blob: 853d3137264434e34493fb5a340aa4b9bca02466 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module media.mojom;
import "media/mojo/mojom/media_types.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "media/mojo/mojom/video_encoder_info.mojom";
// This file is the Mojo version of the media::VideoEncodeAccelerator interface
// and describes the communication between a Client and a remote "service"
// VideoEncodeAccelerator (VEA) with the purpose of encoding Video Frames by
// means of hardware accelerated features.
// Client VideoEncodeAccelerator
// | ---> Initialize |
// | RequireBitstreamBuffers(N) <--- |
// | ---> UseOutputBitstreamBuffer(0) |
// | ---> UseOutputBitstreamBuffer(1) |
// | ... |
// = =
// The Client requests a remote Encode() and eventually the VEA will leave the
// encoded results in a pre-shared BitstreamBuffer, that is then restored to the
// VEA when the Client is finished with it. Note that there might not be a 1:1
// relationship between Encode() and BitstreamBufferReady() calls.
// | ---> Encode() |
// | BitstreamBufferReady(k) <--- |
// | ---> UseOutputBitstreamBuffer(k) |
// = =
// At any time the VEA can send a NotifyError() to the Client. Similarly at any
// time the Client can send a RequestEncodingParametersChange() to the VEA. None
// of these messages are acknowledged.
struct VideoEncodeAcceleratorSupportedProfile {
VideoCodecProfile profile;
gfx.mojom.Size min_resolution;
gfx.mojom.Size max_resolution;
uint32 max_framerate_numerator;
uint32 max_framerate_denominator;
array<SVCScalabilityMode> scalability_modes;
// A renderer process calls this interface's functions. GPU process implements
// this interface.
interface VideoEncodeAcceleratorProvider {
// Creates a VideoEncodeAccelerator bound to |receiver|.
pending_receiver<VideoEncodeAccelerator> receiver);
// Get a VideoEncodeAccelerator supported profiles.
=> (array<VideoEncodeAcceleratorSupportedProfile> profiles);
// Class that describes how video bitrate, in bps, is allocated across temporal
// and spatial layers. See media::VideoBitrateAllocation for more details.
struct VideoBitrateAllocation {
array<int32> bitrates;
// This defines a mojo transport format for
// media::VideoEncodeAccelerator::Config::SpatialLayer.
struct SpatialLayer {
int32 width;
int32 height;
uint32 bitrate_bps;
uint32 framerate;
uint8 max_qp;
uint8 num_of_temporal_layers;
// This defines a mojo transport format for media::Bitrate
struct Bitrate {
// See media::Bitrate::Mode
enum Mode {
[Default] kConstant,
// The defaults here match those in media::Bitrate (CBR, which has no peak).
// Target must be set for all bitrates.
Mode mode = kConstant;
uint32 target;
uint32 peak = 0;
// This defines a mojo transport format for
// media::VideoEncodeAccelerator::Config.
struct VideoEncodeAcceleratorConfig {
// See media::VideoEncodeAccelerator::Config::ContentType
enum ContentType {
// See media::VideoEncodeAccelerator::Config::InterLayerPredMode
enum InterLayerPredMode {
// See media::VideoEncodeAccelerator::Config::StorageType
enum StorageType {
VideoPixelFormat input_format;
gfx.mojom.Size input_visible_size;
VideoCodecProfile output_profile;
Bitrate bitrate;
uint32 initial_framerate;
bool has_initial_framerate; // Whether or not config has initial framerate
uint32 gop_length;
bool has_gop_length; // Whether or not config has group of picture length
uint8 h264_output_level;
bool has_h264_output_level; // Whether or not config has H264 output level
bool is_constrained_h264;
StorageType storage_type;
bool has_storage_type; // Whether or not config has storage type config
ContentType content_type;
array<SpatialLayer> spatial_layers;
InterLayerPredMode inter_layer_pred;
bool require_low_delay;
interface VideoEncodeAccelerator {
// See media::VideoEncodeAccelerator::Error
enum Error {
// Responded by VideoEncodeAcceleratorClient.RequireBitstreamBuffers().
Initialize(VideoEncodeAcceleratorConfig config,
pending_remote<VideoEncodeAcceleratorClient> client)
=> (bool result);
// Encodes a |frame|, being completely done with it after its callback.
Encode(VideoFrame frame, bool force_keyframe) => ();
UseOutputBitstreamBuffer(int32 bitstream_buffer_id,
handle<shared_buffer> buffer);
// Request a change to the encoding parameters. This is only a request,
// fulfilled on a best-effort basis. This method is intended for use with
// spatial or temporal layers, and is implicitly a constant bitrate encoding.
// Parameters:
// |bitrate_allocation| is the requested new bitrate, per spatial and
// temporal layer.
// |framerate| is the requested new framerate, in frames per second.
VideoBitrateAllocation bitrate_allocation,
uint32 framerate);
// Request a change to the encoding parameters. This is only a request,
// fulfilled on a best-effort basis. This method is for use with non-layered
// bitrates, and may make requests for constant or variable bitrates based on
// the initially-configured bitrate mode.
// Parameters:
// |bitrate| is the requested new bitrate for non-layered encoding, which
// may be constant or variable bitrate. This should not change the
// encoding mode (constant -> variable or variable -> constant).
// |framerate| is the requested new framerate, in frames per second.
Bitrate bitrate,
uint32 framerate);
IsFlushSupported() => (bool result);
Flush() => (bool result);
// H264Metadata, Vp8Metadata, Vp9Metadata define mojo transport formats for
// media::H264Metadata, media::Vp8Metadata and media::Vp9Metadata, respectively.
// See the structures defined video_encode_accelerator.h for the descriptions of
// the variables.
// Either of them is filled in GPU process only in the case of temporal/spatial
// SVC encoding. That is, none of them is filled in the case of non
// temporal/spatial SVC encoding. Thus CodecMetadata is union and CodecMetadata
// exists as optional in BitstreamBufferMetadata.
// BitstreamBufferMetadata is metadata about a bitstream buffer produced by a
// hardware encoder. The structure is passed from GPU process to renderer
// process in BitstreamBufferReady() call.
struct H264Metadata {
uint8 temporal_idx;
bool layer_sync;
struct Vp8Metadata {
bool non_reference;
uint8 temporal_idx;
bool layer_sync;
struct Vp9Metadata {
bool inter_pic_predicted;
bool temporal_up_switch;
bool referenced_by_upper_spatial_layers;
bool reference_lower_spatial_layers;
bool end_of_picture;
uint8 temporal_idx;
uint8 spatial_idx;
array<gfx.mojom.Size> spatial_layer_resolutions;
array<uint8> p_diffs;
// Codec specific metadata.
union CodecMetadata {
H264Metadata h264;
Vp8Metadata vp8;
Vp9Metadata vp9;
struct BitstreamBufferMetadata {
uint32 payload_size_bytes;
bool key_frame;
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta timestamp;
CodecMetadata? codec_metadata;
interface VideoEncodeAcceleratorClient {
// Response to VideoEncodeAccelerator.Initialize().
RequireBitstreamBuffers(uint32 input_count,
gfx.mojom.Size input_coded_size,
uint32 output_buffer_size);
BitstreamBufferReady(int32 bitstream_buffer_id,
BitstreamBufferMetadata metadata);
NotifyError(VideoEncodeAccelerator.Error error);
// VideoEncodeAccelerator calls this when its VideoEncoderInfo is changed.
// |info| is the updated VideoEncoderInfo.
NotifyEncoderInfoChange(VideoEncoderInfo info);