blob: 1253bcc4fdef0cd438f0922700576ff10e75ce0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.chromium.base.ApiCompatibilityUtils;
import org.chromium.base.Callback;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
* The class manages relations among eme session ID, drm session ID and keyset
* ID. It also records the associated session information.
* For temporary session, it simply maintains the in memory map from session ID
* to related informations. When session is closed, the mapping is also removed.
* For persistent session, it also talks to persistent storage when loading
* information back to memory and updating changes to disk.
class MediaDrmSessionManager {
* The class groups drm session ID, eme session ID and key set ID. It hides
* the conversion among the three different IDs.
static class SessionId {
private static final char[] HEX_CHAR_LOOKUP = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray();
// ID used by browser and javascript to identify the session. It's
// the unique ID in EME world and also used as ID for this class.
// For temporary session, eme ID should match drm ID. For persistent
// session, EME ID is a random generated string because the persistent
// ID (key set ID) is generated much later than eme ID.
private final byte[] mEmeId;
// Temporary ID used by MediaDrm session, returned by
// MediaDrm.openSession.
private byte[] mDrmId;
// Persistent ID used by MediaDrm to identify persistent licenses,
// returned by MediaDrm.provideKeyResponse.
private byte[] mKeySetId;
* Convert byte array to hex string for logging.
* This is modified from BytesToHexString() in url/
static String toHexString(byte[] bytes) {
StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i) {
hexString.append(HEX_CHAR_LOOKUP[bytes[i] >>> 4]);
hexString.append(HEX_CHAR_LOOKUP[bytes[i] & 0xf]);
return hexString.toString();
* Create session ID with random generated (UUID.randomUUID) EME session ID.
* The ID must be unique within the origin of this object's Document over time,
* including across Documents and browsing sessions.
* @param drmId Raw DRM ID created by MediaDrm.
* @return Session ID with random generated EME session ID.
static SessionId createPersistentSessionId(byte[] drmId) {
byte[] emeId = ApiCompatibilityUtils.getBytesUtf8(
UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace('-', '0'));
return new SessionId(emeId, drmId, null /* keySetId */);
* Create session ID for temporary license session. The DRM session ID is
* used as EME session ID.
* @param drmIdAsEmeId Raw DRM session ID created by MediaDrm.
* @return Session ID with DRM session ID as EME session ID.
static SessionId createTemporarySessionId(byte[] drmId) {
return new SessionId(drmId, drmId, null /* keySetId */);
* Create session ID used to report session doesn't exist.
static SessionId createNoExistSessionId() {
return createTemporarySessionId(new byte[0]);
private SessionId(byte[] emeId, byte[] drmId, byte[] keySetId) {
assert emeId != null;
assert drmId != null || keySetId != null;
mEmeId = emeId;
mDrmId = drmId;
mKeySetId = keySetId;
byte[] drmId() {
return mDrmId;
byte[] emeId() {
return mEmeId;
byte[] keySetId() {
return mKeySetId;
private void setKeySetId(byte[] keySetId) {
mKeySetId = keySetId;
private void setDrmId(byte[] drmId) {
mDrmId = drmId;
boolean isEqual(SessionId that) {
return Arrays.equals(mEmeId, that.emeId());
String toHexString() {
return toHexString(mEmeId);
static class SessionInfo {
private final SessionId mSessionId;
private final String mMimeType;
// Key type of license in the session. It should be one of
// MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_XXX.
private int mKeyType;
private SessionInfo(SessionId sessionId, String mimeType, int keyType) {
assert sessionId != null;
assert mimeType != null && !mimeType.isEmpty();
mSessionId = sessionId;
mMimeType = mimeType;
mKeyType = keyType;
String mimeType() {
return mMimeType;
int keyType() {
return mKeyType;
// Private methods that are visible in this file only.
private SessionId sessionId() {
return mSessionId;
private void setKeyType(int keyType) {
mKeyType = keyType;
private PersistentInfo toPersistentInfo() {
assert mSessionId.keySetId() != null;
return new PersistentInfo(
mSessionId.emeId(), mSessionId.keySetId(), mMimeType, mKeyType);
private static SessionInfo fromPersistentInfo(PersistentInfo persistentInfo) {
assert persistentInfo != null;
assert persistentInfo.emeId() != null;
assert persistentInfo.keySetId() != null;
SessionId sessionId = new SessionId(
persistentInfo.emeId(), null /* drmId */, persistentInfo.keySetId());
return new SessionInfo(sessionId, persistentInfo.mimeType(),
private static int getKeyTypeFromPersistentInfo(PersistentInfo persistentInfo) {
int keyType = persistentInfo.keyType();
if (keyType == MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_OFFLINE || keyType == MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_RELEASE) {
return keyType;
// Key type is missing. Use OFFLINE by default.
return MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_OFFLINE;
// Maps from DRM/EME session ID to SessionInfo. SessionInfo contains
// SessionId, so that we can:
// 1. Get SessionInfo with EME/DRM session ID.
// 2. Get SessionId from EME/DRM session ID.
// 3. Get EME/DRM session ID from DRM/EME session ID.
// SessionId always has a valid EME session ID, so all opened session should
// have an entry in mEmeSessionInfoMap.
private HashMap<ByteBuffer, SessionInfo> mEmeSessionInfoMap;
private HashMap<ByteBuffer, SessionInfo> mDrmSessionInfoMap;
// The persistent storage to record map from EME session ID to key set ID
// for persistent license.
private MediaDrmStorageBridge mStorage;
public MediaDrmSessionManager(MediaDrmStorageBridge storage) {
mEmeSessionInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
mDrmSessionInfoMap = new HashMap<>();
mStorage = storage;
* Set drm ID. It should only be called for persistent license session
* without an opened drm session.
void setDrmId(SessionId sessionId, byte[] drmId) {
SessionInfo info = get(sessionId);
assert info != null;
assert info.sessionId().isEqual(sessionId);
mDrmSessionInfoMap.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(drmId), info);
* Set key set ID. It should only be called for persistent license session.
void setKeySetId(SessionId sessionId, byte[] keySetId, Callback<Boolean> callback) {
assert get(sessionId) != null;
assert get(sessionId).keyType() == MediaDrm.KEY_TYPE_OFFLINE;
assert sessionId.keySetId() == null;
mStorage.saveInfo(get(sessionId).toPersistentInfo(), callback);
* Mark key as released. It should only be called for persistent license
* session.
void setKeyType(SessionId sessionId, int keyType, Callback<Boolean> callback) {
SessionInfo info = get(sessionId);
assert info != null;
mStorage.saveInfo(info.toPersistentInfo(), callback);
* Load |emeId|'s session data from persistent storage.
void load(byte[] emeId, final Callback<SessionId> callback) {
mStorage.loadInfo(emeId, new Callback<PersistentInfo>() {
public void onResult(PersistentInfo persistentInfo) {
if (persistentInfo == null) {
// Loading same persistent license into different sessions isn't
// supported.
assert getSessionIdByEmeId(persistentInfo.emeId()) == null;
SessionInfo info = SessionInfo.fromPersistentInfo(persistentInfo);
mEmeSessionInfoMap.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(persistentInfo.emeId()), info);
* Remove persistent license info from persistent storage.
void clearPersistentSessionInfo(SessionId sessionId, Callback<Boolean> callback) {
mStorage.clearInfo(sessionId.emeId(), callback);
* Remove session and related infomration from memory, but doesn't touch
* persistent storage.
void remove(SessionId sessionId) {
SessionInfo info = get(sessionId);
assert info != null;
assert sessionId.isEqual(info.sessionId());
if (sessionId.drmId() != null) {
List<SessionId> getAllSessionIds() {
ArrayList<SessionId> sessionIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (SessionInfo info : mEmeSessionInfoMap.values()) {
return sessionIds;
SessionInfo get(SessionId sessionId) {
return mEmeSessionInfoMap.get(ByteBuffer.wrap(sessionId.emeId()));
void put(SessionId id, String mimeType, int keyType) {
SessionInfo info = new SessionInfo(id, mimeType, keyType);
mEmeSessionInfoMap.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(id.emeId()), info);
if (id.drmId() != null) {
mDrmSessionInfoMap.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(id.drmId()), info);
SessionId getSessionIdByEmeId(byte[] emeId) {
return getSessionIdFromMap(mEmeSessionInfoMap, emeId);
SessionId getSessionIdByDrmId(byte[] drmId) {
return getSessionIdFromMap(mDrmSessionInfoMap, drmId);
// Private methods
private SessionId getSessionIdFromMap(HashMap<ByteBuffer, SessionInfo> map, byte[] id) {
SessionInfo info = map.get(ByteBuffer.wrap(id));
if (info == null) {
return null;
return info.sessionId();