blob: fb3ae6f4ae96b80cb71d0a8436fa59f72945877d [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17
// <memory>
// template<input_iterator I, sentinel-for<I> S1, nothrow-forward-iterator O, nothrow-sentinel-for<O> S2>
// requires constructible_from<iter_value_t<O>, iter_reference_t<I>>
// uninitialized_copy_result<I, O> ranges::uninitialized_copy(I ifirst, S1 ilast, O ofirst, S2 olast); // since C++20
// template<input_range IR, nothrow-forward-range OR>
// requires constructible_from<range_value_t<OR>, range_reference_t<IR>>
// uninitialized_copy_result<borrowed_iterator_t<IR>, borrowed_iterator_t<OR>> ranges::uninitialized_copy(IR&& in_range, OR&& out_range); // since C++20
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <ranges>
#include <type_traits>
#include "../buffer.h"
#include "../counted.h"
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "test_iterators.h"
// TODO(varconst): consolidate the ADL checks into a single file.
// Because this is a variable and not a function, it's guaranteed that ADL won't be used. However,
// implementations are allowed to use a different mechanism to achieve this effect, so this check is
// libc++-specific.
static_assert(std::is_invocable_v<decltype(std::ranges::uninitialized_copy), int*, int*, long*, long*>);
struct NotConvertibleFromInt {};
static_assert(!std::is_invocable_v<decltype(std::ranges::uninitialized_copy), int*, int*, NotConvertibleFromInt*,
int main(int, char**) {
// An empty range -- no default constructors should be invoked.
Counted in[] = {Counted()};
Buffer<Counted, 1> out;
auto result = std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(in, in, out.begin(), out.end());
assert(Counted::current_objects == 0);
assert(Counted::total_objects == 0);
assert(Counted::total_copies == 0);
assert( == in);
assert(result.out == out.begin());
std::ranges::empty_view<Counted> view;
auto result = std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(view, out);
assert(Counted::current_objects == 0);
assert(Counted::total_objects == 0);
assert(Counted::total_copies == 0);
assert( == view.begin());
assert(result.out == out.begin());
forward_iterator<Counted*> it(in);
std::ranges::subrange range(it, sentinel_wrapper<forward_iterator<Counted*>>(it));
auto result = std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(range.begin(), range.end(), out.begin(), out.end());
assert(Counted::current_objects == 0);
assert(Counted::total_objects == 0);
assert(Counted::total_copies == 0);
assert( == it);
assert(result.out == out.begin());
forward_iterator<Counted*> it(in);
std::ranges::subrange range(it, sentinel_wrapper<forward_iterator<Counted*>>(it));
auto result = std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(range, out);
assert(Counted::current_objects == 0);
assert(Counted::total_objects == 0);
assert(Counted::total_copies == 0);
assert( == it);
assert(result.out == out.begin());
// A range containing several objects, (iter, sentinel) overload.
constexpr int N = 5;
Counted in[N] = {Counted(1), Counted(2), Counted(3), Counted(4), Counted(5)};
Buffer<Counted, N> out;
auto result = std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(in, in + N, out.begin(), out.end());
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(result), std::ranges::uninitialized_copy_result<Counted*, Counted*>);
assert(Counted::current_objects == N);
assert(Counted::total_objects == N);
assert(Counted::total_copies == N);
assert(Counted::total_moves == 0);
assert(std::equal(in, in + N, out.begin(), out.end()));
assert( == in + N);
assert(result.out == out.end());
std::destroy(out.begin(), out.end());
// A range containing several objects, (range) overload.
constexpr int N = 5;
Counted in[N] = {Counted(1), Counted(2), Counted(3), Counted(4), Counted(5)};
Buffer<Counted, N> out;
std::ranges::subrange range(in, in + N);
auto result = std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(range, out);
ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(decltype(result), std::ranges::uninitialized_copy_result<Counted*, Counted*>);
assert(Counted::current_objects == N);
assert(Counted::total_objects == N);
assert(Counted::total_copies == N);
assert(Counted::total_moves == 0);
assert(std::equal(in, in + N, out.begin(), out.end()));
assert( == in + N);
assert(result.out == out.end());
std::destroy(out.begin(), out.end());
// Using `counted_iterator`.
constexpr int N = 3;
Counted in[] = {Counted(1), Counted(2), Counted(3), Counted(4), Counted(5)};
Buffer<Counted, 5> out;
std::counted_iterator iter(in, N);
auto result = std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(iter, std::default_sentinel, out.begin(), out.end());
assert(Counted::current_objects == N);
assert(Counted::total_objects == N);
assert(Counted::total_copies == N);
assert(Counted::total_moves == 0);
assert(std::equal(in, in + N, out.begin(), out.begin() + N));
assert( == iter + N);
assert(result.out == out.begin() + N);
std::destroy(out.begin(), out.begin() + N);
// Using `views::counted`.
constexpr int N = 3;
Counted in[] = {Counted(1), Counted(2), Counted(3), Counted(4), Counted(5)};
Buffer<Counted, 5> out;
auto view = std::views::counted(in, N);
auto result = std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(view, out);
assert(Counted::current_objects == N);
assert(Counted::total_objects == N);
assert(Counted::total_copies == N);
assert(Counted::total_moves == 0);
assert(std::equal(in, in + N, out.begin(), out.begin() + N));
assert( == view.begin() + N);
assert(result.out == out.begin() + N);
std::destroy(out.begin(), out.begin() + N);
// Using `reverse_view`.
constexpr int N = 3;
Counted in[] = {Counted(1), Counted(2), Counted(3), Counted(4), Counted(5)};
Buffer<Counted, 5> out;
std::ranges::subrange range(in, in + N);
auto view = std::ranges::views::reverse(range);
auto result = std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(view, out);
assert(Counted::current_objects == N);
assert(Counted::total_objects == N);
assert(Counted::total_copies == N);
assert(Counted::total_moves == 0);
Counted expected[N] = {Counted(3), Counted(2), Counted(1)};
assert(std::equal(out.begin(), out.begin() + N, expected, expected + N));
assert( == view.begin() + N);
assert(result.out == out.begin() + N);
std::destroy(out.begin(), out.begin() + N);
// Any existing values should be overwritten by copy constructors.
constexpr int N = 5;
int in[N] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
int out[N] = {6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
assert(!std::equal(in, in + N, out, out + N));
std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(in, in + 1, out, out + N);
assert(out[0] == 1);
assert(out[1] == 7);
std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(in, in + N, out, out + N);
assert(std::equal(in, in + N, out, out + N));
// An exception is thrown while objects are being created -- objects not yet overwritten should
// stay valid. (iterator, sentinel) overload.
constexpr int M = 3;
constexpr int N = 5;
Counted in[N] = {Counted(1), Counted(2), Counted(3), Counted(4), Counted(5)};
Counted out[N] = {Counted(6), Counted(7), Counted(8), Counted(9), Counted(10)};
Counted::throw_on = M; // When constructing out[3].
try {
std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(in, in + N, out, out + N);
} catch (...) {
assert(Counted::current_objects == 0);
assert(Counted::total_objects == M);
assert(Counted::total_copies == M);
assert(Counted::total_moves == 0);
assert(out[4].value == 10);
// An exception is thrown while objects are being created -- objects not yet overwritten should
// stay valid. (range) overload.
constexpr int M = 3;
constexpr int N = 5;
Counted in[N] = {Counted(1), Counted(2), Counted(3), Counted(4), Counted(5)};
Counted out[N] = {Counted(6), Counted(7), Counted(8), Counted(9), Counted(10)};
Counted::throw_on = M; // When constructing out[3].
try {
std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(in, out);
} catch (...) {
assert(Counted::current_objects == 0);
assert(Counted::total_objects == M);
assert(Counted::total_copies == M);
assert(Counted::total_moves == 0);
assert(out[4].value == 10);
// Works with const iterators, (iter, sentinel) overload.
constexpr int N = 5;
Counted in[N] = {Counted(1), Counted(2), Counted(3), Counted(4), Counted(5)};
Buffer<Counted, N> out;
std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(in, in + N, out.cbegin(), out.cend());
assert(Counted::current_objects == N);
assert(Counted::total_objects == N);
assert(std::equal(in, in + N, out.begin(), out.end()));
std::destroy(out.begin(), out.end());
// Works with const iterators, (range) overload.
constexpr int N = 5;
Counted in[N] = {Counted(1), Counted(2), Counted(3), Counted(4), Counted(5)};
Buffer<Counted, N> out;
std::ranges::subrange out_range(out.cbegin(), out.cend());
std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(in, out_range);
assert(Counted::current_objects == N);
assert(Counted::total_objects == N);
assert(std::equal(in, in + N, out.begin(), out.end()));
std::destroy(out.begin(), out.end());
// Conversions, (iter, sentinel) overload.
constexpr int N = 3;
int in[N] = {1, 2, 3};
Buffer<double, N> out;
std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(in, in + N, out.begin(), out.end());
assert(std::equal(in, in + N, out.begin(), out.end()));
// Conversions, (range) overload.
constexpr int N = 3;
int in[N] = {1, 2, 3};
Buffer<double, N> out;
std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(in, out);
assert(std::equal(in, in + N, out.begin(), out.end()));
// Destination range is shorter than the source range, (iter, sentinel) overload.
constexpr int M = 3;
constexpr int N = 5;
Counted in[N] = {Counted(1), Counted(2), Counted(3), Counted(4), Counted(5)};
Buffer<Counted, M> out;
auto result = std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(in, in + N, out.begin(), out.end());
assert(Counted::current_objects == M);
assert(Counted::total_objects == M);
assert(Counted::total_copies == M);
assert(Counted::total_moves == 0);
assert(std::equal(in, in + M, out.begin(), out.end()));
assert( == in + M);
assert(result.out == out.end());
// Destination range is shorter than the source range, (range) overload.
constexpr int M = 3;
constexpr int N = 5;
Counted in[N] = {Counted(1), Counted(2), Counted(3), Counted(4), Counted(5)};
Buffer<Counted, M> out;
std::ranges::subrange range(in, in + N);
auto result = std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(range, out);
assert(Counted::current_objects == M);
assert(Counted::total_objects == M);
assert(Counted::total_copies == M);
assert(Counted::total_moves == 0);
assert(std::equal(in, in + M, out.begin(), out.end()));
assert( == in + M);
assert(result.out == out.end());
// Move-only iterators are supported.
using MoveOnlyIter = cpp20_input_iterator<const int*>;
constexpr int N = 3;
struct MoveOnlyRange {
int buffer[N] = {1, 2, 3};
auto begin() const { return MoveOnlyIter(buffer); }
auto end() const { return sentinel_wrapper<MoveOnlyIter>(MoveOnlyIter(buffer)); }
MoveOnlyRange in;
// (iter, sentinel) overload.
Buffer<int, N> out;
std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(in.begin(), in.end(), out.begin(), out.end());
// (range) overload.
Buffer<int, N> out;
std::ranges::uninitialized_copy(in, out);
return 0;