blob: ddd02a455c5883054d18c26a91e97b1b821fa294 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// <memory>
// unique_ptr
// template <class T, class D>
// constexpr bool operator==(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t) noexcept; // constexpr since C++23
// template <class T, class D>
// bool operator==(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& y) noexcept; // removed in C++20
// template <class T, class D>
// bool operator!=(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t) noexcept; // removed in C++20
// template <class T, class D>
// bool operator!=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& y) noexcept; // removed in C++20
// template <class T, class D>
// constexpr bool operator<(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t); // constexpr since C++23
// template <class T, class D>
// constexpr bool operator<(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& y); // constexpr since C++23
// template <class T, class D>
// constexpr bool operator<=(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t); // constexpr since C++23
// template <class T, class D>
// constexpr bool operator<=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& y); // constexpr since C++23
// template <class T, class D>
// constexpr bool operator>(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t); // constexpr since C++23
// template <class T, class D>
// constexpr bool operator>(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& y); // constexpr since C++23
// template <class T, class D>
// constexpr bool operator>=(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t); // constexpr since C++23
// template <class T, class D>
// constexpr bool operator>=(nullptr_t, const unique_ptr<T, D>& y); // constexpr since C++23
// template<class T, class D>
// requires three_way_comparable<typename unique_ptr<T, D>::pointer>
// constexpr compare_three_way_result_t<typename unique_ptr<T, D>::pointer>
// operator<=>(const unique_ptr<T, D>& x, nullptr_t); // C++20
#include <memory>
#include <cassert>
#include <type_traits>
#include "test_macros.h"
#include "test_comparisons.h"
TEST_CONSTEXPR_CXX23 bool test() {
AssertEqualityAreNoexcept<std::unique_ptr<int>, nullptr_t>();
AssertEqualityAreNoexcept<nullptr_t, std::unique_ptr<int> >();
AssertComparisonsReturnBool<std::unique_ptr<int>, nullptr_t>();
AssertComparisonsReturnBool<nullptr_t, std::unique_ptr<int> >();
#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
AssertOrderReturn<std::strong_ordering, std::unique_ptr<int>, nullptr_t>();
AssertOrderReturn<std::strong_ordering, nullptr_t, std::unique_ptr<int>>();
const std::unique_ptr<int> p1(new int(1));
assert(!(p1 == nullptr));
assert(!(nullptr == p1));
// A pointer to allocated storage and a nullptr can't be compared at compile-time
assert(!(p1 < nullptr));
assert((nullptr < p1));
assert(!(p1 <= nullptr));
assert((nullptr <= p1));
assert((p1 > nullptr));
assert(!(nullptr > p1));
assert((p1 >= nullptr));
assert(!(nullptr >= p1));
#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
assert((nullptr <=> p1) == std::strong_ordering::less);
assert((p1 <=> nullptr) == std::strong_ordering::greater);
const std::unique_ptr<int> p2;
assert((p2 == nullptr));
assert((nullptr == p2));
assert(!(p2 < nullptr));
assert(!(nullptr < p2));
assert((p2 <= nullptr));
assert((nullptr <= p2));
assert(!(p2 > nullptr));
assert(!(nullptr > p2));
assert((p2 >= nullptr));
assert((nullptr >= p2));
#if TEST_STD_VER > 17
assert((nullptr <=> p2) == std::strong_ordering::equivalent);
return true;
int main(int, char**) {
#if TEST_STD_VER >= 23
return 0;