blob: 9bbb85f2fe30c45107c6d94dc02431052eccf8f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// <type_traits>
// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17
// __is_always_bitcastable<_From, _To>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include <__type_traits/is_always_bitcastable.h>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cwchar>
#include "type_algorithms.h"
// To test pointers to functions.
void Func1() {}
using FuncPtr1 = decltype(&Func1);
int Func2() { return 0; }
using FuncPtr2 = decltype(&Func2);
template <bool Expected, class T, class U>
constexpr void check_one() {
static_assert(std::__is_always_bitcastable<T, U>::value == Expected);
template <bool Expected, class T, class U>
constexpr void check_with_volatile() {
check_one<Expected, T, U>();
check_one<Expected, volatile T, U>();
check_one<Expected, T, volatile U>();
check_one<Expected, volatile T, volatile U>();
template <bool Expected, class T, class U>
constexpr void check_with_cv() {
check_with_volatile<Expected, T, U>();
check_with_volatile<Expected, const T, U>();
check_with_volatile<Expected, T, const U>();
check_with_volatile<Expected, const T, const U>();
template <bool Expected, class Types1, class Types2 = Types1>
constexpr void check() {
types::for_each(Types1{}, []<class T>() {
types::for_each(Types2{}, []<class U>() {
check_with_cv<Expected, T, U>();
template <bool Expected, class Types1, class Types2>
constexpr void check_both_ways() {
check<Expected, Types1, Types2>();
check<Expected, Types2, Types1>();
constexpr void test() {
// Arithmetic types.
// Bit-castable arithmetic types.
// 8-bit types.
using integral_8 = types::type_list<char8_t, std::int8_t, std::uint8_t>;
using chars = types::type_list<char, unsigned char, signed char>;
#if CHAR_BIT == 8
check<true, types::concatenate_t<integral_8, chars>>();
check<true, integral_8>();
check<true, chars>();
// 16-bit types.
using integral_16 = types::type_list<char16_t, std::int16_t, std::uint16_t>;
#if !defined(TEST_HAS_NO_WIDE_CHARACTERS) && __WCHAR_WIDTH__ == 16
check<true, types::concatenate_t<integral_16, types::type_list<wchar_t>>>();
check<true, integral_16>();
// 32-bit types.
using integral_32 = types::type_list<char32_t, std::int32_t, std::uint32_t>;
#if !defined(TEST_HAS_NO_WIDE_CHARACTERS) && __WCHAR_WIDTH__ == 32
check<true, types::concatenate_t<integral_32, types::type_list<wchar_t>>>();
check<true, integral_32>();
// 64-bit types.
using integral_64 = types::type_list<std::int64_t, std::uint64_t>;
check<true, integral_64>();
// 128-bit types.
#ifndef TEST_HAS_NO_INT128
check<true, types::type_list<__int128_t, __uint128_t>>();
// Bool.
check<true, types::type_list<bool>, types::concatenate_t<types::type_list<bool>, integral_8>>();
// Non-bit-castable arithmetic types.
// Floating-point.
check_both_ways<false, types::floating_point_types, types::integral_types>();
check_both_ways<false, types::type_list<float>, types::type_list<double, long double>>();
check_both_ways<false, types::type_list<double>, types::type_list<float, long double>>();
check_both_ways<false, types::type_list<long double>, types::type_list<float, double>>();
// Different sizes.
check_both_ways<false, integral_8, types::concatenate_t<integral_16, integral_32, integral_64>>();
check_both_ways<false, integral_16, types::concatenate_t<integral_8, integral_32, integral_64>>();
check_both_ways<false, integral_32, types::concatenate_t<integral_8, integral_16, integral_64>>();
check_both_ways<false, integral_64, types::concatenate_t<integral_8, integral_16, integral_32>>();
// Different representations -- can convert from bool to other integral types, but not vice versa.
check<true, types::type_list<bool>, integral_8>();
using larger_than_bool = types::concatenate_t<
check<false, types::type_list<bool>, larger_than_bool>();
check<false, types::concatenate_t<integral_8, larger_than_bool>, types::type_list<bool>>();
// Different representations -- floating point vs. integral.
check_both_ways<false, types::floating_point_types, types::integral_types>();
// Enumerations.
enum E1 { Value1 };
enum E2 { Value2 };
check<true, types::type_list<E1>>();
check_both_ways<false, types::type_list<E1>, types::type_list<E2>>();
enum class ScopedE1 { Value1 };
enum class ScopedE2 { Value1 };
check<true, types::type_list<ScopedE1>>();
check_both_ways<false, types::type_list<ScopedE1>, types::type_list<ScopedE2>>();
// Pointers.
check<true, types::type_list<int*>>();
check_both_ways<false, types::type_list<int*>, types::type_list<const int*, long*, void*>>();
check<true, types::type_list<FuncPtr1>>();
check_both_ways<false, types::type_list<FuncPtr1>, types::type_list<FuncPtr2>>();
// Pointers to members.
struct S {
int mem_obj1 = 0;
long mem_obj2 = 0;
void MemFunc1() {}
int MemFunc2() { return 0; }
using MemObjPtr1 = decltype(&S::mem_obj1);
using MemObjPtr2 = decltype(&S::mem_obj2);
using MemFuncPtr1 = decltype(&S::MemFunc1);
using MemFuncPtr2 = decltype(&S::MemFunc2);
check<true, types::type_list<MemObjPtr1>>();
check<true, types::type_list<MemFuncPtr1>>();
check_both_ways<false, types::type_list<MemObjPtr1>, types::type_list<MemObjPtr2>>();
check_both_ways<false, types::type_list<MemFuncPtr1>, types::type_list<MemFuncPtr2>>();
// Trivial classes.
struct S1 {};
check<true, types::type_list<S1>>();
struct S2 {};
check_both_ways<false, types::type_list<S1>, types::type_list<S2>>();
// Having a `volatile` member doesn't prevent a class type from being considered trivially copyable. This is
// unfortunate behavior but it is consistent with the Standard.
struct VolatileMembersS {
volatile int x;
check<true, types::type_list<VolatileMembersS>>();
// Trivial unions.
union U1 {};
check<true, types::type_list<U1>>();
union U2 {};
check_both_ways<false, types::type_list<U1>, types::type_list<U2>>();
union VolatileMembersU {
volatile int x;
check<true, types::type_list<VolatileMembersU>>();
// References are not objects, and thus are not bit-castable.
check_both_ways<false, types::type_list<int&>, types::type_list<int&>>();
// Arrays.
check<true, types::type_list<int[8]>>();