blob: 78b5c08dd61a3c8e2f772b52a23cd3cc4035f63b [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef frontend_SourceNotes_h
#define frontend_SourceNotes_h
#include "jsprvtd.h"
namespace js {
* Source notes generated along with bytecode for decompiling and debugging.
* A source note is a uint8_t with 5 bits of type and 3 of offset from the pc
* of the previous note. If 3 bits of offset aren't enough, extended delta
* notes (SRC_XDELTA) consisting of 2 set high order bits followed by 6 offset
* bits are emitted before the next note. Some notes have operand offsets
* encoded immediately after them, in note bytes or byte-triples.
* Source Note Extended Delta
* +7-6-5-4-3+2-1-0+ +7-6-5+4-3-2-1-0+
* |note-type|delta| |1 1| ext-delta |
* +---------+-----+ +---+-----------+
* At most one "gettable" note (i.e., a note of type other than SRC_NEWLINE,
* SRC_COLSPAN, SRC_SETLINE, and SRC_XDELTA) applies to a given bytecode.
* NB: the js_SrcNoteSpec array in BytecodeEmitter.cpp is indexed by this
* enum, so its initializers need to match the order here.
* Don't forget to update XDR_BYTECODE_VERSION in vm/Xdr.h for all such
* incompatible source note or other bytecode changes.
enum SrcNoteType {
SRC_NULL = 0, /* terminates a note vector */
SRC_IF = 1, /* JSOP_IFEQ bytecode is from an if-then */
SRC_IF_ELSE = 2, /* JSOP_IFEQ bytecode is from an if-then-else */
SRC_COND = 3, /* JSOP_IFEQ is from conditional ?: operator */
SRC_FOR = 4, /* JSOP_NOP or JSOP_POP in for(;;) loop head */
SRC_WHILE = 5, /* JSOP_GOTO to for or while loop condition
from before loop, else JSOP_NOP at top of
do-while loop */
SRC_FOR_IN = 6, /* JSOP_GOTO to for-in loop condition from
before loop */
SRC_CONTINUE = 7, /* JSOP_GOTO is a continue */
SRC_BREAK = 8, /* JSOP_GOTO is a break */
SRC_BREAK2LABEL = 9, /* JSOP_GOTO for 'break label' */
SRC_SWITCHBREAK = 10, /* JSOP_GOTO is a break in a switch */
SRC_TABLESWITCH = 11, /* JSOP_TABLESWITCH, offset points to end of
switch */
SRC_CONDSWITCH = 12, /* JSOP_CONDSWITCH, 1st offset points to end of
switch, 2nd points to first JSOP_CASE */
SRC_NEXTCASE = 13, /* distance forward from one CASE in a
CONDSWITCH to the next */
SRC_ASSIGNOP = 14, /* += or another assign-op follows */
SRC_HIDDEN = 15, /* opcode shouldn't be decompiled */
SRC_CATCH = 16, /* catch block has guard */
/* All notes below here are "gettable". See SN_IS_GETTABLE below. */
SRC_COLSPAN = 17, /* number of columns this opcode spans */
SRC_NEWLINE = 18, /* bytecode follows a source newline */
SRC_SETLINE = 19, /* a file-absolute source line number note */
SRC_UNUSED20 = 20,
SRC_UNUSED21 = 21,
SRC_UNUSED22 = 22,
SRC_UNUSED23 = 23,
SRC_XDELTA = 24 /* 24-31 are for extended delta notes */
} // namespace js
#define SN_TYPE_BITS 5
#define SN_DELTA_BITS 3
#define SN_XDELTA_BITS 6
#define SN_MAKE_NOTE(sn,t,d) (*(sn) = (jssrcnote) \
(((t) << SN_DELTA_BITS) \
| ((d) & SN_DELTA_MASK)))
#define SN_MAKE_XDELTA(sn,d) (*(sn) = (jssrcnote) \
| ((d) & SN_XDELTA_MASK)))
#define SN_IS_XDELTA(sn) ((*(sn) >> SN_DELTA_BITS) >= SRC_XDELTA)
#define SN_TYPE(sn) ((js::SrcNoteType)(SN_IS_XDELTA(sn) \
: *(sn) >> SN_DELTA_BITS))
#define SN_SET_TYPE(sn,type) SN_MAKE_NOTE(sn, type, SN_DELTA(sn))
#define SN_DELTA(sn) ((ptrdiff_t)(SN_IS_XDELTA(sn) \
? *(sn) & SN_XDELTA_MASK \
: *(sn) & SN_DELTA_MASK))
#define SN_SET_DELTA(sn,delta) (SN_IS_XDELTA(sn) \
? SN_MAKE_XDELTA(sn, delta) \
: SN_MAKE_NOTE(sn, SN_TYPE(sn), delta))
#define SN_DELTA_LIMIT ((ptrdiff_t)JS_BIT(SN_DELTA_BITS))
* Offset fields follow certain notes and are frequency-encoded: an offset in
* [0,0x7f] consumes one byte, an offset in [0x80,0x7fffff] takes three, and
* the high bit of the first byte is set.
#define SN_3BYTE_OFFSET_FLAG 0x80
#define SN_3BYTE_OFFSET_MASK 0x7f
* Negative SRC_COLSPAN offsets are rare, but can arise with for(;;) loops and
* other constructs that generate code in non-source order. They can also arise
* due to failure to update pn->pn_pos.end to be the last child's end -- such
* failures are bugs to fix.
* Source note offsets in general must be non-negative and less than 0x800000,
* per the above SN_3BYTE_* definitions. To encode negative colspans, we bias
* them by the offset domain size and restrict non-negative colspans to less
* than half this domain.
#define SN_COLSPAN_DOMAIN ptrdiff_t(SN_3BYTE_OFFSET_FLAG << 16)
#define SN_MAX_OFFSET ((size_t)((ptrdiff_t)SN_3BYTE_OFFSET_FLAG << 16) - 1)
#define SN_LENGTH(sn) ((js_SrcNoteSpec[SN_TYPE(sn)].arity == 0) ? 1 \
: js_SrcNoteLength(sn))
#define SN_NEXT(sn) ((sn) + SN_LENGTH(sn))
/* A source note array is terminated by an all-zero element. */
#define SN_MAKE_TERMINATOR(sn) (*(sn) = SRC_NULL)
#define SN_IS_TERMINATOR(sn) (*(sn) == SRC_NULL)
struct JSSrcNoteSpec {
const char *name; /* name for disassembly/debugging output */
int8_t arity; /* number of offset operands */
extern JS_FRIEND_DATA(const JSSrcNoteSpec) js_SrcNoteSpec[];
extern JS_FRIEND_API(unsigned) js_SrcNoteLength(jssrcnote *sn);
* Get and set the offset operand identified by which (0 for the first, etc.).
extern JS_FRIEND_API(ptrdiff_t)
js_GetSrcNoteOffset(jssrcnote *sn, unsigned which);
#endif /* frontend_SourceNotes_h */