blob: b4a16debedc8fde8b79e8c49c8d28cc7059f3279 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17, c++20
// constexpr explicit zip_view(Views...)
#include <ranges>
#include <tuple>
#include "types.h"
template <class T>
void conversion_test(T);
template <class T, class... Args>
concept implicitly_constructible_from = requires(Args&&... args) { conversion_test<T>({std::move(args)...}); };
// test constructor is explicit
static_assert(std::constructible_from<std::ranges::zip_view<SimpleCommon>, SimpleCommon>);
static_assert(!implicitly_constructible_from<std::ranges::zip_view<SimpleCommon>, SimpleCommon>);
static_assert(std::constructible_from<std::ranges::zip_view<SimpleCommon, SimpleCommon>, SimpleCommon, SimpleCommon>);
!implicitly_constructible_from<std::ranges::zip_view<SimpleCommon, SimpleCommon>, SimpleCommon, SimpleCommon>);
struct MoveAwareView : std::ranges::view_base {
int moves = 0;
constexpr MoveAwareView() = default;
constexpr MoveAwareView(MoveAwareView&& other) : moves(other.moves + 1) { other.moves = 1; }
constexpr MoveAwareView& operator=(MoveAwareView&& other) {
moves = other.moves + 1;
other.moves = 0;
return *this;
constexpr const int* begin() const { return &moves; }
constexpr const int* end() const { return &moves + 1; }
template <class View1, class View2>
constexpr void constructorTest(auto&& buffer1, auto&& buffer2) {
std::ranges::zip_view v{View1{buffer1}, View2{buffer2}};
auto [i, j] = *v.begin();
assert(i == buffer1[0]);
assert(j == buffer2[0]);
constexpr bool test() {
int buffer[8] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
int buffer2[4] = {9, 8, 7, 6};
// constructor from views
std::ranges::zip_view v(SizedRandomAccessView{buffer}, std::views::iota(0), std::ranges::single_view(2.));
auto [i, j, k] = *v.begin();
assert(i == 1);
assert(j == 0);
assert(k == 2.0);
// arguments are moved once
MoveAwareView mv;
std::ranges::zip_view v{std::move(mv), MoveAwareView{}};
auto [numMoves1, numMoves2] = *v.begin();
assert(numMoves1 == 2); // one move from the local variable to parameter, one move from parameter to member
assert(numMoves2 == 1);
// input and forward
constructorTest<InputCommonView, ForwardSizedView>(buffer, buffer2);
// bidi and random_access
constructorTest<BidiCommonView, SizedRandomAccessView>(buffer, buffer2);
// contiguous
constructorTest<ContiguousCommonView, ContiguousCommonView>(buffer, buffer2);
return true;
int main(int, char**) {
return 0;