blob: 669f90d5292df19d5c5298da8b1824e23b3f3352 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// REQUIRES: long_tests
// <random>
// template<class _IntType = int>
// class uniform_int_distribution
// template<class _URNG> result_type operator()(_URNG& g);
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
#include "test_macros.h"
// The __int128 conversions to/from floating point crash on MinGW on x86_64.
// This is fixed in Clang 14 by
#if defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__MINGW32__) && defined(__clang_major__) && __clang_major__ < 14
#define TEST_BUGGY_I128_FP
template <class T>
T sqr(T x) {
return x * x;
template <class ResultType, class EngineType>
void test_statistics(ResultType a, ResultType b) {
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(typename std::uniform_int_distribution<ResultType>::result_type, ResultType);
EngineType g;
std::uniform_int_distribution<ResultType> dist(a, b);
assert(dist.a() == a);
assert(dist.b() == b);
std::vector<ResultType> u;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
ResultType v = dist(g);
assert(a <= v && v <= b);
// Quick check: The chance of getting *no* hits in any given tenth of the range
// is (0.9)^10000, or "ultra-astronomically low."
bool bottom_tenth = false;
bool top_tenth = false;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < u.size(); ++i) {
bottom_tenth = bottom_tenth || (u[i] <= (a + (b / 10) - (a / 10)));
top_tenth = top_tenth || (u[i] >= (b - (b / 10) + (a / 10)));
assert(bottom_tenth); // populated
assert(top_tenth); // populated
// Now do some more involved statistical math.
double mean = std::accumulate(u.begin(), u.end(), 0.0) / u.size();
double var = 0;
double skew = 0;
double kurtosis = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < u.size(); ++i) {
double dbl = (u[i] - mean);
double d2 = dbl * dbl;
var += d2;
skew += dbl * d2;
kurtosis += d2 * d2;
var /= u.size();
double dev = std::sqrt(var);
skew /= u.size() * dev * var;
kurtosis /= u.size() * var * var;
double expected_mean = double(a) + double(b)/2 - double(a)/2;
double expected_var = (sqr(double(b) - double(a) + 1) - 1) / 12;
double range = double(b) - double(a) + 1.0;
assert(range > range / 10); // i.e., it's not infinity
assert(std::abs(mean - expected_mean) < range / 100);
assert(std::abs(var - expected_var) < expected_var / 50);
assert(-0.1 < skew && skew < 0.1);
assert(1.6 < kurtosis && kurtosis < 2.0);
template <class ResultType, class EngineType>
void test_statistics() {
test_statistics<ResultType, EngineType>(0, std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::max());
int main(int, char**)
test_statistics<int, std::minstd_rand0>();
test_statistics<int, std::minstd_rand>();
test_statistics<int, std::mt19937>();
test_statistics<int, std::mt19937_64>();
test_statistics<int, std::ranlux24_base>();
test_statistics<int, std::ranlux48_base>();
test_statistics<int, std::ranlux24>();
test_statistics<int, std::ranlux48>();
test_statistics<int, std::knuth_b>();
test_statistics<int, std::minstd_rand0>(-6, 106);
test_statistics<int, std::minstd_rand>(5, 100);
test_statistics<short, std::minstd_rand0>();
test_statistics<int, std::minstd_rand0>();
test_statistics<long, std::minstd_rand0>();
test_statistics<long long, std::minstd_rand0>();
test_statistics<unsigned short, std::minstd_rand0>();
test_statistics<unsigned int, std::minstd_rand0>();
test_statistics<unsigned long, std::minstd_rand0>();
test_statistics<unsigned long long, std::minstd_rand0>();
test_statistics<short, std::minstd_rand0>(SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX);
#if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) // extension
test_statistics<std::int8_t, std::minstd_rand0>();
test_statistics<std::uint8_t, std::minstd_rand0>();
#if !defined(TEST_HAS_NO_INT128) && !defined(TEST_BUGGY_I128_FP)
test_statistics<__int128_t, std::minstd_rand0>();
test_statistics<__uint128_t, std::minstd_rand0>();
test_statistics<__int128_t, std::minstd_rand0>(-100, 900);
test_statistics<__int128_t, std::minstd_rand0>(0, UINT64_MAX);
test_statistics<__int128_t, std::minstd_rand0>(std::numeric_limits<__int128_t>::min(), std::numeric_limits<__int128_t>::max());
test_statistics<__uint128_t, std::minstd_rand0>(0, UINT64_MAX);
return 0;