blob: 977a86910712714526436d9231d543d1f867eb84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/http/http_request_info.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_info.h"
#include "net/http/shell/http_stream_shell_loader.h"
// This is a special HttpStream implementation designed to work with
// HttpStreamShellLoader and different HTTP libraries. Most functions
// have the same name as the same function in the original HttpStream
// and very similar functionality. However this class is NOT a sub class
// of HttpStream.
namespace net {
class ProxyInfo;
// Represents a single HTTP transaction (i.e., a single request/response pair).
// HTTP redirects are not followed and authentication challenges are not
// answered. Cookies are assumed to be managed by the caller.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE HttpStreamShell {
explicit HttpStreamShell(HttpStreamShellLoader* loader);
virtual ~HttpStreamShell();
// Initialize stream. Must be called before calling SendRequest().
// |request_info| must outlive the HttpStream.
// Returns a net error code, possibly ERR_IO_PENDING.
int InitializeStream(const HttpRequestInfo* request_info,
const BoundNetLog& net_log,
const CompletionCallback& callback);
// Writes the headers and uploads body data to the underlying loader.
// ERR_IO_PENDING is returned if the operation could not be completed
// synchronously, in which case the result will be passed to the callback
// when available. Returns OK on success.
// |response| must outlive the HttpStream.
int SendRequest(const HttpRequestHeaders& request_headers,
HttpResponseInfo* response,
const CompletionCallback& callback);
// Reads from the underlying loader until the response headers have been
// completely received. ERR_IO_PENDING is returned if the operation could
// not be completed synchronously, in which case the result will be passed
// to the callback when available. Returns OK on success. The response
// headers are available in the HttpResponseInfo returned by GetResponseInfo
int ReadResponseHeaders(const CompletionCallback& callback);
// Provides access to HttpResponseInfo.
const HttpResponseInfo* GetResponseInfo() const;
// Reads response body data, up to |buf_len| bytes. |buf_len| should be a
// reasonable size (<2MB). The number of bytes read is returned, or an
// error is returned upon failure. 0 indicates that the request has been
// fully satisfied and there is no more data to read.
// ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED is returned when the connection has been closed
// prematurely. ERR_IO_PENDING is returned if the operation could not be
// completed synchronously, in which case the result will be passed to the
// callback when available. If the operation is not completed immediately,
// the loader acquires a reference to the provided buffer until the callback
// is invoked or the loader is destroyed.
int ReadResponseBody(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback);
// Closes the stream.
// |not_reusable| indicates if the stream can be used for further requests.
// In the case of HTTP, where we re-use the byte-stream (e.g. the connection)
// this means we need to close the connection.
void Close(bool not_reusable);
// Indicates if the response body has been completely read.
bool IsResponseBodyComplete() const;
// Set proxy information
void SetProxy(const ProxyInfo* info);
// Get underlying stream loader.
HttpStreamShellLoader* GetStreamLoader() const { return loader_.get(); }
scoped_refptr<HttpStreamShellLoader> loader_;
std::string request_line_;
const HttpRequestInfo* request_info_;
const HttpResponseInfo* response_;
} // namespace net