blob: 64ccfca8167b0425d618d24921e875de29e71b56 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "GlobalObject.h"
#include "jscntxt.h"
#include "jsdate.h"
#include "jsexn.h"
#include "jsfriendapi.h"
#include "jsmath.h"
#include "json.h"
#include "jsweakmap.h"
#include "builtin/Eval.h"
#include "builtin/Intl.h"
#include "builtin/MapObject.h"
#include "builtin/Object.h"
#include "builtin/RegExp.h"
#include "jscompartmentinlines.h"
#include "jsobjinlines.h"
#include "vm/GlobalObject-inl.h"
#include "vm/RegExpStatics-inl.h"
using namespace js;
JSObject *
js_InitObjectClass(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj)
return obj->as<GlobalObject>().getOrCreateObjectPrototype(cx);
JSObject *
js_InitFunctionClass(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj)
return obj->as<GlobalObject>().getOrCreateFunctionPrototype(cx);
static JSBool
ThrowTypeError(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
JS_ReportErrorFlagsAndNumber(cx, JSREPORT_ERROR, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
return false;
static bool
TestProtoGetterThis(const Value &v)
return !v.isNullOrUndefined();
static bool
ProtoGetterImpl(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
const Value &thisv = args.thisv();
if (thisv.isPrimitive() && !BoxNonStrictThis(cx, args))
return false;
unsigned dummy;
RootedObject obj(cx, &args.thisv().toObject());
RootedId nid(cx, NameToId(cx->names().proto));
RootedValue v(cx);
if (!CheckAccess(cx, obj, nid, JSACC_PROTO, &v, &dummy))
return false;
return true;
static JSBool
ProtoGetter(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, TestProtoGetterThis, ProtoGetterImpl, args);
namespace js {
size_t sSetProtoCalled = 0;
} // namespace js
static bool
TestProtoSetterThis(const Value &v)
if (v.isNullOrUndefined())
return false;
/* These will work as if on a boxed primitive; dumb, but whatever. */
if (!v.isObject())
return true;
/* Otherwise, only accept non-proxies. */
return !v.toObject().isProxy();
static bool
ProtoSetterImpl(JSContext *cx, CallArgs args)
const Value &thisv = args.thisv();
if (thisv.isPrimitive()) {
// Mutating a boxed primitive's [[Prototype]] has no side effects.
return true;
if (!cx->runningWithTrustedPrincipals())
Rooted<JSObject*> obj(cx, &args.thisv().toObject());
/* ES5 8.6.2 forbids changing [[Prototype]] if not [[Extensible]]. */
if (!obj->isExtensible()) {
return false;
* Disallow mutating the [[Prototype]] of a proxy that wasn't simply
* wrapping some other object. Also disallow it on ArrayBuffer objects,
* which due to their complicated delegate-object shenanigans can't easily
* have a mutable [[Prototype]].
if (obj->isProxy() || obj->is<ArrayBufferObject>()) {
JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL, JSMSG_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTO,
"Object", "__proto__ setter",
obj->isProxy() ? "Proxy" : "ArrayBuffer");
return false;
/* Do nothing if __proto__ isn't being set to an object or null. */
if (args.length() == 0 || !args[0].isObjectOrNull()) {
return true;
Rooted<JSObject*> newProto(cx, args[0].toObjectOrNull());
unsigned dummy;
RootedId nid(cx, NameToId(cx->names().proto));
RootedValue v(cx);
if (!CheckAccess(cx, obj, nid, JSAccessMode(JSACC_PROTO | JSACC_WRITE), &v, &dummy))
return false;
if (!SetClassAndProto(cx, obj, obj->getClass(), newProto, true))
return false;
return true;
static JSBool
ProtoSetter(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp)
CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, TestProtoSetterThis, ProtoSetterImpl, args);
JSObject *
GlobalObject::initFunctionAndObjectClasses(JSContext *cx)
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, this);
JS_THREADSAFE_ASSERT(cx->compartment() != cx->runtime()->atomsCompartment);
RootedObject objectProto(cx);
* Create |Object.prototype| first, mirroring CreateBlankProto but for the
* prototype of the created object.
objectProto = NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, &ObjectClass, NULL, self, SingletonObject);
if (!objectProto)
return NULL;
* The default 'new' type of Object.prototype is required by type inference
* to have unknown properties, to simplify handling of e.g. heterogenous
* objects in JSON and script literals.
if (!setNewTypeUnknown(cx, &ObjectClass, objectProto))
return NULL;
/* Create |Function.prototype| next so we can create other functions. */
RootedFunction functionProto(cx);
JSObject *functionProto_ = NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, &JSFunction::class_,
objectProto, self, SingletonObject);
if (!functionProto_)
return NULL;
functionProto = &functionProto_->as<JSFunction>();
* Bizarrely, |Function.prototype| must be an interpreted function, so
* give it the guts to be one.
JSObject *proto = NewFunction(cx, functionProto, NULL, 0, JSFunction::INTERPRETED,
self, NullPtr());
if (!proto)
return NULL;
JS_ASSERT(proto == functionProto);
const char *rawSource = "() {\n}";
size_t sourceLen = strlen(rawSource);
jschar *source = InflateString(cx, rawSource, &sourceLen);
if (!source)
return NULL;
ScriptSource *ss = cx->new_<ScriptSource>();
if (!ss) {
return NULL;
JS::RootedScriptSource sourceObject(cx, ScriptSourceObject::create(cx, ss));
if (!sourceObject)
return NULL;
ss->setSource(source, sourceLen);
CompileOptions options(cx);
RootedScript script(cx, JSScript::Create(cx,
/* enclosingScope = */ NullPtr(),
/* savedCallerFun = */ false,
/* staticLevel = */ 0,
if (!script || !JSScript::fullyInitTrivial(cx, script))
return NULL;
types::TypeObject* protoType = functionProto->getType(cx);
if (!protoType)
return NULL;
protoType->interpretedFunction = functionProto;
* The default 'new' type of Function.prototype is required by type
* inference to have unknown properties, to simplify handling of e.g.
* CloneFunctionObject.
if (!setNewTypeUnknown(cx, &JSFunction::class_, functionProto))
return NULL;
/* Create the Object function now that we have a [[Prototype]] for it. */
RootedFunction objectCtor(cx);
RootedObject ctor(cx, NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, &JSFunction::class_, functionProto,
self, SingletonObject));
if (!ctor)
return NULL;
RootedAtom objectAtom(cx, cx->names().Object);
objectCtor = NewFunction(cx, ctor, obj_construct, 1, JSFunction::NATIVE_CTOR, self,
if (!objectCtor)
return NULL;
* Install |Object| and |Object.prototype| for the benefit of subsequent
* code that looks for them.
self->setObjectClassDetails(objectCtor, objectProto);
/* Create |Function| so it and |Function.prototype| can be installed. */
RootedFunction functionCtor(cx);
// Note that ctor is rooted purely for the JS_ASSERT at the end
RootedObject ctor(cx, NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, &JSFunction::class_, functionProto,
self, SingletonObject));
if (!ctor)
return NULL;
RootedAtom functionAtom(cx, cx->names().Function);
functionCtor = NewFunction(cx, ctor, Function, 1, JSFunction::NATIVE_CTOR, self,
if (!functionCtor)
return NULL;
JS_ASSERT(ctor == functionCtor);
* Install |Function| and |Function.prototype| so that we can freely create
* functions and objects without special effort.
self->setFunctionClassDetails(functionCtor, functionProto);
* The hard part's done: now go back and add all the properties these
* primordial values have.
if (!LinkConstructorAndPrototype(cx, objectCtor, objectProto) ||
!DefinePropertiesAndBrand(cx, objectProto, NULL, object_methods))
return NULL;
* Add an Object.prototype.__proto__ accessor property to implement that
* extension (if it's actually enabled). Cache the getter for this
* function so that cross-compartment [[Prototype]]-getting is implemented
* in one place.
RootedFunction getter(cx, NewFunction(cx, NullPtr(), ProtoGetter, 0, JSFunction::NATIVE_FUN,
self, NullPtr()));
if (!getter)
return NULL;
RootedFunction setter(cx, NewFunction(cx, NullPtr(), ProtoSetter, 0, JSFunction::NATIVE_FUN,
self, NullPtr()));
if (!setter)
return NULL;
RootedValue undefinedValue(cx, UndefinedValue());
if (!JSObject::defineProperty(cx, objectProto,
cx->names().proto, undefinedValue,
JS_DATA_TO_FUNC_PTR(PropertyOp, getter.get()),
JS_DATA_TO_FUNC_PTR(StrictPropertyOp, setter.get()),
return NULL;
#endif /* JS_HAS_OBJ_PROTO_PROP */
if (!DefinePropertiesAndBrand(cx, objectCtor, NULL, object_static_methods) ||
!LinkConstructorAndPrototype(cx, functionCtor, functionProto) ||
!DefinePropertiesAndBrand(cx, functionProto, NULL, function_methods) ||
!DefinePropertiesAndBrand(cx, functionCtor, NULL, NULL))
return NULL;
/* Add the global Function and Object properties now. */
if (!self->addDataProperty(cx, cx->names().Object, JSProto_Object + JSProto_LIMIT * 2, 0))
return NULL;
if (!self->addDataProperty(cx, cx->names().Function, JSProto_Function + JSProto_LIMIT * 2, 0))
return NULL;
/* Heavy lifting done, but lingering tasks remain. */
/* ES5 */
RootedId evalId(cx, NameToId(cx->names().eval));
JSObject *evalobj = DefineFunction(cx, self, evalId, IndirectEval, 1, JSFUN_STUB_GSOPS);
if (!evalobj)
return NULL;
/* ES5 13.2.3: Construct the unique [[ThrowTypeError]] function object. */
RootedFunction throwTypeError(cx, NewFunction(cx, NullPtr(), ThrowTypeError, 0,
JSFunction::NATIVE_FUN, self, NullPtr()));
if (!throwTypeError)
return NULL;
if (!JSObject::preventExtensions(cx, throwTypeError))
return NULL;
RootedObject intrinsicsHolder(cx);
if (cx->runtime()->isSelfHostingGlobal(self)) {
intrinsicsHolder = self;
} else {
intrinsicsHolder = NewObjectWithClassProto(cx, &ObjectClass, NULL, self, TenuredObject);
if (!intrinsicsHolder)
return NULL;
/* Define a property 'global' with the current global as its value. */
RootedValue global(cx, ObjectValue(*self));
if (!JSObject::defineProperty(cx, intrinsicsHolder, cx->names().global,
global, JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub,
return NULL;
* The global object should have |Object.prototype| as its [[Prototype]].
* Eventually we'd like to have standard classes be there from the start,
* and thus we would know we were always setting what had previously been a
* null [[Prototype]], but right now some code assumes it can set the
* [[Prototype]] before standard classes have been initialized. For now,
* only set the [[Prototype]] if it hasn't already been set.
Rooted<TaggedProto> tagged(cx, TaggedProto(objectProto));
if (self->shouldSplicePrototype(cx) && !self->splicePrototype(cx, self->getClass(), tagged))
return NULL;
* Notify any debuggers about the creation of the script for
* |Function.prototype| -- after all initialization, for simplicity.
RootedScript functionProtoScript(cx, functionProto->nonLazyScript());
CallNewScriptHook(cx, functionProtoScript, functionProto);
return functionProto;
GlobalObject *
GlobalObject::create(JSContext *cx, Class *clasp)
JSObject *obj = NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, clasp, NULL, NULL, SingletonObject);
if (!obj)
return NULL;
Rooted<GlobalObject *> global(cx, &obj->as<GlobalObject>());
if (!global->setVarObj(cx))
return NULL;
if (!global->setDelegate(cx))
return NULL;
/* Construct a regexp statics object for this global object. */
JSObject *res = RegExpStatics::create(cx, global);
if (!res)
return NULL;
global->initSlot(REGEXP_STATICS, ObjectValue(*res));
return global;
/* static */ bool
GlobalObject::initStandardClasses(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global)
/* Define a top-level property 'undefined' with the undefined value. */
RootedValue undefinedValue(cx, UndefinedValue());
if (!JSObject::defineProperty(cx, global, cx->names().undefined, undefinedValue,
JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub, JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_READONLY))
return false;
if (!global->initFunctionAndObjectClasses(cx))
return false;
/* Initialize the rest of the standard objects and functions. */
return js_InitArrayClass(cx, global) &&
js_InitBooleanClass(cx, global) &&
js_InitExceptionClasses(cx, global) &&
js_InitMathClass(cx, global) &&
js_InitNumberClass(cx, global) &&
js_InitJSONClass(cx, global) &&
js_InitRegExpClass(cx, global) &&
js_InitStringClass(cx, global) &&
js_InitTypedArrayClasses(cx, global) &&
js_InitIteratorClasses(cx, global) &&
js_InitDateClass(cx, global) &&
js_InitWeakMapClass(cx, global) &&
js_InitProxyClass(cx, global) &&
js_InitMapClass(cx, global) &&
GlobalObject::initMapIteratorProto(cx, global) &&
js_InitSetClass(cx, global) &&
GlobalObject::initSetIteratorProto(cx, global) &&
js_InitIntlClass(cx, global) &&
/* static */ bool
GlobalObject::isRuntimeCodeGenEnabled(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global)
HeapSlot &v = global->getSlotRef(RUNTIME_CODEGEN_ENABLED);
if (v.isUndefined()) {
* If there are callbacks, make sure that the CSP callback is installed
* and that it permits runtime code generation, then cache the result.
JSCSPEvalChecker allows = cx->runtime()->securityCallbacks->contentSecurityPolicyAllows;
Value boolValue = BooleanValue(!allows || allows(cx));
v.set(global, HeapSlot::Slot, RUNTIME_CODEGEN_ENABLED, boolValue);
return !v.isFalse();
JSFunction *
GlobalObject::createConstructor(JSContext *cx, Native ctor, JSAtom *nameArg, unsigned length,
gc::AllocKind kind)
RootedAtom name(cx, nameArg);
RootedObject self(cx, this);
return NewFunction(cx, NullPtr(), ctor, length, JSFunction::NATIVE_CTOR, self, name, kind);
static JSObject *
CreateBlankProto(JSContext *cx, Class *clasp, JSObject &proto, GlobalObject &global)
JS_ASSERT(clasp != &ObjectClass);
JS_ASSERT(clasp != &JSFunction::class_);
RootedObject blankProto(cx, NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, clasp, &proto, &global, SingletonObject));
if (!blankProto)
return NULL;
return blankProto;
JSObject *
GlobalObject::createBlankPrototype(JSContext *cx, Class *clasp)
Rooted<GlobalObject*> self(cx, this);
JSObject *objectProto = getOrCreateObjectPrototype(cx);
if (!objectProto)
return NULL;
return CreateBlankProto(cx, clasp, *objectProto, *self.get());
JSObject *
GlobalObject::createBlankPrototypeInheriting(JSContext *cx, Class *clasp, JSObject &proto)
return CreateBlankProto(cx, clasp, proto, *this);
js::LinkConstructorAndPrototype(JSContext *cx, JSObject *ctor_, JSObject *proto_)
RootedObject ctor(cx, ctor_), proto(cx, proto_);
RootedValue protoVal(cx, ObjectValue(*proto));
RootedValue ctorVal(cx, ObjectValue(*ctor));
return JSObject::defineProperty(cx, ctor, cx->names().classPrototype,
protoVal, JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub,
JSObject::defineProperty(cx, proto, cx->names().constructor,
ctorVal, JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub, 0);
js::DefinePropertiesAndBrand(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj_,
const JSPropertySpec *ps, const JSFunctionSpec *fs)
RootedObject obj(cx, obj_);
if (ps && !JS_DefineProperties(cx, obj, ps))
return false;
if (fs && !JS_DefineFunctions(cx, obj, fs))
return false;
return true;
static void
GlobalDebuggees_finalize(FreeOp *fop, JSObject *obj)
fop->delete_((GlobalObject::DebuggerVector *) obj->getPrivate());
static Class
GlobalDebuggees_class = {
"GlobalDebuggee", JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE,
JS_PropertyStub, JS_DeletePropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub,
JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub, JS_ConvertStub, GlobalDebuggees_finalize
GlobalObject::DebuggerVector *
Value debuggers = getReservedSlot(DEBUGGERS);
if (debuggers.isUndefined())
return NULL;
JS_ASSERT(debuggers.toObject().getClass() == &GlobalDebuggees_class);
return (DebuggerVector *) debuggers.toObject().getPrivate();
/* static */ GlobalObject::DebuggerVector *
GlobalObject::getOrCreateDebuggers(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global)
assertSameCompartment(cx, global);
DebuggerVector *debuggers = global->getDebuggers();
if (debuggers)
return debuggers;
JSObject *obj = NewObjectWithGivenProto(cx, &GlobalDebuggees_class, NULL, global);
if (!obj)
return NULL;
debuggers = cx->new_<DebuggerVector>();
if (!debuggers)
return NULL;
global->setReservedSlot(DEBUGGERS, ObjectValue(*obj));
return debuggers;
/* static */ bool
GlobalObject::addDebugger(JSContext *cx, Handle<GlobalObject*> global, Debugger *dbg)
DebuggerVector *debuggers = getOrCreateDebuggers(cx, global);
if (!debuggers)
return false;
#ifdef DEBUG
for (Debugger **p = debuggers->begin(); p != debuggers->end(); p++)
JS_ASSERT(*p != dbg);
if (debuggers->empty() && !global->compartment()->addDebuggee(cx, global))
return false;
if (!debuggers->append(dbg)) {
global->compartment()->removeDebuggee(cx->runtime()->defaultFreeOp(), global);
return false;
return true;