;
RootedObject arr(cx);
if (!JS_NondeterministicGetWeakMapKeys(cx, &args[0].toObject(), arr.address()))
return false;
if (!arr) {
JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_NOT_EXPECTED_TYPE,
"nondeterministicGetWeakMapKeys", "WeakMap",
return false;
return true;
struct JSCountHeapNode {
void *thing;
JSGCTraceKind kind;
JSCountHeapNode *next;
typedef HashSet<void *, PointerHasher<void *, 3>, SystemAllocPolicy> VisitedSet;
typedef struct JSCountHeapTracer {
JSTracer base;
VisitedSet visited;
JSCountHeapNode *traceList;
JSCountHeapNode *recycleList;
bool ok;
} JSCountHeapTracer;
static void
CountHeapNotify(JSTracer *trc, void **thingp, JSGCTraceKind kind)
JS_ASSERT(trc->callback == CountHeapNotify);
JSCountHeapTracer *countTracer = (JSCountHeapTracer *)trc;
void *thing = *thingp;
if (!countTracer->ok)
VisitedSet::AddPtr p = countTracer->visited.lookupForAdd(thing);
if (p)
if (!countTracer->visited.add(p, thing)) {
countTracer->ok = false;
JSCountHeapNode *node = countTracer->recycleList;
if (node) {
countTracer->recycleList = node->next;
} else {
node = js_pod_malloc<JSCountHeapNode>();
if (!node) {
countTracer->ok = false;
node->thing = thing;
node->kind = kind;
node->next = countTracer->traceList;
countTracer->traceList = node;
static const struct TraceKindPair {
const char *name;
int32_t kind;
} traceKindNames[] = {
{ "all", -1 },
{ "object", JSTRACE_OBJECT },
{ "string", JSTRACE_STRING },
static JSBool
CountHeap(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
jsval v;
int32_t traceKind;
JSString *str;
JSCountHeapTracer countTracer;
JSCountHeapNode *node;
size_t counter;
RootedValue startValue(cx, UndefinedValue());
if (argc > 0) {
v = JS_ARGV(cx, vp)[0];
startValue = v;
} else if (!JSVAL_IS_NULL(v)) {
"the first argument is not null or a heap-allocated "
return JS_FALSE;
traceKind = -1;
if (argc > 1) {
str = JS_ValueToString(cx, JS_ARGV(cx, vp)[1]);
if (!str)
return JS_FALSE;
JSFlatString *flatStr = JS_FlattenString(cx, str);
if (!flatStr)
return JS_FALSE;
for (size_t i = 0; ;) {
if (JS_FlatStringEqualsAscii(flatStr, traceKindNames[i].name)) {
traceKind = traceKindNames[i].kind;
if (++i == ArrayLength(traceKindNames)) {
JSAutoByteString bytes(cx, str);
if (!!bytes)
JS_ReportError(cx, "trace kind name '%s' is unknown", bytes.ptr());
return JS_FALSE;
JS_TracerInit(&countTracer.base, JS_GetRuntime(cx), CountHeapNotify);
if (!countTracer.visited.init()) {
return JS_FALSE;
countTracer.ok = true;
countTracer.traceList = NULL;
countTracer.recycleList = NULL;
if (startValue.isUndefined()) {
} else {
JS_CallValueTracer(&countTracer.base, startValue.address(), "root");
counter = 0;
while ((node = countTracer.traceList) != NULL) {
if (traceKind == -1 || node->kind == traceKind)
countTracer.traceList = node->next;
node->next = countTracer.recycleList;
countTracer.recycleList = node;
JS_TraceChildren(&countTracer.base, node->thing, node->kind);
while ((node = countTracer.recycleList) != NULL) {
countTracer.recycleList = node->next;
if (!countTracer.ok) {
return false;
*vp = JS_NumberValue((double) counter);
return true;
#ifdef DEBUG
static JSBool
OOMAfterAllocations(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (args.length() != 1) {
JS_ReportError(cx, "count argument required");
return false;
int32_t count;
if (!JS_ValueToInt32(cx, args[0], &count))
return false;
if (count <= 0) {
JS_ReportError(cx, "count argument must be positive");
return false;
OOM_maxAllocations = OOM_counter + count;
return true;
static unsigned finalizeCount = 0;
static void
finalize_counter_finalize(JSFreeOp *fop, JSObject *obj)
static JSClass FinalizeCounterClass = {
"FinalizeCounter", JSCLASS_IS_ANONYMOUS,
JS_PropertyStub, /* addProperty */
JS_DeletePropertyStub, /* delProperty */
JS_PropertyStub, /* getProperty */
JS_StrictPropertyStub, /* setProperty */
static JSBool
MakeFinalizeObserver(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
RootedObject scope(cx, JS_GetGlobalForScopeChain(cx));
if (!scope)
return false;
JSObject *obj = JS_NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, &FinalizeCounterClass, NULL, scope);
if (!obj)
return false;
*vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
return true;
static JSBool
FinalizeCount(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
*vp = INT_TO_JSVAL(finalizeCount);
return true;
static JSBool
DumpHeapComplete(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
const char *fileName = NULL;
JSAutoByteString fileNameBytes;
if (argc > 0) {
Value v = JS_ARGV(cx, vp)[0];
if (v.isString()) {
JSString *str = v.toString();
if (!fileNameBytes.encodeLatin1(cx, str))
return false;
fileName = fileNameBytes.ptr();
FILE *dumpFile;
if (!fileName) {
dumpFile = stdout;
} else {
dumpFile = fopen(fileName, "w");
if (!dumpFile) {
JS_ReportError(cx, "can't open %s", fileName);
return false;
js::DumpHeapComplete(JS_GetRuntime(cx), dumpFile);
return true;
static JSBool
Terminate(JSContext *cx, unsigned arg, jsval *vp)
return JS_FALSE;
static JSBool
EnableSPSProfilingAssertions(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc == 0 || !args[0].isBoolean()) {
RootedObject arg(cx, &args.callee());
ReportUsageError(cx, arg, "Must have one boolean argument");
return false;
static ProfileEntry stack[1000];
static uint32_t stack_size = 0;
SetRuntimeProfilingStack(cx->runtime(), stack, &stack_size, 1000);
return true;
static JSBool
DisableSPSProfiling(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
if (cx->runtime()->spsProfiler.installed())
return true;
static JSBool
DisplayName(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc == 0 || !args[0].isObject() || !args[0].toObject().is<JSFunction>()) {
RootedObject arg(cx, &args.callee());
ReportUsageError(cx, arg, "Must have one function argument");
return false;
JSFunction *fun = &args[0].toObject().as<JSFunction>();
JSString *str = fun->displayAtom();
vp->setString(str == NULL ? cx->runtime()->emptyString : str);
return true;
js::testingFunc_inParallelSection(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
// If we were actually *in* a parallel section, then this function
// would be inlined to TRUE in ion-generated code.
return true;
static JSObject *objectMetadataFunction = NULL;
static JSObject *
ShellObjectMetadataCallback(JSContext *cx)
Value thisv = UndefinedValue();
RootedValue rval(cx);
if (!Invoke(cx, thisv, ObjectValue(*objectMetadataFunction), 0, NULL, rval.address())) {
return NULL;
return rval.isObject() ? &rval.toObject() : NULL;
static JSBool
SetObjectMetadataCallback(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc == 0 || !args[0].isObject() || !args[0].toObject().is<JSFunction>()) {
if (objectMetadataFunction)
JS_RemoveObjectRoot(cx, &objectMetadataFunction);
objectMetadataFunction = NULL;
js::SetObjectMetadataCallback(cx, NULL);
return true;
if (!objectMetadataFunction && !JS_AddObjectRoot(cx, &objectMetadataFunction))
return false;
objectMetadataFunction = &args[0].toObject();
js::SetObjectMetadataCallback(cx, ShellObjectMetadataCallback);
return true;
static JSBool
SetObjectMetadata(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc != 2 || !args[0].isObject() || !args[1].isObject()) {
JS_ReportError(cx, "Both arguments must be objects");
return false;
RootedObject obj(cx, &args[0].toObject());
RootedObject metadata(cx, &args[1].toObject());
return SetObjectMetadata(cx, obj, metadata);
static JSBool
GetObjectMetadata(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (argc != 1 || !args[0].isObject()) {
JS_ReportError(cx, "Argument must be an object");
return false;
return true;
#ifndef JS_ION
js::IsAsmJSCompilationAvailable(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return true;
js::IsAsmJSModule(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return true;
js::IsAsmJSFunction(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return true;
static JSFunctionSpecWithHelp TestingFunctions[] = {
JS_FN_HELP("gc", ::GC, 0, 0,
"gc([obj] | 'compartment')",
" Run the garbage collector. When obj is given, GC only its compartment.\n"
" If 'compartment' is given, GC any compartments that were scheduled for\n"
" GC via schedulegc."),
JS_FN_HELP("minorgc", ::MinorGC, 0, 0,
" Run a minor collector on the Nursery. When overflow is true, marks the\n"
" store buffer as overflowed before collecting."),
JS_FN_HELP("gcparam", GCParameter, 2, 0,
"gcparam(name [, value])",
" Wrapper for JS_[GS]etGCParameter. The name is either maxBytes,\n"
" maxMallocBytes, gcBytes, gcNumber, or sliceTimeBudget."),
JS_FN_HELP("getBuildConfiguration", GetBuildConfiguration, 0, 0,
" Return an object describing some of the configuration options SpiderMonkey\n"
" was built with."),
JS_FN_HELP("countHeap", CountHeap, 0, 0,
"countHeap([start[, kind]])",
" Count the number of live GC things in the heap or things reachable from\n"
" start when it is given and is not null. kind is either 'all' (default) to\n"
" count all things or one of 'object', 'double', 'string', 'function'\n"
" to count only things of that kind."),
#ifdef DEBUG
JS_FN_HELP("oomAfterAllocations", OOMAfterAllocations, 1, 0,
" After 'count' js_malloc memory allocations, fail every following allocation\n"
" (return NULL)."),
JS_FN_HELP("makeFinalizeObserver", MakeFinalizeObserver, 0, 0,
" Get a special object whose finalization increases the counter returned\n"
" by the finalizeCount function."),
JS_FN_HELP("finalizeCount", FinalizeCount, 0, 0,
" Return the current value of the finalization counter that is incremented\n"
" each time an object returned by the makeFinalizeObserver is finalized."),
JS_FN_HELP("gcPreserveCode", GCPreserveCode, 0, 0,
" Preserve JIT code during garbage collections."),
#ifdef JS_GC_ZEAL
JS_FN_HELP("gczeal", GCZeal, 2, 0,
"gczeal(level, [period])",
" Specifies how zealous the garbage collector should be. Values for level:\n"
" 0: Normal amount of collection\n"
" 1: Collect when roots are added or removed\n"
" 2: Collect when memory is allocated\n"
" 3: Collect when the window paints (browser only)\n"
" 4: Verify pre write barriers between instructions\n"
" 5: Verify pre write barriers between paints\n"
" 6: Verify stack rooting\n"
" 7: Verify stack rooting (yes, it's the same as 6)\n"
" 8: Incremental GC in two slices: 1) mark roots 2) finish collection\n"
" 9: Incremental GC in two slices: 1) mark all 2) new marking and finish\n"
" 10: Incremental GC in multiple slices\n"
" 11: Verify post write barriers between instructions\n"
" 12: Verify post write barriers between paints\n"
" 13: Purge analysis state when memory is allocated\n"
" Period specifies that collection happens every n allocations.\n"),
JS_FN_HELP("schedulegc", ScheduleGC, 1, 0,
"schedulegc(num | obj)",
" If num is given, schedule a GC after num allocations.\n"
" If obj is given, schedule a GC of obj's compartment."),
JS_FN_HELP("selectforgc", SelectForGC, 0, 0,
"selectforgc(obj1, obj2, ...)",
" Schedule the given objects to be marked in the next GC slice."),
JS_FN_HELP("verifyprebarriers", VerifyPreBarriers, 0, 0,
" Start or end a run of the pre-write barrier verifier."),
JS_FN_HELP("verifypostbarriers", VerifyPostBarriers, 0, 0,
" Start or end a run of the post-write barrier verifier."),
JS_FN_HELP("gcstate", GCState, 0, 0,
" Report the global GC state."),
JS_FN_HELP("deterministicgc", DeterministicGC, 1, 0,
" If true, only allow determinstic GCs to run."),
JS_FN_HELP("gcslice", GCSlice, 1, 0,
" Run an incremental GC slice that marks about n objects."),
JS_FN_HELP("validategc", ValidateGC, 1, 0,
" If true, a separate validation step is performed after an incremental GC."),
JS_FN_HELP("fullcompartmentchecks", FullCompartmentChecks, 1, 0,
" If true, check for compartment mismatches before every GC."),
JS_FN_HELP("nondeterministicGetWeakMapKeys", NondeterminsticGetWeakMapKeys, 1, 0,
" Return an array of the keys in the given WeakMap."),
JS_FN_HELP("internalConst", InternalConst, 1, 0,
" Query an internal constant for the engine. See InternalConst source for\n"
" the list of constant names."),
JS_FN_HELP("isProxy", IsProxy, 1, 0,
" If true, obj is a proxy of some sort"),
JS_FN_HELP("dumpHeapComplete", DumpHeapComplete, 1, 0,
" Dump reachable and unreachable objects to a file."),
JS_FN_HELP("terminate", Terminate, 0, 0,
" Terminate JavaScript execution, as if we had run out of\n"
" memory or been terminated by the slow script dialog."),
JS_FN_HELP("enableSPSProfilingAssertions", EnableSPSProfilingAssertions, 1, 0,
" Enables SPS instrumentation and corresponding assertions. If 'slow' is\n"
" true, then even slower assertions are enabled for all generated JIT code.\n"
" When 'slow' is false, then instrumentation is enabled, but the slow\n"
" assertions are disabled."),
JS_FN_HELP("disableSPSProfiling", DisableSPSProfiling, 1, 0,
" Disables SPS instrumentation"),
JS_FN_HELP("displayName", DisplayName, 1, 0,
" Gets the display name for a function, which can possibly be a guessed or\n"
" inferred name based on where the function was defined. This can be\n"
" different from the 'name' property on the function."),
JS_FN_HELP("isAsmJSCompilationAvailable", IsAsmJSCompilationAvailable, 0, 0,
" Returns whether asm.js compilation is currently available or whether it is disabled\n"
" (e.g., by the debugger)."),
JS_FN_HELP("isAsmJSModule", IsAsmJSModule, 1, 0,
" Returns whether the given value is a function containing \"use asm\" that has been\n"
" validated according to the asm.js spec."),
JS_FN_HELP("isAsmJSFunction", IsAsmJSFunction, 1, 0,
" Returns whether the given value is a nested function in an asm.js module that has been\n"
" both compile- and link-time validated."),
JS_FN_HELP("inParallelSection", testingFunc_inParallelSection, 0, 0,
" True if this code is executing within a parallel section."),
JS_FN_HELP("setObjectMetadataCallback", SetObjectMetadataCallback, 1, 0,
" Specify function to supply metadata for all newly created objects."),
JS_FN_HELP("setObjectMetadata", SetObjectMetadata, 2, 0,
"setObjectMetadata(obj, metadataObj)",
" Change the metadata for an object."),
JS_FN_HELP("getObjectMetadata", GetObjectMetadata, 1, 0,
" Get the metadata for an object."),
js::DefineTestingFunctions(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj)
return JS_DefineFunctionsWithHelp(cx, obj, TestingFunctions);