blob: 5a4b7e372f279713658e101ab371b42930b82066 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <optional>
#include <variant>
#include "perfetto/base/flat_set.h"
#include "perfetto/base/platform_handle.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
// Forward declarations.
class PollContext;
// "Void" type for futures: this type can be used when a Future/Stream wants
// to return no value. We cannot use void directly because it causes all sorts
// of subtle issues with templates.
struct FVoid {};
// Indicates that the Future is not ready to produce data at the moment but
// will do so at a later date.
struct PendingPollResult {};
// Return value of Future<T>::Poll.
// Essentially a wrapper around std::variant<T, PendingPollResult> but with
// higher level API.
template <typename T>
class FuturePollResult {
using PollT = T;
// Intentionally implicit to allow idiomatic returns.
FuturePollResult(const PendingPollResult&) : inner_(PendingPollResult()) {}
FuturePollResult(T item) noexcept : inner_(std::move(item)) {}
// Returns whether the Future is still pending.
bool IsPending() const {
return std::holds_alternative<PendingPollResult>(inner_);
// The real value inside this result: requires !IsPending().
T& item() {
return std::get<T>(inner_);
const T& item() const {
return std::get<T>(inner_);
// The real value inside this result: requires !IsPending().
T* operator->() { return &item(); }
const T* operator->() const { return &item(); }
std::variant<PendingPollResult, T> inner_;
// Interface for implementing the Future<T>::Poll function.
// This is essentially a variant of the common PIMPL (pointer to impl) pattern
// used in C++ to allow having different implementations for Future<T>::Poll.
// We are using this instead of having an abstract function in Future to avoid
// having to wrap Future in unique_ptr everywhere it's used.
// We could have used std::function<Result(PollContext*)> but not all
// implementations of FuturePollable are copyable. If we had C++23, we could use
// std::move_only_function but we are some years from being able to do that.
template <typename T>
class FuturePollable {
using PollT = T;
virtual ~FuturePollable() = default;
// Implementation of the Poll function of a Future: see Future documentation
// for how this should be implemented.
virtual FuturePollResult<T> Poll(PollContext*) = 0;
// Indicates that the Stream has been exhausted and no more values will be
// returned.
struct DonePollResult {};
// Return value of Stream<T>::Poll.
// Essentially a wrapper around std::variant<T, PendingPollResult,
// DonePollResult> but with higher level API.
template <typename T>
class StreamPollResult {
using PollT = T;
// Intentionally implicit to allow idiomatic returns.
StreamPollResult(const PendingPollResult&) : inner_(PendingPollResult()) {}
StreamPollResult(const DonePollResult&) : inner_(DonePollResult()) {}
StreamPollResult(T item) : inner_(std::move(item)) {}
// Returns whether the Stream is still pending.
bool IsPending() const {
return std::holds_alternative<PendingPollResult>(inner_);
// Returns whether the Stream is done.
bool IsDone() const { return std::holds_alternative<DonePollResult>(inner_); }
// The real value inside this result: requires !IsPending() and !IsDone().
T& item() {
return std::get<T>(inner_);
const T& item() const {
return std::get<T>(inner_);
// The real value inside this result: requires !IsPending() and !IsDone().
T* operator->() { return &item(); }
const T* operator->() const { return &item(); }
std::variant<PendingPollResult, DonePollResult, T> inner_;
// Interface for implementing the Stream<T>::Poll function.
// This is essentially analagous to FuturePollable<T> for streams: check the
// documentation of that class for why this exists.
template <typename T>
class StreamPollable {
using PollT = T;
virtual ~StreamPollable() = default;
// Implementation of the Poll function of a Stream: see Stream documentation
// for how this should be implemented.
virtual StreamPollResult<T> PollNext(PollContext*) = 0;
// Context class passed to Pollable classes.
// Implementations of Pollable which simply wrap another Pollable will use
// this as an opaque parameter to pass on.
// "Source" pollables (i.e. Pollables dealing directly with FDs) should call
// |RegisterInterested| when the FD returns EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK with the
// PollContext passed in.
class PollContext {
explicit PollContext(FlatSet<PlatformHandle>* interested_handles,
const FlatSet<PlatformHandle>* ready_handles)
: interested_handles_(interested_handles),
ready_handles_(ready_handles) {}
PollContext(PollContext&&) = default;
PollContext& operator=(PollContext&&) = default;
// Called by implementations of Future<T> to indicate that Poll should be
// called again when |handle(s)| are ready for reading (or have been closed).
void RegisterInterested(PlatformHandle handle) {
void RegisterAllInterested(const FlatSet<PlatformHandle>& handles) {
for (PlatformHandle handle : handles) {
// Returns a set of all the fds which were marked as "ready" by the operating
// system (i.e. POLLIN/POLLHUP on Linux).
const FlatSet<PlatformHandle>& ready_handles() const {
return *ready_handles_;
PollContext(const PollContext&) = delete;
PollContext& operator=(const PollContext&) = delete;
FlatSet<PlatformHandle>* interested_handles_ = nullptr;
const FlatSet<PlatformHandle>* ready_handles_ = nullptr;
// Evaluates |expr|, which should return a FuturePollResult. If IsPending is
// true, returns base::PendingPollResult().
// Example usage:
// Future<int> MyIntReturningFutureFn();
// FuturePollResult<std::string> Poll(PollContext* ctx) {
// // res will be of type "int"
// ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_IF_PENDING_FUTURE(res, MyIntReturningFutureFn());
// return std::to_string(*foo);
// }
auto assign_and_return_if_poll_##var = (expr); \
if (assign_and_return_if_poll_##var.IsPending()) \
return base::PendingPollResult(); \
auto var = std::move(assign_and_return_if_poll_##var.item())
// Evaluates |expr|, which should return a PollResult. If IsPending is
// true, returns base::PendingPollResult().
// Example usage:
// Strean<int> MyIntReturningStreamFn();
// StreamPollResult<std::string> Poll(PollContext* ctx) {
// ASSIGN_OR_RETURN_IF_PENDING_STREAM(res, MyIntReturningStreamFn());
// if (res.IsDone()) {
// return DonePollResult();
// }
// return std::to_string(*foo);
// }
auto var = (expr); \
if (var.IsPending()) \
return base::PendingPollResult()
} // namespace base
} // namespace perfetto