blob: 4d67eb4b462e31f30d7a756890eab970f7104264 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/base/status.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/status_or.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/threading/future.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/threading/stream_combinators.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
// Creates a Stream<T> from P, a subclass of StreamPollable<T>.
// This function follows the same pattern of std::make_unique, std::make_shared
// etc.
template <typename P, typename... Args>
Stream<typename P::PollT> MakeStream(Args... args) {
return Stream<typename P::PollT>(
std::unique_ptr<StreamPollable<typename P::PollT>>(
new P(std::forward<Args>(args)...)));
// An asynchronous iterator for values of type T.
// If Future<T> is an asynchronous version of T, Stream<T> is an asynchronous
// version of Iterator<T>. Long-running compute/IO operations which return
// multiple values can be represented with a Stream<T>.
// Refer to the class documentation for Future<T> as most of the features and
// implementation of Future<T> also apply to Stream<T>.
template <typename T>
class Stream {
using PollableItem = T;
// Creates a Stream from a |StreamPollable<T>|. Prefer using |MakeStream|
// instead of this function.
explicit Stream(std::unique_ptr<StreamPollable<T>> pollable)
: pollable_(std::move(pollable)) {}
// Converts a Stream<T> to Stream<U>. This works by applying |map_fn| to each
// element in T and then polling the returned Future<U> to completion.
template <typename Function /* = Future<U>(T) */>
Stream<FutureReturn<Function, T>> MapFuture(Function map_fn) && {
return MakeStream<MapFutureStreamImpl<Function, T>>(std::move(*this),
// Creates a stream which fully polls |this| and then polls |concat| to
// completion.
Stream<T> Concat(Stream<T> concat) && {
return MakeStream<ConcatStreamImpl<T>>(std::move(*this), std::move(concat));
// Converts a Stream<T> to Future<U> by collecting elements using |collector|.
// See documentation on |Collector| for how to implement one.
template <typename U>
Future<U> Collect(std::unique_ptr<Collector<T, U>> collector) && {
return MakeFuture<CollectImpl<T, U>>(std::move(*this),
// Checks if the computation backing this Stream<T> has finished.
// Returns a StreamPollResult<T> which is a essentially a
// variant<PendingPollResult, DonePollResult T>. If PendingPollResult is
// returned, |ctx| will be used to register interest in the various fds which
// are "blocking" this future from finishing. If DonePollResult is returned,
// Poll *must not* be called again.
StreamPollResult<T> PollNext(PollContext* ctx) {
return pollable_->PollNext(ctx);
std::unique_ptr<StreamPollable<T>> pollable_;
// Alias to shorten type defintions for Stream<Status> which is common in
// the codebase.
using StatusStream = Stream<Status>;
// Alias to shorten type defintions for Stream<StatusOr<T>> which is common
// in the codebase.
template <typename T>
using StatusOrStream = Stream<StatusOr<T>>;
// Creates a Stream<T> which returns the next value inside |vector| every time
// Stream<T>::Poll is called.
template <typename T>
Stream<T> StreamFrom(std::vector<T> vector) {
return MakeStream<ImmediateStreamImpl<T>>(std::move(vector));
// Creates a Stream<T> which immediately returns DonePollResult when polled.
template <typename T>
Stream<T> EmptyStream() {
return StreamFrom(std::vector<T>());
// Creates a Stream<T> which returns |first| and each of |rest| in sequence when
// polled.
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
Stream<T> StreamOf(T first, Ts... rest) {
std::vector<T> values;
AddAllToVector(values, std::forward<T>(first), std::forward<Ts>(rest)...);
return StreamFrom(std::move(values));
// Creates a Stream<T> which returns the value of |future| before completing.
template <typename T>
Stream<T> StreamFromFuture(Future<T> future) {
return StreamOf(std::move(future)).MapFuture([](Future<T> value) { return value; });
// Creates a stream which returns no elements but calls |fn| in the destructor
// of the returned stream.
// This function can be used to do resource management for a stream by making
// the passed |fn| own the resources used by any "upstream" sources and then
// Concat-ing this stream with the upstream.
template <typename T, typename Function>
Stream<T> OnDestroyStream(Function fn) {
return MakeStream<OnDestroyStreamImpl<T, Function>>(std::move(fn));
// Creates a Stream<T> returning values generated by each stream in |streams| as
// soon as they are produced without preserving ordering.
// The returned Stream<T> keeps the amount of Poll calls to the inner |streams|,
// to a minimum only calling Poll for the Streams which are marked are ready
// in the PollContext.
template <typename T>
Stream<T> FlattenStreams(std::vector<Stream<T>> streams) {
return MakeStream<FlattenImpl<T>>(std::move(streams));
// Collector for Stream<Status>::Collect() which immediately resolves the
// returned Future when an error status is detected. Resolves with
// OkStatus once the entire stream finishes after returning all OkStatus().
inline std::unique_ptr<Collector<Status, Status>> AllOkCollector() {
return std::make_unique<AllOkCollectorImpl>();
// Collector for Stream<T>::Collect() which ensures the stream returns *exactly*
// one T before completing. Crashes if either a) no values are produced by
// the Stream, b) more than one value is produced by the Stream.
template <typename T>
inline std::unique_ptr<Collector<T, T>> ToFutureCheckedCollector() {
return std::make_unique<FutureCheckedCollectorImpl<T>>();
// Collector for Stream<StatusOr<T>>::Collect() which returns a vector
// containing all the successful results from the stream. If any element is an
// error, short-circuits the stream with the error.
template <typename T>
inline std::unique_ptr<
Collector<StatusOr<T>, StatusOr<std::vector<T>>>>
StatusOrVectorCollector() {
return std::make_unique<StatusOrVectorCollectorImpl<T>>();
} // namespace base
} // namespace perfetto