blob: 7c2d388a69947d5c22ce9fb34da7236ac1b4a519 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17
// When the debug mode is enabled, we don't unwrap iterators in `std::copy` and similar algorithms so we don't get this
// optimization.
// UNSUPPORTED: libcpp-has-debug-mode
// In the modules build, adding another overload of `memmove` doesn't work.
// UNSUPPORTED: modules-build
// GCC complains about "ambiguating" `__builtin_memmove`.
// <algorithm>
// These tests check that `std::copy` and `std::move` (including their variations like `copy_n`) forward to
// `memmove` when possible.
#include <cstddef>
struct Foo {
int i = 0;
Foo() = default;
Foo(int set_i) : i(set_i) {}
friend bool operator==(const Foo&, const Foo&) = default;
static bool memmove_called = false;
// This template is a better match than the actual `builtin_memmove` (it can match the pointer type exactly, without an
// implicit conversion to `void*`), so it should hijack the call inside `std::copy` and similar algorithms if it's made.
template <class Dst, class Src>
constexpr void* __builtin_memmove(Dst* dst, Src* src, std::size_t count) {
memmove_called = true;
return __builtin_memmove(static_cast<void*>(dst), static_cast<const void*>(src), count);
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <ranges>
#include <type_traits>
#include "test_iterators.h"
// To test pointers to functions.
void Func() {}
using FuncPtr = decltype(&Func);
// To test pointers to members.
struct S {
int mem_obj = 0;
void MemFunc() {}
using MemObjPtr = decltype(&S::mem_obj);
using MemFuncPtr = decltype(&S::MemFunc);
// To test bitfields.
struct BitfieldS {
unsigned char b1 : 3;
unsigned char : 2;
unsigned char b2 : 5;
friend bool operator==(const BitfieldS&, const BitfieldS&) = default;
// To test non-default alignment.
struct AlignedS {
alignas(64) int x;
alignas(8) int y;
friend bool operator==(const AlignedS&, const AlignedS&) = default;
template <class T>
T make(int from) {
return T(from);
template <class T>
requires (std::is_pointer_v<T> && !std::is_function_v<std::remove_pointer_t<T>>)
T make(int i) {
static std::remove_pointer_t<T> arr[8];
return arr + i;
template <class T>
requires std::same_as<T, FuncPtr>
FuncPtr make(int) {
return &Func;
template <class T>
requires std::same_as<T, MemObjPtr>
MemObjPtr make(int) {
return &S::mem_obj;
template <class T>
requires std::same_as<T, MemFuncPtr>
MemFuncPtr make(int) {
return &S::MemFunc;
template <class T>
requires std::same_as<T, BitfieldS>
BitfieldS make(int x) {
BitfieldS result = {};
result.b1 = x;
result.b2 = x;
return result;
template <class T>
requires std::same_as<T, AlignedS>
AlignedS make(int x) {
AlignedS result;
result.x = x;
result.y = x;
return result;
template <class InIter, template <class> class SentWrapper, class OutIter, class Func>
void test_one(Func func) {
using From = std::iter_value_t<InIter>;
using To = std::iter_value_t<OutIter>;
// Normal case.
const std::size_t N = 4;
From input[N] = {make<From>(1), make<From>(2), make<From>(3), make<From>(4)};
To output[N];
auto in = InIter(input);
auto in_end = InIter(input + N);
auto sent = SentWrapper<decltype(in_end)>(in_end);
auto out = OutIter(output);
func(in, sent, out, N);
memmove_called = false;
assert(std::equal(input, input + N, output, [](const From& lhs, const To& rhs) {
// Prevents warnings/errors due to mismatched signed-ness.
if constexpr (std::convertible_to<From, To>) {
return static_cast<To>(lhs) == rhs;
} else if constexpr (std::convertible_to<To, From>) {
return lhs == static_cast<From>(rhs);
// Empty input sequence.
const std::size_t N = 0;
From input[1] = {make<From>(1)};
To output[1] = {make<To>(2)};
auto in = InIter(input);
auto in_end = InIter(input + N);
auto sent = SentWrapper<decltype(in_end)>(in_end);
auto out = OutIter(output);
func(in, sent, out, N);
memmove_called = false;
assert(output[0] == make<To>(2));
template <class InIter, template <class> class SentWrapper, class OutIter>
void test_copy_and_move() {
// Classic.
if constexpr (std::same_as<InIter, SentWrapper<InIter>>) {
test_one<InIter, SentWrapper, OutIter>([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t) {
std::copy(first, last, out);
test_one<InIter, SentWrapper, OutIter>([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t n) {
std::copy_backward(first, last, out + n);
test_one<InIter, SentWrapper, OutIter>([](auto first, auto, auto out, std::size_t n) {
std::copy_n(first, n, out);
test_one<InIter, SentWrapper, OutIter>([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t) {
std::move(first, last, out);
test_one<InIter, SentWrapper, OutIter>([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t n) {
std::move_backward(first, last, out + n);
// Ranges.
test_one<InIter, SentWrapper, OutIter>([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t) {
std::ranges::copy(first, last, out);
test_one<InIter, SentWrapper, OutIter>([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t n) {
std::ranges::copy_backward(first, last, out + n);
test_one<InIter, SentWrapper, OutIter>([](auto first, auto, auto out, std::size_t n) {
std::ranges::copy_n(first, n, out);
test_one<InIter, SentWrapper, OutIter>([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t) {
std::ranges::move(first, last, out);
test_one<InIter, SentWrapper, OutIter>([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t n) {
std::ranges::move_backward(first, last, out + n);
template <class From, class To, template <class> class SentWrapper, bool BothDirections = !std::same_as<From, To>>
void test_all_permutations_from_to_sent() {
test_copy_and_move<From*, SentWrapper, To*>();
test_copy_and_move<contiguous_iterator<From*>, SentWrapper, To*>();
test_copy_and_move<From*, SentWrapper, contiguous_iterator<To*>>();
test_copy_and_move<contiguous_iterator<From*>, SentWrapper, contiguous_iterator<To*>>();
if (BothDirections) {
test_copy_and_move<To*, SentWrapper, From*>();
test_copy_and_move<contiguous_iterator<To*>, SentWrapper, From*>();
test_copy_and_move<To*, SentWrapper, contiguous_iterator<From*>>();
test_copy_and_move<contiguous_iterator<To*>, SentWrapper, contiguous_iterator<From*>>();
void test_different_signedness() {
auto check = [](auto alg) {
// Signed -> unsigned.
constexpr int N = 3;
constexpr auto min_value = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
int in[N] = {-1, min_value / 2, min_value};
unsigned int out[N];
unsigned int expected[N] = {
static_cast<unsigned int>(in[0]),
static_cast<unsigned int>(in[1]),
static_cast<unsigned int>(in[2]),
alg(in, in + N, out, N);
memmove_called = false;
assert(std::equal(out, out + N, expected));
// Unsigned -> signed.
constexpr int N = 3;
constexpr auto max_signed = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
constexpr auto max_unsigned = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
unsigned int in[N] = {static_cast<unsigned int>(max_signed) + 1, max_unsigned / 2, max_unsigned};
int out[N];
int expected[N] = {
alg(in, in + N, out, N);
memmove_called = false;
assert(std::equal(out, out + N, expected));
check([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t) {
std::copy(first, last, out);
check([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t n) {
std::copy_backward(first, last, out + n);
check([](auto first, auto, auto out, std::size_t n) {
std::copy_n(first, n, out);
check([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t) {
std::move(first, last, out);
check([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t n) {
std::move_backward(first, last, out + n);
// Ranges.
check([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t) {
std::ranges::copy(first, last, out);
check([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t n) {
std::ranges::copy_backward(first, last, out + n);
check([](auto first, auto, auto out, std::size_t n) {
std::ranges::copy_n(first, n, out);
check([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t) {
std::ranges::move(first, last, out);
check([](auto first, auto last, auto out, std::size_t n) {
std::ranges::move_backward(first, last, out + n);
void test() {
// Built-in.
test_all_permutations_from_to_sent<int, int, std::type_identity_t>();
// User-defined.
test_all_permutations_from_to_sent<Foo, Foo, std::type_identity_t>();
// Conversions.
test_all_permutations_from_to_sent<char32_t, std::int32_t, sized_sentinel>();
test_all_permutations_from_to_sent<std::int32_t, std::uint32_t, sized_sentinel>();
// Conversion from `bool` to `char` invokes the optimization (the set of values for `char` is a superset of the set of
// values for `bool`), but the other way round cannot.
test_all_permutations_from_to_sent<bool, char, sized_sentinel, /*BothDirections=*/false>();
// Copying between regular pointers.
test_copy_and_move<int**, std::type_identity_t, int**>();
// Copying between pointers to functions.
test_copy_and_move<FuncPtr*, std::type_identity_t, FuncPtr*>();
// Copying between pointers to members.
test_copy_and_move<MemObjPtr*, std::type_identity_t, MemObjPtr*>();
test_copy_and_move<MemFuncPtr*, std::type_identity_t, MemFuncPtr*>();
// Copying structs with bitfields.
test_copy_and_move<BitfieldS*, std::type_identity_t, BitfieldS*>();
// Copying objects with non-default alignment.
test_copy_and_move<AlignedS*, std::type_identity_t, AlignedS*>();
// Copying integers with different signedness produces the same results as built-in assignment.
int main(int, char**) {
// The test relies on a global variable, so it cannot be made `constexpr`; the `memmove` optimization is not used in
// `constexpr` mode anyway.
return 0;