blob: 3d0addb9ba4b1fab93c8a6274193bc5fd0e9b0d4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
from libcxx.test.dsl import *
from libcxx.test.features import _isMSVC
import re
_warningFlags = [
# GCC warns about places where we might want to add sized allocation/deallocation
# functions, but we know better what we're doing/testing in the test suite.
# Turn off warnings about user-defined literals with reserved suffixes. Those are
# just noise since we are testing the Standard Library itself.
'-Wno-literal-suffix', # GCC
'-Wno-user-defined-literals', # Clang
# GCC warns about this when TEST_IS_CONSTANT_EVALUATED is used on a non-constexpr
# function. (This mostely happens in C++11 mode.)
# TODO(mordante) investigate a solution for this issue.
# -Wstringop-overread and -Wstringop-overflow seem to be a bit buggy currently
# These warnings should be enabled in order to support the MSVC
# team using the test suite; They enable the warnings below and
# expect the test suite to be clean.
_allStandards = ['c++03', 'c++11', 'c++14', 'c++17', 'c++20', 'c++2b']
def getStdFlag(cfg, std):
fallbacks = {
'c++11': 'c++0x',
'c++14': 'c++1y',
'c++17': 'c++1z',
'c++20': 'c++2a',
if hasCompileFlag(cfg, '-std='+std):
return '-std='+std
if std in fallbacks and hasCompileFlag(cfg, '-std='+fallbacks[std]):
return '-std='+fallbacks[std]
return None
Parameter(name='target_triple', type=str,
help="The target triple to compile the test suite for. This must be "
"compatible with the target that the tests will be run on.",
actions=lambda triple: filter(None, [
AddSubstitution('%{triple}', triple)
Parameter(name='std', choices=_allStandards, type=str,
help="The version of the standard to compile the test suite with.",
default=lambda cfg: next(s for s in reversed(_allStandards) if getStdFlag(cfg, s)),
actions=lambda std: [
AddSubstitution('%{cxx_std}', re.sub('\+','x', std)),
AddCompileFlag(lambda cfg: getStdFlag(cfg, std)),
Parameter(name='enable_modules', choices=[True, False], type=bool, default=False,
help="Whether to build the test suite with Clang modules enabled.",
actions=lambda modules: [
AddCompileFlag('-fcxx-modules'), # AppleClang disregards -fmodules entirely when compiling C++. This enables modules for C++.
] if modules else []),
Parameter(name='enable_modules_lsv', choices=[True, False], type=bool, default=False,
help="Whether to enable Local Submodule Visibility in the Modules build.",
actions=lambda lsv: [
AddCompileFlag('-Xclang -fmodules-local-submodule-visibility'),
] if lsv else []),
Parameter(name='enable_exceptions', choices=[True, False], type=bool, default=True,
help="Whether to enable exceptions when compiling the test suite.",
actions=lambda exceptions: [] if exceptions else [
Parameter(name='enable_rtti', choices=[True, False], type=bool, default=True,
help="Whether to enable RTTI when compiling the test suite.",
actions=lambda rtti: [] if rtti else [
Parameter(name='stdlib', choices=['llvm-libc++', 'apple-libc++', 'libstdc++', 'msvc'], type=str, default='llvm-libc++',
help="""The C++ Standard Library implementation being tested.
Note that this parameter can also be used to encode different 'flavors' of the same
standard library, such as libc++ as shipped by a different vendor, if it has different
properties worth testing.
The Standard libraries currently supported are:
- llvm-libc++: The 'upstream' libc++ as shipped with LLVM.
- apple-libc++: libc++ as shipped by Apple. This is basically like the LLVM one, but
there are a few differences like installation paths, the use of
universal dylibs and the existence of availability markup.
- libstdc++: The GNU C++ library typically shipped with GCC.
- msvc: The Microsoft implementation of the C++ Standard Library.
actions=lambda stdlib: filter(None, [
# Also add an umbrella feature 'stdlib=libc++' for all flavors of libc++, to simplify
# the test suite.
AddFeature('stdlib=libc++') if re.match('.+-libc\+\+', stdlib) else None
Parameter(name='enable_warnings', choices=[True, False], type=bool, default=True,
help="Whether to enable warnings when compiling the test suite.",
actions=lambda warnings: [] if not warnings else
[AddOptionalWarningFlag(w) for w in _warningFlags] +
Parameter(name='use_sanitizer', choices=['', 'Address', 'HWAddress', 'Undefined', 'Memory', 'MemoryWithOrigins', 'Thread', 'DataFlow', 'Leaks'], type=str, default='',
help="An optional sanitizer to enable when building and running the test suite.",
actions=lambda sanitizer: filter(None, [
AddFlag('-g -fno-omit-frame-pointer') if sanitizer else None,
AddFlag('-fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize=float-divide-by-zero -fno-sanitize-recover=all') if sanitizer == 'Undefined' else None,
AddFeature('ubsan') if sanitizer == 'Undefined' else None,
AddFlag('-fsanitize=address') if sanitizer == 'Address' else None,
AddFeature('asan') if sanitizer == 'Address' else None,
AddFlag('-fsanitize=hwaddress') if sanitizer == 'HWAddress' else None,
AddFeature('hwasan') if sanitizer == 'HWAddress' else None,
AddFlag('-fsanitize=memory') if sanitizer in ['Memory', 'MemoryWithOrigins'] else None,
AddFeature('msan') if sanitizer in ['Memory', 'MemoryWithOrigins'] else None,
AddFlag('-fsanitize-memory-track-origins') if sanitizer == 'MemoryWithOrigins' else None,
AddFlag('-fsanitize=thread') if sanitizer == 'Thread' else None,
AddFeature('tsan') if sanitizer == 'Thread' else None,
AddFlag('-fsanitize=dataflow') if sanitizer == 'DataFlow' else None,
AddFlag('-fsanitize=leaks') if sanitizer == 'Leaks' else None,
AddFeature('sanitizer-new-delete') if sanitizer in ['Address', 'HWAddress', 'Memory', 'MemoryWithOrigins', 'Thread'] else None,
Parameter(name='enable_experimental', choices=[True, False], type=bool, default=True,
help="Whether to enable tests for experimental C++ Library features.",
actions=lambda experimental: [
# When linking in MSVC mode via the Clang driver, a -l<foo>
# maps to <foo>.lib, so we need to use -llibc++experimental here
# to make it link against the static libc++experimental.lib.
# We can't check for the feature 'msvc' in available_features
# as those features are added after processing parameters.
PrependLinkFlag(lambda cfg: '-llibc++experimental' if _isMSVC(cfg) else '-lc++experimental'),
] if experimental else [
Parameter(name='long_tests', choices=[True, False], type=bool, default=True,
help="Whether to enable tests that take longer to run. This can be useful when running on a very slow device.",
actions=lambda enabled: [] if not enabled else [
Parameter(name='enable_assertions', choices=[True, False], type=bool, default=False,
help="Whether to enable assertions when compiling the test suite. This is only meaningful when "
"running the tests against libc++.",
actions=lambda assertions: [
] if assertions else []),
Parameter(name='additional_features', type=list, default=[],
help="A comma-delimited list of additional features that will be enabled when running the tests. "
"This should be used sparingly since specifying ad-hoc features manually is error-prone and "
"brittle in the long run as changes are made to the test suite.",
actions=lambda features: [AddFeature(f) for f in features]),
Parameter(name='enable_transitive_includes', choices=[True, False], type=bool, default=True,
help="Whether to enable backwards-compatibility transitive includes when running the tests. This "
"is provided to ensure that the trimmed-down version of libc++ does not bit-rot in between "
"points at which we bulk-remove transitive includes.",
actions=lambda enabled: [] if enabled else [