blob: d7f3ca3c4d4caa4218a37a477ca79e134d98c856 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// <string>
// template<class InputIterator>
// iterator insert(const_iterator p, InputIterator first, InputIterator last); // constexpr since C++20
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "test_iterators.h"
#include "min_allocator.h"
template <class S, class It>
test(S s, typename S::difference_type pos, It first, It last, S expected)
typename S::const_iterator p = s.cbegin() + pos;
typename S::iterator i = s.insert(p, first, last);
assert(i - s.begin() == pos);
assert(s == expected);
struct Widget { operator char() const { throw 42; } };
template <class S, class It>
test_exceptions(S s, typename S::difference_type pos, It first, It last)
typename S::const_iterator p = s.cbegin() + pos;
S original = s;
typename S::iterator begin = s.begin();
typename S::iterator end = s.end();
try {
s.insert(p, first, last);
} catch (...) {}
// Part of "no effects" is that iterators and pointers
// into the string must not have been invalidated.
assert(s == original);
assert(s.begin() == begin);
assert(s.end() == end);
template <class S>
TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 void test_string() {
const char* s = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
test(S(), 0, s, s, S());
test(S(), 0, s, s+1, S("A"));
test(S(), 0, s, s+10, S("ABCDEFGHIJ"));
test(S(), 0, s, s+52, S("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"));
test(S("12345"), 0, s, s, S("12345"));
test(S("12345"), 1, s, s+1, S("1A2345"));
test(S("12345"), 4, s, s+10, S("1234ABCDEFGHIJ5"));
test(S("12345"), 5, s, s+52, S("12345ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"));
test(S("1234567890"), 0, s, s, S("1234567890"));
test(S("1234567890"), 1, s, s+1, S("1A234567890"));
test(S("1234567890"), 10, s, s+10, S("1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ"));
test(S("1234567890"), 8, s, s+52, S("12345678ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz90"));
test(S("12345678901234567890"), 3, s, s, S("12345678901234567890"));
test(S("12345678901234567890"), 3, s, s+1, S("123A45678901234567890"));
test(S("12345678901234567890"), 15, s, s+10, S("123456789012345ABCDEFGHIJ67890"));
test(S("12345678901234567890"), 20, s, s+52,
test(S(), 0, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), S());
test(S(), 0, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s+1), S("A"));
test(S(), 0, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s+10), S("ABCDEFGHIJ"));
test(S(), 0, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s+52), S("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"));
test(S("12345"), 0, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), S("12345"));
test(S("12345"), 1, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s+1), S("1A2345"));
test(S("12345"), 4, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s+10), S("1234ABCDEFGHIJ5"));
test(S("12345"), 5, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s+52), S("12345ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"));
test(S("1234567890"), 0, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), S("1234567890"));
test(S("1234567890"), 1, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s+1), S("1A234567890"));
test(S("1234567890"), 10, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s+10), S("1234567890ABCDEFGHIJ"));
test(S("1234567890"), 8, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s+52), S("12345678ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz90"));
test(S("12345678901234567890"), 3, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), S("12345678901234567890"));
test(S("12345678901234567890"), 3, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s+1), S("123A45678901234567890"));
test(S("12345678901234567890"), 15, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s+10), S("123456789012345ABCDEFGHIJ67890"));
test(S("12345678901234567890"), 20, cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s), cpp17_input_iterator<const char*>(s+52),
TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 bool test() {
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
test_string<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, min_allocator<char>>>();
if (!TEST_IS_CONSTANT_EVALUATED) { // test iterator operations that throw
typedef std::string S;
typedef ThrowingIterator<char> TIter;
typedef cpp17_input_iterator<TIter> IIter;
const char* s = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
test_exceptions(S(), 0, IIter(TIter(s, s+10, 4, TIter::TAIncrement)), IIter(TIter()));
test_exceptions(S(), 0, IIter(TIter(s, s+10, 5, TIter::TADereference)), IIter(TIter()));
test_exceptions(S(), 0, IIter(TIter(s, s+10, 6, TIter::TAComparison)), IIter(TIter()));
test_exceptions(S(), 0, TIter(s, s+10, 4, TIter::TAIncrement), TIter());
test_exceptions(S(), 0, TIter(s, s+10, 5, TIter::TADereference), TIter());
test_exceptions(S(), 0, TIter(s, s+10, 6, TIter::TAComparison), TIter());
Widget w[100];
test_exceptions(S(), 0, w, w+100);
{ // test inserting into self
typedef std::string S;
S s_short = "123/";
S s_long = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur/";
s_short.insert(s_short.begin(), s_short.begin(), s_short.end());
assert(s_short == "123/123/");
s_short.insert(s_short.begin(), s_short.begin(), s_short.end());
assert(s_short == "123/123/123/123/");
s_short.insert(s_short.begin(), s_short.begin(), s_short.end());
assert(s_short == "123/123/123/123/123/123/123/123/");
s_long.insert(s_long.begin(), s_long.begin(), s_long.end());
assert(s_long == "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur/Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur/");
{ // test assigning a different type
typedef std::string S;
const std::uint8_t p[] = "ABCD";
S s;
s.insert(s.begin(), p, p + 4);
assert(s == "ABCD");
if (!TEST_IS_CONSTANT_EVALUATED) { // regression-test inserting into self in sneaky ways
std::string s_short = "hello";
std::string s_long = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur/";
std::string s_othertype = "hello";
const unsigned char *first = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(;
test(s_short, 0, + s_short.size(), + s_short.size() + 1,
std::string("\0hello", 6));
test(s_long, 0, + s_long.size(), + s_long.size() + 1,
std::string("\0Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur/", 41));
test(s_othertype, 1, first + 2, first + 5, std::string("hlloello"));
{ // test with a move iterator that returns char&&
typedef cpp17_input_iterator<const char*> It;
typedef std::move_iterator<It> MoveIt;
const char p[] = "ABCD";
std::string s;
s.insert(s.begin(), MoveIt(It(std::begin(p))), MoveIt(It(std::end(p) - 1)));
assert(s == "ABCD");
{ // test with a move iterator that returns char&&
typedef forward_iterator<const char*> It;
typedef std::move_iterator<It> MoveIt;
const char p[] = "ABCD";
std::string s;
s.insert(s.begin(), MoveIt(It(std::begin(p))), MoveIt(It(std::end(p) - 1)));
assert(s == "ABCD");
{ // test with a move iterator that returns char&&
typedef const char* It;
typedef std::move_iterator<It> MoveIt;
const char p[] = "ABCD";
std::string s;
s.insert(s.begin(), MoveIt(It(std::begin(p))), MoveIt(It(std::end(p) - 1)));
assert(s == "ABCD");
return true;
int main(int, char**)
#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
return 0;