blob: 6519dbe591b83072c5e5d673ccbb65480318bf66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains an implementation of an H265 Annex-B video stream parser,
// but it only handles NALU parsing.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <vector>
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/base/ranges.h"
#include "media/video/h264_bit_reader.h"
#include "media/video/h264_parser.h"
namespace media {
struct SubsampleEntry;
// For explanations of each struct and its members, see H.265 specification
// at
// NAL Unit types are taken from Table 7-1 of HEVC/H265 standard
enum Type {
TRAIL_N = 0,
TRAIL_R = 1,
TSA_N = 2,
TSA_R = 3,
STSA_N = 4,
STSA_R = 5,
RADL_N = 6,
RADL_R = 7,
RASL_N = 8,
RASL_R = 9,
RSV_VCL_N10 = 10,
RSV_VCL_R11 = 11,
RSV_VCL_N12 = 12,
RSV_VCL_R13 = 13,
RSV_VCL_N14 = 14,
RSV_VCL_R15 = 15,
BLA_W_LP = 16,
BLA_W_RADL = 17,
BLA_N_LP = 18,
IDR_W_RADL = 19,
IDR_N_LP = 20,
CRA_NUT = 21,
RSV_IRAP_VCL22 = 22,
RSV_IRAP_VCL23 = 23,
RSV_VCL24 = 24,
RSV_VCL25 = 25,
RSV_VCL26 = 26,
RSV_VCL27 = 27,
RSV_VCL28 = 28,
RSV_VCL29 = 29,
RSV_VCL30 = 30,
RSV_VCL31 = 31,
VPS_NUT = 32,
SPS_NUT = 33,
PPS_NUT = 34,
AUD_NUT = 35,
EOS_NUT = 36,
EOB_NUT = 37,
FD_NUT = 38,
RSV_NVCL41 = 41,
RSV_NVCL42 = 42,
RSV_NVCL43 = 43,
RSV_NVCL44 = 44,
RSV_NVCL45 = 45,
RSV_NVCL46 = 46,
RSV_NVCL47 = 47,
UNSPEC48 = 48,
UNSPEC49 = 49,
UNSPEC50 = 50,
UNSPEC51 = 51,
UNSPEC52 = 52,
UNSPEC53 = 53,
UNSPEC54 = 54,
UNSPEC55 = 55,
UNSPEC56 = 56,
UNSPEC57 = 57,
UNSPEC58 = 58,
UNSPEC59 = 59,
UNSPEC60 = 60,
UNSPEC61 = 61,
UNSPEC62 = 62,
UNSPEC63 = 63,
// After (without) start code; we don't own the underlying memory
// and a shallow copy should be made when copying this struct.
const uint8_t* data;
off_t size; // From after start code to start code of next NALU (or EOS).
int nal_unit_type;
int nuh_layer_id;
int nuh_temporal_id_plus1;
// Class to parse an Annex-B H.265 stream NALUs.
class MEDIA_EXPORT H265NaluParser {
enum Result {
kInvalidStream, // error in stream
kUnsupportedStream, // stream not supported by the parser
kMissingParameterSet, // missing PPS/SPS from what was parsed
kEOStream, // end of stream
H265NaluParser(const H265NaluParser&) = delete;
H265NaluParser& operator=(const H265NaluParser&) = delete;
virtual ~H265NaluParser();
void Reset();
// Set current stream pointer to |stream| of |stream_size| in bytes,
// |stream| owned by caller.
// |subsamples| contains information about what parts of |stream| are
// encrypted.
void SetStream(const uint8_t* stream, off_t stream_size);
void SetEncryptedStream(const uint8_t* stream,
off_t stream_size,
const std::vector<SubsampleEntry>& subsamples);
// Read the stream to find the next NALU, identify it and return
// that information in |*nalu|. This advances the stream to the beginning
// of this NALU, but not past it, so subsequent calls to NALU-specific
// parsing functions (ParseSPS, etc.) will parse this NALU.
// If the caller wishes to skip the current NALU, it can call this function
// again, instead of any NALU-type specific parse functions below.
Result AdvanceToNextNALU(H265NALU* nalu);
// The return value of this method changes for every successful call to
// AdvanceToNextNALU().
// This returns the subsample information for the last NALU that was output
// from AdvanceToNextNALU().
std::vector<SubsampleEntry> GetCurrentSubsamples();
H264BitReader br_;
// Move the stream pointer to the beginning of the next NALU,
// i.e. pointing at the next start code.
// Return true if a NALU has been found.
// If a NALU is found:
// - its size in bytes is returned in |*nalu_size| and includes
// the start code as well as the trailing zero bits.
// - the size in bytes of the start code is returned in |*start_code_size|.
bool LocateNALU(off_t* nalu_size, off_t* start_code_size);
// Pointer to the current NALU in the stream.
const uint8_t* stream_;
// Bytes left in the stream after the current NALU.
off_t bytes_left_;
// Ranges of encrypted bytes in the buffer passed to SetEncryptedStream().
Ranges<const uint8_t*> encrypted_ranges_;
// This contains the range of the previous NALU found in
// AdvanceToNextNalu(). Holds exactly one range.
Ranges<const uint8_t*> previous_nalu_range_;
} // namespace media