blob: 8cd63887b856f778a819744fb2b93bca52215e21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// <string>
// size_type find_last_not_of(charT c, size_type pos = npos) const; // constexpr since C++20
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "min_allocator.h"
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type pos,
typename S::size_type x)
LIBCPP_ASSERT_NOEXCEPT(s.find_last_not_of(c, pos));
assert(s.find_last_not_of(c, pos) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x <= pos && x < s.size());
template <class S>
test(const S& s, typename S::value_type c, typename S::size_type x)
assert(s.find_last_not_of(c) == x);
if (x != S::npos)
assert(x < s.size());
TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX20 bool test() {
typedef std::string S;
test(S(""), 'i', 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), 'i', 1, S::npos);
test(S("kitcj"), 'i', 0, 0);
test(S("qkamf"), 'i', 1, 1);
test(S("nhmko"), 'i', 2, 2);
test(S("tpsaf"), 'i', 4, 4);
test(S("lahfb"), 'i', 5, 4);
test(S("irkhs"), 'i', 6, 4);
test(S("gmfhdaipsr"), 'i', 0, 0);
test(S("kantesmpgj"), 'i', 1, 1);
test(S("odaftiegpm"), 'i', 5, 4);
test(S("oknlrstdpi"), 'i', 9, 8);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), 'i', 10, 9);
test(S("pcdrofikas"), 'i', 11, 9);
test(S("nbatdlmekrgcfqsophij"), 'i', 0, 0);
test(S("bnrpehidofmqtcksjgla"), 'i', 1, 1);
test(S("jdmciepkaqgotsrfnhlb"), 'i', 10, 10);
test(S("jtdaefblsokrmhpgcnqi"), 'i', 19, 18);
test(S("hkbgspofltajcnedqmri"), 'i', 20, 18);
test(S("oselktgbcapndfjihrmq"), 'i', 21, 19);
test(S(""), 'i', S::npos);
test(S("csope"), 'i', 4);
test(S("gfsmthlkon"), 'i', 9);
test(S("laenfsbridchgotmkqpj"), 'i', 19);
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 11
typedef std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, min_allocator<char>> S;
test(S(""), 'i', 0, S::npos);
test(S(""), 'i', 1, S::npos);
test(S("kitcj"), 'i', 0, 0);
test(S("qkamf"), 'i', 1, 1);
test(S("nhmko"), 'i', 2, 2);
test(S("tpsaf"), 'i', 4, 4);
test(S("lahfb"), 'i', 5, 4);
test(S("irkhs"), 'i', 6, 4);
test(S("gmfhdaipsr"), 'i', 0, 0);
test(S("kantesmpgj"), 'i', 1, 1);
test(S("odaftiegpm"), 'i', 5, 4);
test(S("oknlrstdpi"), 'i', 9, 8);
test(S("eolhfgpjqk"), 'i', 10, 9);
test(S("pcdrofikas"), 'i', 11, 9);
test(S("nbatdlmekrgcfqsophij"), 'i', 0, 0);
test(S("bnrpehidofmqtcksjgla"), 'i', 1, 1);
test(S("jdmciepkaqgotsrfnhlb"), 'i', 10, 10);
test(S("jtdaefblsokrmhpgcnqi"), 'i', 19, 18);
test(S("hkbgspofltajcnedqmri"), 'i', 20, 18);
test(S("oselktgbcapndfjihrmq"), 'i', 21, 19);
test(S(""), 'i', S::npos);
test(S("csope"), 'i', 4);
test(S("gfsmthlkon"), 'i', 9);
test(S("laenfsbridchgotmkqpj"), 'i', 19);
return true;
int main(int, char**)
#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
return 0;