blob: 6b3244e7b7da8d6d049eb627570aeb5ca4da58c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cobalt/media/base/yuv_convert.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include "base/base_paths.h"
#include "base/cpu.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "cobalt/media/base/djb2.h"
#include "cobalt/media/base/simd/convert_rgb_to_yuv.h"
#include "cobalt/media/base/simd/convert_yuv_to_rgb.h"
#include "cobalt/media/base/simd/filter_yuv.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
// Size of raw image.
static const int kSourceWidth = 640;
static const int kSourceHeight = 360;
static const int kSourceYSize = kSourceWidth * kSourceHeight;
static const int kSourceUOffset = kSourceYSize;
static const int kSourceVOffset = kSourceYSize * 5 / 4;
static const int kScaledWidth = 1024;
static const int kScaledHeight = 768;
static const int kDownScaledWidth = 512;
static const int kDownScaledHeight = 320;
static const int kBpp = 4;
// Surface sizes for various test files.
static const int kYUV12Size = kSourceYSize * 12 / 8;
static const int kYUV16Size = kSourceYSize * 16 / 8;
static const int kRGBSize = kSourceYSize * kBpp;
static const int kRGBSizeScaled = kScaledWidth * kScaledHeight * kBpp;
static const int kRGB24Size = kSourceYSize * 3;
static const int kRGBSizeConverted = kSourceYSize * kBpp;
#if !defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY) && !defined(ARCH_CPU_MIPS_FAMILY) && \
static const int kSourceAOffset = kSourceYSize * 12 / 8;
static const int kYUVA12Size = kSourceYSize * 20 / 8;
// Helper for reading test data into a std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>.
static void ReadData(const base::FilePath::CharType* filename,
int expected_size, std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>* data) {
data->reset(new uint8_t[expected_size]);
base::FilePath path;
CHECK(PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &path));
path = path.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("media"))
// Verify file size is correct.
int64_t actual_size = 0;
base::GetFileSize(path, &actual_size);
CHECK_EQ(actual_size, expected_size);
// Verify bytes read are correct.
int bytes_read =
base::ReadFile(path, reinterpret_cast<char*>(data->get()), expected_size);
CHECK_EQ(bytes_read, expected_size);
static void ReadYV12Data(std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>* data) {
ReadData(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("bali_640x360_P420.yuv"), kYUV12Size, data);
static void ReadYV16Data(std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>* data) {
ReadData(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("bali_640x360_P422.yuv"), kYUV16Size, data);
#if !defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY) && !defined(ARCH_CPU_MIPS_FAMILY) && \
static void ReadYV12AData(std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>* data) {
ReadData(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("bali_640x360_P420_alpha.yuv"), kYUVA12Size, data);
static void ReadRGB24Data(std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>* data) {
ReadData(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("bali_640x360_RGB24.rgb"), kRGB24Size, data);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Helper for swapping red and blue channels of RGBA or BGRA.
static void SwapRedAndBlueChannels(unsigned char* pixels, size_t buffer_size) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer_size; i += 4) {
std::swap(pixels[i], pixels[i + 2]);
namespace media {
TEST(YUVConvertTest, YV12) {
// Allocate all surfaces.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_bytes;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_converted_bytes(
new uint8_t[kRGBSizeConverted]);
// Read YUV reference data from file.
// Convert a frame of YUV to 32 bit ARGB.
media::ConvertYUVToRGB32(yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
rgb_converted_bytes.get(), // RGB output
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2, // UVStride
kSourceWidth * kBpp, // RGBStride
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
SwapRedAndBlueChannels(rgb_converted_bytes.get(), kRGBSizeConverted);
uint32_t rgb_hash =
DJB2Hash(rgb_converted_bytes.get(), kRGBSizeConverted, kDJB2HashSeed);
EXPECT_EQ(2413171226u, rgb_hash);
TEST(YUVConvertTest, YV16) {
// Allocate all surfaces.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_bytes;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_converted_bytes(
new uint8_t[kRGBSizeConverted]);
// Read YUV reference data from file.
// Convert a frame of YUV to 32 bit ARGB.
media::ConvertYUVToRGB32(yuv_bytes.get(), // Y
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset, // U
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceYSize * 3 / 2, // V
rgb_converted_bytes.get(), // RGB output
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2, // UVStride
kSourceWidth * kBpp, // RGBStride
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
SwapRedAndBlueChannels(rgb_converted_bytes.get(), kRGBSizeConverted);
uint32_t rgb_hash =
DJB2Hash(rgb_converted_bytes.get(), kRGBSizeConverted, kDJB2HashSeed);
EXPECT_EQ(4222342047u, rgb_hash);
struct YUVScaleTestData {
YUVScaleTestData(media::YUVType y, media::ScaleFilter s, uint32_t r)
: yuv_type(y), scale_filter(s), rgb_hash(r) {}
media::YUVType yuv_type;
media::ScaleFilter scale_filter;
uint32_t rgb_hash;
class YUVScaleTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<YUVScaleTestData> {
YUVScaleTest() {
switch (GetParam().yuv_type) {
case media::YV12:
case media::YV12J:
case media::YV12HD:
case media::YV16:
rgb_bytes_.reset(new uint8_t[kRGBSizeScaled]);
// Helpers for getting the proper Y, U and V plane offsets.
uint8_t* y_plane() { return yuv_bytes_.get(); }
uint8_t* u_plane() { return yuv_bytes_.get() + kSourceYSize; }
uint8_t* v_plane() {
switch (GetParam().yuv_type) {
case media::YV12:
case media::YV12J:
case media::YV12HD:
return yuv_bytes_.get() + kSourceVOffset;
case media::YV16:
return yuv_bytes_.get() + kSourceYSize * 3 / 2;
return NULL;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_bytes_;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes_;
TEST_P(YUVScaleTest, NoScale) {
media::ScaleYUVToRGB32(y_plane(), // Y
u_plane(), // U
v_plane(), // V
rgb_bytes_.get(), // RGB output
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2, // UvStride
kSourceWidth * kBpp, // RgbStride
GetParam().yuv_type, media::ROTATE_0,
uint32_t yuv_hash = DJB2Hash(rgb_bytes_.get(), kRGBSize, kDJB2HashSeed);
media::ConvertYUVToRGB32(y_plane(), // Y
u_plane(), // U
v_plane(), // V
rgb_bytes_.get(), // RGB output
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2, // UVStride
kSourceWidth * kBpp, // RGBStride
uint32_t rgb_hash = DJB2Hash(rgb_bytes_.get(), kRGBSize, kDJB2HashSeed);
EXPECT_EQ(yuv_hash, rgb_hash);
TEST_P(YUVScaleTest, Normal) {
media::ScaleYUVToRGB32(y_plane(), // Y
u_plane(), // U
v_plane(), // V
rgb_bytes_.get(), // RGB output
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kScaledWidth, kScaledHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2, // UvStride
kScaledWidth * kBpp, // RgbStride
GetParam().yuv_type, media::ROTATE_0,
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
SwapRedAndBlueChannels(rgb_bytes_.get(), kRGBSizeScaled);
uint32_t rgb_hash = DJB2Hash(rgb_bytes_.get(), kRGBSizeScaled, kDJB2HashSeed);
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().rgb_hash, rgb_hash);
TEST_P(YUVScaleTest, ZeroSourceSize) {
media::ScaleYUVToRGB32(y_plane(), // Y
u_plane(), // U
v_plane(), // V
rgb_bytes_.get(), // RGB output
0, 0, // Dimensions
kScaledWidth, kScaledHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2, // UvStride
kScaledWidth * kBpp, // RgbStride
GetParam().yuv_type, media::ROTATE_0,
// Testing for out-of-bound read/writes with AddressSanitizer.
TEST_P(YUVScaleTest, ZeroDestinationSize) {
media::ScaleYUVToRGB32(y_plane(), // Y
u_plane(), // U
v_plane(), // V
rgb_bytes_.get(), // RGB output
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
0, 0, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2, // UvStride
kScaledWidth * kBpp, // RgbStride
GetParam().yuv_type, media::ROTATE_0,
// Testing for out-of-bound read/writes with AddressSanitizer.
TEST_P(YUVScaleTest, OddWidthAndHeightNotCrash) {
media::ScaleYUVToRGB32(y_plane(), // Y
u_plane(), // U
v_plane(), // V
rgb_bytes_.get(), // RGB output
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
3, 3, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2, // UvStride
kScaledWidth * kBpp, // RgbStride
GetParam().yuv_type, media::ROTATE_0,
YUVScaleFormats, YUVScaleTest,
YUVScaleTestData(media::YV12, media::FILTER_NONE, 4136904952u),
YUVScaleTestData(media::YV16, media::FILTER_NONE, 1501777547u),
YUVScaleTestData(media::YV12, media::FILTER_BILINEAR, 3164274689u),
YUVScaleTestData(media::YV16, media::FILTER_BILINEAR, 3095878046u)));
// This tests a known worst case YUV value, and for overflow.
TEST(YUVConvertTest, Clamp) {
// Allocate all surfaces.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_bytes(new uint8_t[1]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes(new uint8_t[1]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_converted_bytes(new uint8_t[1]);
// Values that failed previously in bug report.
unsigned char y = 255u;
unsigned char u = 255u;
unsigned char v = 19u;
// Prefill extra large destination buffer to test for overflow.
unsigned char rgb[8] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
unsigned char expected[8] = {255, 255, 104, 255, 4, 5, 6, 7};
// Convert a frame of YUV to 32 bit ARGB.
media::ConvertYUVToRGB32(&y, // Y
&u, // U
&v, // V
&rgb[0], // RGB output
1, 1, // Dimensions
0, // YStride
0, // UVStride
0, // RGBStride
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
SwapRedAndBlueChannels(rgb, kBpp);
int expected_test = memcmp(rgb, expected, sizeof(expected));
EXPECT_EQ(0, expected_test);
TEST(YUVConvertTest, RGB24ToYUV) {
// Allocate all surfaces.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_converted_bytes(new uint8_t[kYUV12Size]);
// Read RGB24 reference data from file.
// Convert to I420.
media::ConvertRGB24ToYUV(rgb_bytes.get(), yuv_converted_bytes.get(),
yuv_converted_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_converted_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth * 3, // RGBStride
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2); // UVStride
uint32_t rgb_hash =
DJB2Hash(yuv_converted_bytes.get(), kYUV12Size, kDJB2HashSeed);
EXPECT_EQ(320824432u, rgb_hash);
TEST(YUVConvertTest, RGB32ToYUV) {
// Allocate all surfaces.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_bytes(new uint8_t[kYUV12Size]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_converted_bytes(new uint8_t[kYUV12Size]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_converted_bytes(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
// Read YUV reference data from file.
base::FilePath yuv_url;
EXPECT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &yuv_url));
yuv_url = yuv_url.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("media"))
base::ReadFile(yuv_url, reinterpret_cast<char*>(yuv_bytes.get()),
// Convert a frame of YUV to 32 bit ARGB.
media::ConvertYUVToRGB32(yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
rgb_bytes.get(), // RGB output
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2, // UVStride
kSourceWidth * kBpp, // RGBStride
// Convert RGB32 to YV12.
media::ConvertRGB32ToYUV(rgb_bytes.get(), yuv_converted_bytes.get(),
yuv_converted_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_converted_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth * 4, // RGBStride
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2); // UVStride
// Convert YV12 back to RGB32.
yuv_converted_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_converted_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
rgb_converted_bytes.get(), // RGB output
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2, // UVStride
kSourceWidth * kBpp, // RGBStride
int error = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kRGBSize; ++i) {
int diff = rgb_converted_bytes[i] - rgb_bytes[i];
if (diff < 0) diff = -diff;
error += diff;
// Make sure error is within bound.
DVLOG(1) << "Average error per channel: " << error / kRGBSize;
EXPECT_GT(5, error / kRGBSize);
TEST(YUVConvertTest, DownScaleYUVToRGB32WithRect) {
// Read YUV reference data from file.
base::FilePath yuv_url;
EXPECT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &yuv_url));
yuv_url = yuv_url.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("media"))
const size_t size_of_yuv = kSourceYSize * 12 / 8; // 12 bpp.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_bytes(new uint8_t[size_of_yuv]);
base::ReadFile(yuv_url, reinterpret_cast<char*>(yuv_bytes.get()),
// Scale the full frame of YUV to 32 bit ARGB.
// The API currently only supports down-scaling, so we don't test up-scaling.
const size_t size_of_rgb_scaled = kDownScaledWidth * kDownScaledHeight * kBpp;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_scaled_bytes(new uint8_t[size_of_rgb_scaled]);
gfx::Rect sub_rect(0, 0, kDownScaledWidth, kDownScaledHeight);
// We can't compare with the full-frame scaler because it uses slightly
// different sampling coordinates.
yuv_bytes.get(), // Y
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset, // U
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset, // V
rgb_scaled_bytes.get(), // Rgb output
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kDownScaledWidth, kDownScaledHeight, // Dimensions
sub_rect.x(), sub_rect.y(), // Dest rect
sub_rect.right(), sub_rect.bottom(), // Dest rect
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2, // UvStride
kDownScaledWidth * kBpp); // RgbStride
uint32_t rgb_hash_full_rect =
DJB2Hash(rgb_scaled_bytes.get(), size_of_rgb_scaled, kDJB2HashSeed);
// Re-scale sub-rectangles and verify the results are the same.
int next_sub_rect = 0;
while (!sub_rect.IsEmpty()) {
// Scale a partial rectangle.
yuv_bytes.get(), // Y
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset, // U
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset, // V
rgb_scaled_bytes.get(), // Rgb output
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kDownScaledWidth, kDownScaledHeight, // Dimensions
sub_rect.x(), sub_rect.y(), // Dest rect
sub_rect.right(), sub_rect.bottom(), // Dest rect
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2, // UvStride
kDownScaledWidth * kBpp); // RgbStride
uint32_t rgb_hash_sub_rect =
DJB2Hash(rgb_scaled_bytes.get(), size_of_rgb_scaled, kDJB2HashSeed);
EXPECT_EQ(rgb_hash_full_rect, rgb_hash_sub_rect);
// Now pick choose a quarter rect of this sub-rect.
if (next_sub_rect & 1) sub_rect.set_x(sub_rect.x() + sub_rect.width() / 2);
if (next_sub_rect & 2) sub_rect.set_y(sub_rect.y() + sub_rect.height() / 2);
sub_rect.set_width(sub_rect.width() / 2);
sub_rect.set_height(sub_rect.height() / 2);
#if !defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY) && !defined(ARCH_CPU_MIPS_FAMILY)
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
TEST(YUVConvertTest, YUVAtoARGB_MMX_MatchReference) {
// Allocate all surfaces.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_bytes;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_converted_bytes(
new uint8_t[kRGBSizeConverted]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_converted_bytes_ref(
new uint8_t[kRGBSizeConverted]);
// Read YUV reference data from file.
// Convert a frame of YUV to 32 bit ARGB using both C and MMX versions.
yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset, yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceAOffset,
rgb_converted_bytes_ref.get(), kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, kSourceWidth,
kSourceWidth / 2, kSourceWidth, kSourceWidth * kBpp, media::YV12);
yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset, yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceAOffset,
rgb_converted_bytes.get(), kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, kSourceWidth,
kSourceWidth / 2, kSourceWidth, kSourceWidth * kBpp, media::YV12);
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(rgb_converted_bytes.get(), rgb_converted_bytes_ref.get(),
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
TEST(YUVConvertTest, RGB32ToYUV_SSE2_MatchReference) {
base::CPU cpu;
if (!cpu.has_sse2()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "System doesn't support SSE2, test not executed.";
// Allocate all surfaces.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_bytes(new uint8_t[kYUV12Size]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_converted_bytes(new uint8_t[kYUV12Size]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_reference_bytes(new uint8_t[kYUV12Size]);
// Convert a frame of YUV to 32 bit ARGB.
media::ConvertYUVToRGB32(yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
rgb_bytes.get(), // RGB output
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2, // UVStride
kSourceWidth * kBpp, // RGBStride
// Convert RGB32 to YV12 with SSE2 version.
media::ConvertRGB32ToYUV_SSE2(rgb_bytes.get(), yuv_converted_bytes.get(),
yuv_converted_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_converted_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
kSourceWidth, kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth * 4, // RGBStride
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2); // UVStride
// Convert RGB32 to YV12 with reference version.
rgb_bytes.get(), yuv_reference_bytes.get(),
yuv_reference_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_reference_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset, kSourceWidth,
kSourceHeight, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth * 4, // RGBStride
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2); // UVStride
// Now convert a odd width and height, this overrides part of the buffer
// generated above but that is fine because the point of this test is to
// match the result with the reference code.
// Convert RGB32 to YV12 with SSE2 version.
media::ConvertRGB32ToYUV_SSE2(rgb_bytes.get(), yuv_converted_bytes.get(),
yuv_converted_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_converted_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset, 7,
7, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth * 4, // RGBStride
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2); // UVStride
// Convert RGB32 to YV12 with reference version.
rgb_bytes.get(), yuv_reference_bytes.get(),
yuv_reference_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_reference_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset, 7, 7, // Dimensions
kSourceWidth * 4, // RGBStride
kSourceWidth, // YStride
kSourceWidth / 2); // UVStride
int error = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kYUV12Size; ++i) {
int diff = yuv_reference_bytes[i] - yuv_converted_bytes[i];
if (diff < 0) diff = -diff;
error += diff;
// Make sure there's no difference from the reference.
EXPECT_EQ(0, error);
TEST(YUVConvertTest, ConvertYUVToRGB32Row_SSE) {
base::CPU cpu;
if (!cpu.has_sse()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "System not supported. Test skipped.";
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_bytes(new uint8_t[kYUV12Size]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes_reference(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes_converted(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
const int kWidth = 167;
ConvertYUVToRGB32Row_C(yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
rgb_bytes_reference.get(), kWidth,
ConvertYUVToRGB32Row_SSE(yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
rgb_bytes_converted.get(), kWidth,
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(rgb_bytes_reference.get(), rgb_bytes_converted.get(),
kWidth * kBpp));
// 64-bit release + component builds on Windows are too smart and optimizes
// away the function being tested.
#if defined(OS_WIN) && (defined(ARCH_CPU_X86) || !defined(COMPONENT_BUILD))
TEST(YUVConvertTest, ScaleYUVToRGB32Row_SSE) {
base::CPU cpu;
if (!cpu.has_sse()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "System not supported. Test skipped.";
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_bytes(new uint8_t[kYUV12Size]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes_reference(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes_converted(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
const int kWidth = 167;
const int kSourceDx = 80000; // This value means a scale down.
ScaleYUVToRGB32Row_C(yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
rgb_bytes_reference.get(), kWidth, kSourceDx,
ScaleYUVToRGB32Row_SSE(yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
rgb_bytes_converted.get(), kWidth, kSourceDx,
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(rgb_bytes_reference.get(), rgb_bytes_converted.get(),
kWidth * kBpp));
TEST(YUVConvertTest, LinearScaleYUVToRGB32Row_SSE) {
base::CPU cpu;
if (!cpu.has_sse()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "System not supported. Test skipped.";
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_bytes(new uint8_t[kYUV12Size]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes_reference(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes_converted(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
const int kWidth = 167;
const int kSourceDx = 80000; // This value means a scale down.
LinearScaleYUVToRGB32Row_C(yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
rgb_bytes_reference.get(), kWidth, kSourceDx,
yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset, rgb_bytes_converted.get(), kWidth,
kSourceDx, GetLookupTable(YV12));
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(rgb_bytes_reference.get(), rgb_bytes_converted.get(),
kWidth * kBpp));
#endif // defined(OS_WIN) && (ARCH_CPU_X86 || COMPONENT_BUILD)
TEST(YUVConvertTest, FilterYUVRows_C_OutOfBounds) {
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> src(new uint8_t[16]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> dst(new uint8_t[16]);
memset(src.get(), 0xff, 16);
memset(dst.get(), 0, 16);
media::FilterYUVRows_C(dst.get(), src.get(), src.get(), 1, 255);
EXPECT_EQ(255u, dst[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < 16; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, dst[i]) << " not equal at " << i;
TEST(YUVConvertTest, FilterYUVRows_SSE2_OutOfBounds) {
base::CPU cpu;
if (!cpu.has_sse2()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "System not supported. Test skipped.";
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> src(new uint8_t[16]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> dst(new uint8_t[16]);
memset(src.get(), 0xff, 16);
memset(dst.get(), 0, 16);
media::FilterYUVRows_SSE2(dst.get(), src.get(), src.get(), 1, 255);
EXPECT_EQ(255u, dst[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < 16; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, dst[i]);
TEST(YUVConvertTest, FilterYUVRows_SSE2_UnalignedDestination) {
base::CPU cpu;
if (!cpu.has_sse2()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "System not supported. Test skipped.";
const int kSize = 64;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> src(new uint8_t[kSize]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> dst_sample(new uint8_t[kSize]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> dst(new uint8_t[kSize]);
memset(dst_sample.get(), 0, kSize);
memset(dst.get(), 0, kSize);
for (int i = 0; i < kSize; ++i) src[i] = 100 + i;
media::FilterYUVRows_C(dst_sample.get(), src.get(), src.get(), 37, 128);
// Generate an unaligned output address.
uint8_t* dst_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(
(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dst.get() + 16) & ~15) + 1);
media::FilterYUVRows_SSE2(dst_ptr, src.get(), src.get(), 37, 128);
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(dst_sample.get(), dst_ptr, 37));
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64)
TEST(YUVConvertTest, ScaleYUVToRGB32Row_SSE2_X64) {
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_bytes(new uint8_t[kYUV12Size]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes_reference(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes_converted(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
const int kWidth = 167;
const int kSourceDx = 80000; // This value means a scale down.
ScaleYUVToRGB32Row_C(yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
rgb_bytes_reference.get(), kWidth, kSourceDx,
ScaleYUVToRGB32Row_SSE2_X64(yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
rgb_bytes_converted.get(), kWidth, kSourceDx,
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(rgb_bytes_reference.get(), rgb_bytes_converted.get(),
kWidth * kBpp));
TEST(YUVConvertTest, LinearScaleYUVToRGB32Row_MMX_X64) {
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> yuv_bytes(new uint8_t[kYUV12Size]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes_reference(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> rgb_bytes_converted(new uint8_t[kRGBSize]);
const int kWidth = 167;
const int kSourceDx = 80000; // This value means a scale down.
LinearScaleYUVToRGB32Row_C(yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset,
rgb_bytes_reference.get(), kWidth, kSourceDx,
yuv_bytes.get(), yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceUOffset,
yuv_bytes.get() + kSourceVOffset, rgb_bytes_converted.get(), kWidth,
kSourceDx, GetLookupTable(YV12));
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(rgb_bytes_reference.get(), rgb_bytes_converted.get(),
kWidth * kBpp));
#endif // defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64)
#endif // defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY)
} // namespace media