blob: cc4e889d368f6615ef4b82bc2cadd100febd0831 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/stream_parser_buffer.h"
#include "media/filters/h264_parser.h"
#include "media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264.h"
#include "media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_test_base.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace media {
class VideoDecoderConfig;
namespace mp2t {
class EsParserH264Test : public EsParserTestBase, public testing::Test {
EsParserH264Test() {}
void LoadH264Stream(const char* filename);
void GetPesTimestamps(std::vector<Packet>* pes_packets);
bool Process(const std::vector<Packet>& pes_packets, bool force_timing);
void CheckAccessUnits();
// Access units of the stream with AUD NALUs.
std::vector<Packet> access_units_;
// Get the offset of the start of each access unit of |stream_|.
// This function assumes there is only one slice per access unit.
// This is a very simplified access unit segmenter that is good
// enough for unit tests.
void GetAccessUnits();
// Insert an AUD before each access unit.
// Update |stream_| and |access_units_| accordingly.
void InsertAUD();
void EsParserH264Test::LoadH264Stream(const char* filename) {
// Load the input H264 file and segment it into access units.
ASSERT_GT(access_units_.size(), 0u);
// Insert AUDs into the stream.
// Generate some timestamps based on a 25fps stream.
for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units_.size(); k++)
access_units_[k].pts = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(k * 40u);
void EsParserH264Test::GetAccessUnits() {
bool start_access_unit = true;
// In a first pass, retrieve the offsets of all access units.
size_t offset = 0;
while (true) {
// Find the next start code.
off_t relative_offset = 0;
off_t start_code_size = 0;
bool success =
H264Parser::FindStartCode(&stream_[offset], stream_.size() - offset,
&relative_offset, &start_code_size);
if (!success) break;
offset += relative_offset;
if (start_access_unit) {
Packet cur_access_unit;
cur_access_unit.offset = offset;
start_access_unit = false;
// Get the NALU type.
offset += start_code_size;
if (offset >= stream_.size()) break;
int nal_unit_type = stream_[offset] & 0x1f;
// We assume there is only one slice per access unit.
if (nal_unit_type == H264NALU::kIDRSlice ||
nal_unit_type == H264NALU::kNonIDRSlice) {
start_access_unit = true;
void EsParserH264Test::InsertAUD() {
uint8_t aud[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x09};
std::vector<uint8_t> stream_with_aud(stream_.size() +
access_units_.size() * sizeof(aud));
std::vector<EsParserTestBase::Packet> access_units_with_aud(
size_t offset = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units_.size(); k++) {
access_units_with_aud[k].offset = offset;
access_units_with_aud[k].size = access_units_[k].size + sizeof(aud);
memcpy(&stream_with_aud[offset], aud, sizeof(aud));
offset += sizeof(aud);
memcpy(&stream_with_aud[offset], &stream_[access_units_[k].offset],
offset += access_units_[k].size;
// Update the stream and access units used for the test.
stream_ = stream_with_aud;
access_units_ = access_units_with_aud;
void EsParserH264Test::GetPesTimestamps(std::vector<Packet>* pes_packets_ptr) {
const std::vector<Packet>& pes_packets = *pes_packets_ptr;
// Default: set to a negative timestamp to be able to differentiate from
// real timestamps.
// Note: we don't use kNoTimestamp here since this one has already
// a special meaning in EsParserH264. The negative timestamps should be
// ultimately discarded by the H264 parser since not relevant.
for (size_t k = 0; k < pes_packets.size(); k++) {
(*pes_packets_ptr)[k].pts = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(-1);
// Set a valid timestamp for PES packets which include the start
// of an H264 access unit.
size_t pes_idx = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units_.size(); k++) {
for (; pes_idx < pes_packets.size(); pes_idx++) {
size_t pes_start = pes_packets[pes_idx].offset;
size_t pes_end = pes_packets[pes_idx].offset + pes_packets[pes_idx].size;
if (pes_start <= access_units_[k].offset &&
pes_end > access_units_[k].offset) {
(*pes_packets_ptr)[pes_idx].pts = access_units_[k].pts;
bool EsParserH264Test::Process(const std::vector<Packet>& pes_packets,
bool force_timing) {
EsParserH264 es_parser(
base::Bind(&EsParserH264Test::NewVideoConfig, base::Unretained(this)),
base::Bind(&EsParserH264Test::EmitBuffer, base::Unretained(this)));
return ProcessPesPackets(&es_parser, pes_packets, force_timing);
void EsParserH264Test::CheckAccessUnits() {
EXPECT_EQ(buffer_count_, access_units_.size());
std::stringstream buffer_timestamps_stream;
for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units_.size(); k++) {
buffer_timestamps_stream << "(" << access_units_[k].pts.InMilliseconds()
<< ") ";
std::string buffer_timestamps = buffer_timestamps_stream.str();
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(buffer_timestamps, base::TRIM_ALL,
EXPECT_EQ(buffer_timestamps_, buffer_timestamps);
TEST_F(EsParserH264Test, OneAccessUnitPerPes) {
// One to one equivalence between PES packets and access units.
std::vector<Packet> pes_packets(access_units_);
// Process each PES packet.
EXPECT_TRUE(Process(pes_packets, false));
TEST_F(EsParserH264Test, NonAlignedPesPacket) {
// Generate the PES packets.
std::vector<Packet> pes_packets;
Packet cur_pes_packet;
cur_pes_packet.offset = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units_.size(); k++) {
// The current PES packet includes the remaining bytes of the previous
// access unit and some bytes of the current access unit
// (487 bytes in this unit test but no more than the current access unit
// size).
cur_pes_packet.offset =
access_units_[k].offset + std::min<size_t>(487u, access_units_[k].size);
// Process each PES packet.
EXPECT_TRUE(Process(pes_packets, false));
TEST_F(EsParserH264Test, SeveralPesPerAccessUnit) {
// Get the minimum size of an access unit.
size_t min_access_unit_size = stream_.size();
for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units_.size(); k++) {
if (min_access_unit_size >= access_units_[k].size)
min_access_unit_size = access_units_[k].size;
// Use a small PES packet size or the minimum access unit size
// if it is even smaller.
size_t pes_size = 512;
if (min_access_unit_size < pes_size) pes_size = min_access_unit_size;
std::vector<Packet> pes_packets;
Packet cur_pes_packet;
cur_pes_packet.offset = 0;
while (cur_pes_packet.offset < stream_.size()) {
cur_pes_packet.offset += pes_size;
// Process each PES packet.
EXPECT_TRUE(Process(pes_packets, false));
// Process PES packets forcing timings for each PES packet.
EXPECT_TRUE(Process(pes_packets, true));
} // namespace mp2t
} // namespace media