blob: 2970d9f6a579fa2d60fb01c60ce4af08c4aa76d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// <filesystem>
// path proximate(const path& p, error_code &ec)
// path proximate(const path& p, const path& base = current_path())
// path proximate(const path& p, const path& base, error_code& ec);
#include "filesystem_include.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "count_new.h"
#include "filesystem_test_helper.h"
static int count_path_elems(const fs::path& p) {
int count = 0;
for (auto&& elem : p) {
if (elem != p.root_name() && elem != "/" && elem != "")
return count;
static void signature_test()
using fs::path;
const path p; ((void)p);
std::error_code ec; ((void)ec);
ASSERT_NOT_NOEXCEPT(proximate(p, p));
ASSERT_NOT_NOEXCEPT(proximate(p, ec));
ASSERT_NOT_NOEXCEPT(proximate(p, p, ec));
static void basic_test() {
using fs::path;
const path cwd = fs::current_path();
const path parent_cwd = cwd.parent_path();
const path curdir = cwd.filename();
int cwd_depth = count_path_elems(cwd);
path dot_dot_to_root;
for (int i=0; i < cwd_depth; ++i)
dot_dot_to_root /= "..";
path relative_cwd = cwd.native().substr(cwd.root_path().native().size());
// clang-format off
struct {
fs::path input;
fs::path base;
fs::path expect;
} TestCases[] = {
{"", "", "."},
{cwd, "a", ".."},
{parent_cwd, "a", "../.."},
{"a", cwd, "a"},
{"a", parent_cwd, curdir / "a"},
{"/", "a", dot_dot_to_root / ".."},
{"/", "a/b", dot_dot_to_root / "../.."},
{"/", "a/b/", dot_dot_to_root / "../.."},
{"a", "/", relative_cwd / "a"},
{"a/b", "/", relative_cwd / "a/b"},
{"a", "/net", ".." / relative_cwd / "a"},
#ifdef _WIN32
{"//foo/", "//foo", "//foo/"},
{"//foo", "//foo/", "//foo"},
{"//foo/", "//foo", "."},
{"//foo", "//foo/", "."},
{"//foo", "//foo", "."},
{"//foo/", "//foo/", "."},
#ifdef _WIN32
{"//foo", "a", "//foo"},
{"//foo/a", "//bar", "//foo/a"},
{"//foo/a", "//bar/", "//foo/a"},
{"//foo/a", "b", "//foo/a"},
{"//foo/a", "/b", "//foo/a"},
{"//foo/a", "//bar/b", "//foo/a"},
// Using X: instead of C: to avoid influence from the CWD being under C:
{"X:/a", "X:/b", "../a"},
{"X:/a", "X:b", "X:/a"},
{"X:/a", "Y:/a", "X:/a"},
{"X:/a", "Y:/b", "X:/a"},
{"X:/a", "Y:b", "X:/a"},
{"X:a", "X:/b", "X:a"},
{"X:a", "X:b", "../a"},
{"X:a", "Y:/a", "X:a"},
{"X:a", "Y:/b", "X:a"},
{"X:a", "Y:b", "X:a"},
{"//foo", "a", dot_dot_to_root / "../foo"},
{"//foo/a", "//bar", "../foo/a"},
{"//foo/a", "//bar/", "../foo/a"},
{"//foo/a", "b", dot_dot_to_root / "../foo/a"},
{"//foo/a", "/b", "../foo/a"},
{"//foo/a", "//bar/b", "../../foo/a"},
{"X:/a", "X:/b", "../a"},
{"X:/a", "X:b", "../X:/a"},
{"X:/a", "Y:/a", "../../X:/a"},
{"X:/a", "Y:/b", "../../X:/a"},
{"X:/a", "Y:b", "../X:/a"},
{"X:a", "X:/b", "../../X:a"},
{"X:a", "X:b", "../X:a"},
{"X:a", "Y:/a", "../../X:a"},
{"X:a", "Y:/b", "../../X:a"},
{"X:a", "Y:b", "../X:a"},
{"a", "a", "."},
{"a/b", "a/b", "."},
{"a/b/c/", "a/b/c/", "."},
{"//foo/a/b", "//foo/a/b", "."},
{"/a/d", "/a/b/c", "../../d"},
{"/a/b/c", "/a/d", "../b/c"},
{"a/b/c", "a", "b/c"},
{"a/b/c", "a/b/c/x/y", "../.."},
{"a/b/c", "a/b/c", "."},
{"a/b", "c/d", "../../a/b"}
// clang-format on
int ID = 0;
for (auto& TC : TestCases) {
std::error_code ec = GetTestEC();
fs::path p = TC.input;
const fs::path output = fs::proximate(p, TC.base, ec);
fs::path expect = TC.expect;
if (ec) {
std::fprintf(stderr, "TEST CASE #%d FAILED:\n"
" Input: '%s'\n"
" Base: '%s'\n"
" Expected: '%s'\n",
ID, TC.input.string().c_str(), TC.base.string().c_str(),
} else if (!PathEq(output, expect)) {
assert(PathEq(output, expect));
const path canon_input = fs::weakly_canonical(TC.input);
const path canon_base = fs::weakly_canonical(TC.base);
const path lexically_p = canon_input.lexically_proximate(canon_base);
std::fprintf(stderr, "TEST CASE #%d FAILED:\n"
" Input: '%s'\n"
" Base: '%s'\n"
" Expected: '%s'\n"
" Output: '%s'\n"
" Lex Prox: '%s'\n"
" Canon Input: '%s'\n"
" Canon Base: '%s'\n",
ID, TC.input.string().c_str(), TC.base.string().c_str(),
expect.string().c_str(), output.string().c_str(),
lexically_p.string().c_str(), canon_input.string().c_str(),
int main(int, char**) {
return 0;