blob: 580d256b1ef821dc5699b3fc83971a772ccbf0c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Cobalt Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "starboard/loader_app/slot_management.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <vector>
#include "starboard/common/log.h"
#include "starboard/common/string.h"
#include "starboard/configuration_constants.h"
#include "starboard/elf_loader/elf_loader_constants.h"
#include "starboard/elf_loader/sabi_string.h"
#include "starboard/event.h"
#include "starboard/file.h"
#include "starboard/loader_app/app_key_files.h"
#include "starboard/loader_app/drain_file.h"
#include "starboard/loader_app/installation_manager.h"
#include "starboard/memory.h"
#include "starboard/string.h"
#include "third_party/crashpad/wrapper/annotations.h"
#include "third_party/crashpad/wrapper/wrapper.h"
namespace starboard {
namespace loader_app {
namespace {
// The max number of installations slots.
const int kMaxNumInstallations = 3;
// Relative path for the directory of the Cobalt shared library.
const char kCobaltLibraryPath[] = "lib";
// Filename for the Cobalt binary.
const char kCobaltLibraryName[] = "";
// Filename for the compressed Cobalt binary.
const char kCompressedCobaltLibraryName[] = "libcobalt.lz4";
// Relative path for the content directory of
// the Cobalt installation.
const char kCobaltContentPath[] = "content";
} // namespace
int RevertBack(int current_installation,
const std::string& app_key,
bool mark_bad) {
SB_LOG(INFO) << "RevertBack current_installation=" << current_installation;
SB_DCHECK(current_installation != 0);
if (mark_bad) {
std::vector<char> installation_path(kSbFileMaxPath);
if (ImGetInstallationPath(current_installation,,
kSbFileMaxPath) != IM_ERROR) {
std::string bad_app_key_file_path =
if (bad_app_key_file_path.empty()) {
SB_LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get bad app key file path for path="
<< " and app_key=" << app_key;
} else {
if (!starboard::loader_app::CreateAppKeyFile(bad_app_key_file_path)) {
SB_LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to create bad app key file: "
<< bad_app_key_file_path;
} else {
SB_LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get installation path for index: "
<< current_installation;
current_installation = ImRevertToSuccessfulInstallation();
return current_installation;
bool CheckBadFileExists(const char* installation_path, const char* app_key) {
std::string bad_app_key_file_path =
starboard::loader_app::GetBadAppKeyFilePath(installation_path, app_key);
struct stat info;
bool file_exists = stat(bad_app_key_file_path.c_str(), &info) == 0;
SB_LOG(INFO) << "bad_app_key_file_path: " << bad_app_key_file_path;
SB_LOG(INFO) << "bad_app_key_file_path FileExists: " << file_exists;
return !bad_app_key_file_path.empty() && file_exists;
bool AdoptInstallation(int current_installation,
const char* installation_path,
const char* app_key) {
SB_LOG(INFO) << "AdoptInstallation: current_installation="
<< current_installation
<< " installation_path=" << installation_path
<< " app_key=" << app_key;
// Check that a good file exists from at least one app before adopting.
if (!AnyGoodAppKeyFile(installation_path)) {
SB_LOG(ERROR) << "No good files present";
return false;
std::string good_app_key_file_path =
starboard::loader_app::GetGoodAppKeyFilePath(installation_path, app_key);
if (good_app_key_file_path.empty()) {
SB_LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to get good app key file path for app_key="
<< app_key;
return false;
struct stat info;
if (stat(good_app_key_file_path.c_str(), &info) != 0) {
if (!starboard::loader_app::CreateAppKeyFile(good_app_key_file_path)) {
SB_LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to create good app key file";
return false;
if (ImResetInstallation(current_installation) == IM_ERROR) {
return false;
if (ImRollForward(current_installation) == IM_ERROR) {
SB_LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to roll forward";
return false;
return true;
void* LoadSlotManagedLibrary(const std::string& app_key,
const std::string& alternative_content_path,
LibraryLoader* library_loader,
bool use_memory_mapped_file) {
// Initialize the Installation Manager.
SB_CHECK(ImInitialize(kMaxNumInstallations, app_key.c_str()) == IM_SUCCESS)
<< "Abort. Failed to initialize Installation Manager";
// Roll forward if needed.
if (ImRollForwardIfNeeded() == IM_ERROR) {
SB_LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to roll forward";
// TODO: Try to simplify the loop.
// Loop by priority.
int current_installation = ImGetCurrentInstallationIndex();
while (current_installation != IM_ERROR) {
// if not successful and num_tries_left > 0 decrement and try to
// load the library.
if (ImGetInstallationStatus(current_installation) !=
int num_tries_left = ImGetInstallationNumTriesLeft(current_installation);
if (num_tries_left == IM_ERROR || num_tries_left <= 0 ||
ImDecrementInstallationNumTries(current_installation) == IM_ERROR) {
SB_LOG(INFO) << "Out of retries";
// If no more tries are left or if we have hard failure,
// discard the image and auto rollback, but only if
// the current image is not the system image.
if (current_installation != 0) {
current_installation =
RevertBack(current_installation, app_key, true /* mark_bad */);
SB_LOG(INFO) << "Try to load the Cobalt binary";
SB_LOG(INFO) << "current_installation=" << current_installation;
// Try to load the image. Failures here discard the image.
std::vector<char> installation_path(kSbFileMaxPath);
if (ImGetInstallationPath(current_installation,,
kSbFileMaxPath) == IM_ERROR) {
SB_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find library file";
// Hard failure. Discard the image and auto rollback, but only if
// the current image is not the system image.
if (current_installation != 0) {
current_installation =
RevertBack(current_installation, app_key, true /* mark_bad */);
} else {
// The system image at index 0 failed.
return NULL;
SB_DLOG(INFO) << "installation_path=" <<;
if (current_installation != 0) {
// Cleanup all expired files from all apps.
// Cleanup all drain files from the current app.
DrainFileClearForApp(, app_key.c_str());
// Check for bad file.
if (CheckBadFileExists(, app_key.c_str())) {
SB_LOG(INFO) << "Bad app key file";
current_installation =
RevertBack(current_installation, app_key, true /* mark_bad */);
// If the current installation is in use by an updater roll back.
if (DrainFileIsAnotherAppDraining(,
app_key.c_str())) {
SB_LOG(INFO) << "Active slot draining";
current_installation =
RevertBack(current_installation, app_key, false /* mark_bad */);
// Adopt installation performed from different app.
if (!AdoptInstallation(current_installation,,
app_key.c_str())) {
SB_LOG(INFO) << "Unable to adopt installation";
current_installation =
RevertBack(current_installation, app_key, true /* mark_bad */);
// installation_n/lib/
std::vector<char> compressed_lib_path(kSbFileMaxPath);
snprintf(, kSbFileMaxPath, "%s%s%s%s%s",, kSbFileSepString, kCobaltLibraryPath,
kSbFileSepString, kCompressedCobaltLibraryName);
std::vector<char> uncompressed_lib_path(kSbFileMaxPath);
snprintf(, kSbFileMaxPath, "%s%s%s%s%s",, kSbFileSepString, kCobaltLibraryPath,
kSbFileSepString, kCobaltLibraryName);
std::string lib_path;
bool use_compression;
struct stat info;
if (stat(, &info) == 0) {
lib_path =;
use_compression = true;
} else if (stat(, &info) == 0) {
lib_path =;
use_compression = false;
} else {
SB_LOG(ERROR) << "No library found at compressed "
<< << " or uncompressed "
<< << " path";
return NULL;
if (use_compression && use_memory_mapped_file) {
SB_LOG(ERROR) << "Using both compression and mmap files is not supported";
return NULL;
SB_LOG(INFO) << "lib_path=" << lib_path;
std::string content;
if (alternative_content_path.empty()) {
// installation_n/content
std::vector<char> content_path(kSbFileMaxPath);
snprintf(, kSbFileMaxPath, "%s%s%s",, kSbFileSepString, kCobaltContentPath);
content =;
} else {
content = alternative_content_path.c_str();
SB_LOG(INFO) << "content=" << content;
if (!library_loader->Load(lib_path, content.c_str(), use_compression,
use_memory_mapped_file)) {
SB_LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to load Cobalt!";
// Hard failure. Discard the image and auto rollback, but only if
// the current image is not the system image.
if (current_installation != 0) {
current_installation =
RevertBack(current_installation, app_key, true /* mark_bad */);
} else {
// The system image at index 0 failed.
return NULL;
EvergreenInfo evergreen_info;
if (!third_party::crashpad::wrapper::AddEvergreenInfoToCrashpad(
evergreen_info)) {
<< "Could not send Cobalt library information into Crashpad.";
} else {
SB_LOG(INFO) << "Loaded Cobalt library information into Crashpad.";
auto get_evergreen_sabi_string_func = reinterpret_cast<const char* (*)()>(
if (!CheckSabi(get_evergreen_sabi_string_func)) {
SB_LOG(ERROR) << "CheckSabi failed";
// Hard failure. Discard the image and auto rollback, but only if
// the current image is not the system image.
if (current_installation != 0) {
current_installation =
RevertBack(current_installation, app_key, true /* mark_bad */);
} else {
// The system image at index 0 failed.
return NULL;
auto get_user_agent_func = reinterpret_cast<const char* (*)()>(
if (!get_user_agent_func) {
SB_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get user agent string";
} else {
std::vector<char> buffer(USER_AGENT_STRING_MAX_SIZE);
starboard::strlcpy(, get_user_agent_func(),
if (third_party::crashpad::wrapper::InsertCrashpadAnnotation(
third_party::crashpad::wrapper::kCrashpadUserAgentStringKey, {
SB_DLOG(INFO) << "Added user agent string to Crashpad.";
} else {
SB_DLOG(INFO) << "Failed to add user agent string to Crashpad.";
SB_DLOG(INFO) << "Successfully loaded Cobalt!\n";
void* p = library_loader->Resolve("SbEventHandle");
if (p != NULL) {
SB_DLOG(INFO) << "Symbol Lookup succeeded address: " << p;
return p;
} else {
SB_LOG(ERROR) << "Symbol Lookup failed\n";
// Hard failure. Discard the image and auto rollback, but only if
// the current image is not the system image.
if (current_installation != 0) {
current_installation =
RevertBack(current_installation, app_key, true /* mark_bad */);
} else {
// The system image at index 0 failed.
return NULL;
return NULL;
} // namespace loader_app
} // namespace starboard