blob: 2d702f78891f80ee2186efc0a4ba34ab83f77b8b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "perfetto/base/proc_utils.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/trace_processor/importers/memory_tracker/graph.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/trace_processor/importers/memory_tracker/raw_process_memory_node.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
// This map does not own the pointers inside.
using RawMemoryNodeMap =
std::map<base::PlatformProcessId, std::unique_ptr<RawProcessMemoryNode>>;
static std::unique_ptr<GlobalNodeGraph> CreateMemoryGraph(
const RawMemoryNodeMap& process_nodes);
static void RemoveWeakNodesFromGraph(GlobalNodeGraph* global_graph);
static void AddOverheadsAndPropagateEntries(GlobalNodeGraph* global_graph);
static void CalculateSizesForGraph(GlobalNodeGraph* global_graph);
static std::map<base::PlatformProcessId, uint64_t>
ComputeSharedFootprintFromGraph(const GlobalNodeGraph& global_graph);
friend class GraphProcessorTest;
static void CollectAllocatorNodes(const RawProcessMemoryNode& source,
GlobalNodeGraph* global_graph,
GlobalNodeGraph::Process* process_graph);
static void AddEdges(const RawProcessMemoryNode& source,
GlobalNodeGraph* global_graph);
static void MarkImplicitWeakParentsRecursively(GlobalNodeGraph::Node* node);
static void MarkWeakOwnersAndChildrenRecursively(
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* node,
std::set<const GlobalNodeGraph::Node*>* nodes);
static void RemoveWeakNodesRecursively(GlobalNodeGraph::Node* parent);
static void AssignTracingOverhead(const std::string& allocator,
GlobalNodeGraph* global_graph,
GlobalNodeGraph::Process* process);
static GlobalNodeGraph::Node::Entry AggregateNumericWithNameForNode(
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* node,
const std::string& name);
static void AggregateNumericsRecursively(GlobalNodeGraph::Node* node);
static void PropagateNumericsAndDiagnosticsRecursively(
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* node);
static std::optional<uint64_t> AggregateSizeForDescendantNode(
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* root,
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* descendant);
static void CalculateSizeForNode(GlobalNodeGraph::Node* node);
* Calculate not-owned and not-owning sub-sizes of a memory allocator node
* from its children's (sub-)sizes.
* Not-owned sub-size refers to the aggregated memory of all children which
* is not owned by other MADs. Conversely, not-owning sub-size is the
* aggregated memory of all children which do not own another MAD. The
* diagram below illustrates these two concepts:
* size: 4 size: 5
* not-owned sub-size: 4 not-owned sub-size: 1 (!)
* not-owning sub-size: 0 (!) not-owning sub-size: 5
* ^ ^
* | |
* PARENT 1 ===== owns =====> PARENT 2
* size: 4 size: 5
* not-owned sub-size: 4 not-owned sub-size: 5
* not-owning sub-size: 4 not-owning sub-size: 5
* ^ ^
* | |
* size [given]: 4 size [given]: 5
* not-owned sub-size: 4 not-owned sub-size: 5
* not-owning sub-size: 4 not-owning sub-size: 5
* This method assumes that (1) the size of the node, its children, and its
* owners [see calculateSizes()] and (2) the not-owned and not-owning
* sub-sizes of both the children and owners of the node have already been
* calculated [depth-first post-order traversal].
static void CalculateNodeSubSizes(GlobalNodeGraph::Node* node);
* Calculate owned and owning coefficients of a memory allocator node and
* its owners.
* The owning coefficient refers to the proportion of a node's not-owning
* sub-size which is attributed to the node (only relevant to owning MADs).
* Conversely, the owned coefficient is the proportion of a node's
* not-owned sub-size, which is attributed to it (only relevant to owned
* MADs).
* The not-owned size of the owned node is split among its owners in the
* order of the ownership importance as demonstrated by the following
* example:
* memory allocator nodes
* not-owned sub-size [given] 10 - - - -
* not-owning sub-size [given] - 6 7 5 8
* importance [given] - 2 2 1 0
* attributed not-owned sub-size 2 - - - -
* attributed not-owning sub-size - 3 4 0 1
* owned coefficient 2/10 - - - -
* owning coefficient - 3/6 4/7 0/5 1/8
* Explanation: Firstly, 6 bytes are split equally among OWNER1 and OWNER2
* (highest importance). OWNER2 owns one more byte, so its attributed
* not-owning sub-size is 6/2 + 1 = 4 bytes. OWNER3 is attributed no size
* because it is smaller than the owners with higher priority. However,
* OWNER4 is larger, so it's attributed the difference 8 - 7 = 1 byte.
* Finally, 2 bytes remain unattributed and are hence kept in the OWNED
* node as attributed not-owned sub-size. The coefficients are then
* directly calculated as fractions of the sub-sizes and corresponding
* attributed sub-sizes.
* Note that we always assume that all ownerships of a node overlap (e.g.
* OWNER3 is subsumed by both OWNER1 and OWNER2). Hence, the table could
* be alternatively represented as follows:
* owned memory range
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
* Priority 2 | OWNER1 + OWNER2 (split) | OWNER2 |
* Priority 1 | (already attributed) |
* Priority 0 | - - - (already attributed) - - - | OWNER4 |
* Remainder | - - - - - (already attributed) - - - - - - | OWNED |
* This method assumes that (1) the size of the node [see calculateSizes()]
* and (2) the not-owned size of the node and not-owning sub-sizes of its
* owners [see the first step of calculateEffectiveSizes()] have already
* been calculated. Note that the method doesn't make any assumptions about
* the order in which nodes are visited.
static void CalculateNodeOwnershipCoefficient(GlobalNodeGraph::Node* node);
* Calculate cumulative owned and owning coefficients of a memory allocator
* node from its (non-cumulative) owned and owning coefficients and the
* cumulative coefficients of its parent and/or owned node.
* The cumulative coefficients represent the total effect of all
* (non-strict) ancestor ownerships on a memory allocator node. The
* cumulative owned coefficient of a MAD can be calculated simply as:
* cumulativeOwnedC(M) = ownedC(M) * cumulativeOwnedC(parent(M))
* This reflects the assumption that if a parent of a child MAD is
* (partially) owned, then the parent's owner also indirectly owns (a part
* of) the child MAD.
* The cumulative owning coefficient of a MAD depends on whether the MAD
* owns another node:
* [if M doesn't own another MAD]
* / cumulativeOwningC(parent(M))
* cumulativeOwningC(M) =
* \ [if M owns another MAD]
* owningC(M) * cumulativeOwningC(owned(M))
* The reasoning behind the first case is similar to the one for cumulative
* owned coefficient above. The only difference is that we don't need to
* include the node's (non-cumulative) owning coefficient because it is
* implicitly 1.
* The formula for the second case is derived as follows: Since the MAD
* owns another node, its memory is not included in its parent's not-owning
* sub-size and hence shouldn't be affected by the parent's corresponding
* cumulative coefficient. Instead, the MAD indirectly owns everything
* owned by its owned node (and so it should be affected by the
* corresponding coefficient).
* Note that undefined coefficients (and coefficients of non-existent
* nodes) are implicitly assumed to be 1.
* This method assumes that (1) the size of the node [see calculateSizes()],
* (2) the (non-cumulative) owned and owning coefficients of the node [see
* the second step of calculateEffectiveSizes()], and (3) the cumulative
* coefficients of the node's parent and owned MADs (if present)
* [depth-first pre-order traversal] have already been calculated.
static void CalculateNodeCumulativeOwnershipCoefficient(
GlobalNodeGraph::Node* node);
* Calculate the effective size of a memory allocator node.
* In order to simplify the (already complex) calculation, we use the fact
* that effective size is cumulative (unlike regular size), i.e. the
* effective size of a non-leaf node is equal to the sum of effective sizes
* of its children. The effective size of a leaf MAD is calculated as:
* effectiveSize(M) = size(M) * cumulativeOwningC(M) * cumulativeOwnedC(M)
* This method assumes that (1) the size of the node and its children [see
* calculateSizes()] and (2) the cumulative owning and owned coefficients
* of the node (if it's a leaf node) [see the third step of
* calculateEffectiveSizes()] or the effective sizes of its children (if
* it's a non-leaf node) [depth-first post-order traversal] have already
* been calculated.
static void CalculateNodeEffectiveSize(GlobalNodeGraph::Node* node);
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto