blob: 1918bcf8cedf6d580b3444fad608ea89b06b577d [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17
// This test ensures that we properly propagate allocators, per
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include "test_macros.h"
template <class T>
class soccc_allocator {
int* soccc_count;
int self_soccc_count;
using value_type = T;
constexpr explicit soccc_allocator(int* soccc_count_, int self_coccc_count_ = 0)
: soccc_count(soccc_count_), self_soccc_count(self_coccc_count_) {}
template <class U>
constexpr soccc_allocator(const soccc_allocator<U>& a) : soccc_count(a.get_soccc()) {}
constexpr T* allocate(std::size_t n) { return std::allocator<T>().allocate(n); }
constexpr void deallocate(T* p, std::size_t s) { std::allocator<T>().deallocate(p, s); }
constexpr soccc_allocator select_on_container_copy_construction() const {
*soccc_count += 1;
return soccc_allocator(soccc_count, self_soccc_count + 1);
constexpr auto get_soccc() const { return soccc_count; }
constexpr auto get_self_soccc() const { return self_soccc_count; }
typedef std::true_type propagate_on_container_copy_assignment;
typedef std::true_type propagate_on_container_move_assignment;
typedef std::true_type propagate_on_container_swap;
template <class U>
constexpr bool operator==(const soccc_allocator<U>& that) const {
return soccc_count == that.get_soccc();
template <class CharT>
TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 bool test() {
using S = std::basic_string<CharT, std::char_traits<CharT>, soccc_allocator<CharT>>;
int soccc_lhs = 0;
int soccc_rhs = 0;
S lhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_lhs});
S rhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_rhs});
auto r = lhs + rhs;
assert(r.get_allocator().get_soccc() == &soccc_lhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_self_soccc() == 1);
assert(soccc_lhs == 1);
assert(soccc_rhs == 0);
int soccc_lhs = 0;
int soccc_rhs = 0;
S lhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_lhs});
S rhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_rhs});
auto r = lhs + std::move(rhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_soccc() == &soccc_rhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_self_soccc() == 0);
assert(soccc_lhs == 0);
assert(soccc_rhs == 0);
int soccc_lhs = 0;
int soccc_rhs = 0;
S lhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_lhs});
S rhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_rhs});
auto r = std::move(lhs) + rhs;
assert(r.get_allocator().get_soccc() == &soccc_lhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_self_soccc() == 0);
assert(soccc_lhs == 0);
assert(soccc_rhs == 0);
int soccc_lhs = 0;
int soccc_rhs = 0;
S lhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_lhs});
S rhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_rhs});
auto r = std::move(lhs) + std::move(rhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_soccc() == &soccc_lhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_self_soccc() == 0);
assert(soccc_lhs == 0);
assert(soccc_rhs == 0);
int soccc_lhs = 0;
int soccc_rhs = 0;
S lhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_lhs});
S rhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_rhs});
auto r = lhs +;
assert(r.get_allocator().get_soccc() == &soccc_lhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_self_soccc() == 1);
assert(soccc_lhs == 1);
assert(soccc_rhs == 0);
int soccc_lhs = 0;
int soccc_rhs = 0;
S lhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_lhs});
S rhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_rhs});
auto r = lhs + rhs[0];
assert(r.get_allocator().get_soccc() == &soccc_lhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_self_soccc() == 1);
assert(soccc_lhs == 1);
assert(soccc_rhs == 0);
int soccc_lhs = 0;
int soccc_rhs = 0;
S lhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_lhs});
S rhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_rhs});
auto r = std::move(lhs) +;
assert(r.get_allocator().get_soccc() == &soccc_lhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_self_soccc() == 0);
assert(soccc_lhs == 0);
assert(soccc_rhs == 0);
int soccc_lhs = 0;
int soccc_rhs = 0;
S lhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_lhs});
S rhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_rhs});
auto r = std::move(lhs) + rhs[0];
assert(r.get_allocator().get_soccc() == &soccc_lhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_self_soccc() == 0);
assert(soccc_lhs == 0);
assert(soccc_rhs == 0);
int soccc_lhs = 0;
int soccc_rhs = 0;
S lhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_lhs});
S rhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_rhs});
auto r = + rhs;
assert(r.get_allocator().get_soccc() == &soccc_rhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_self_soccc() == 1);
assert(soccc_lhs == 0);
assert(soccc_rhs == 1);
int soccc_lhs = 0;
int soccc_rhs = 0;
S lhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_lhs});
S rhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_rhs});
auto r = lhs[0] + rhs;
assert(r.get_allocator().get_soccc() == &soccc_rhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_self_soccc() == 1);
assert(soccc_lhs == 0);
assert(soccc_rhs == 1);
int soccc_lhs = 0;
int soccc_rhs = 0;
S lhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_lhs});
S rhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_rhs});
auto r = + std::move(rhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_soccc() == &soccc_rhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_self_soccc() == 0);
assert(soccc_lhs == 0);
assert(soccc_rhs == 0);
int soccc_lhs = 0;
int soccc_rhs = 0;
S lhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_lhs});
S rhs(soccc_allocator<CharT>{&soccc_rhs});
auto r = lhs[0] + std::move(rhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_soccc() == &soccc_rhs);
assert(r.get_allocator().get_self_soccc() == 0);
assert(soccc_lhs == 0);
assert(soccc_rhs == 0);
return true;
int main(int, char**) {
#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
return 0;