blob: 6d796bc64c6ad0a97b05f361342568c2d4b58c78 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
import "protos/perfetto/common/data_source_descriptor.proto";
// Reports the state of the tracing service. Used to gather details about the
// data sources connected.
// See ConsumerPort::QueryServiceState().
message TracingServiceState {
// Describes a producer process.
message Producer {
// Unique ID of the producer (monotonic counter).
optional int32 id = 1;
// Typically matches the process name.
optional string name = 2;
// Unix pid of the remote process. Supported only on Linux-based systems.
// Introduced in v24 / Android T.
optional int32 pid = 5;
// Unix uid of the remote process.
optional int32 uid = 3;
// The version of the client library used by the producer.
// This is a human readable string with and its format varies depending on
// the build system and the repo (standalone vs AOSP).
// This is intended for human debugging only.
optional string sdk_version = 4;
// Describes a data source registered by a producer. Data sources are listed
// regardless of the fact that they are being used or not.
message DataSource {
// Descriptor passed by the data source when calling RegisterDataSource().
optional DataSourceDescriptor ds_descriptor = 1;
// ID of the producer, as per
optional int32 producer_id = 2;
message TracingSession {
// The TracingSessionID.
optional uint64 id = 1;
// The Unix uid of the consumer that started the session.
// This is meaningful only if the caller is root. In all other cases only
// tracing sessions that match the caller UID will be displayed.
optional int32 consumer_uid = 2;
// Internal state of the tracing session.
// These strings are FYI only and subjected to change.
optional string state = 3;
// The unique_session_name as set in the trace config (might be empty).
optional string unique_session_name = 4;
// The number and size of each buffer.
repeated uint32 buffer_size_kb = 5;
// Duration, as specified in the TraceConfig.duration_ms.
optional uint32 duration_ms = 6;
// Number of data sources involved in the session.
optional uint32 num_data_sources = 7;
// Time when the session was started, in the CLOCK_REALTIME domain.
// Available only on Linux-based systems.
optional int64 start_realtime_ns = 8;
// Lists all the producers connected.
repeated Producer producers = 1;
// Lists the data sources available.
repeated DataSource data_sources = 2;
// Lists the tracing sessions active AND owned by a consumer that has the same
// UID of the caller (or all of them if the caller is root).
// Introduced in v24 / Android T.
repeated TracingSession tracing_sessions = 6;
// This is always set to true from v24 and beyond. This flag is only used to
// tell the difference between: (1) talking to a recent service which happens
// to have no tracing session active; (2) talking to an older version of the
// service which will never report any tracing session.
optional bool supports_tracing_sessions = 7;
// Total number of tracing sessions.
optional int32 num_sessions = 3;
// Number of tracing sessions in the started state. Always <= num_sessions.
optional int32 num_sessions_started = 4;
// The version of traced (the same returned by `traced --version`).
// This is a human readable string with and its format varies depending on
// the build system and the repo (standalone vs AOSP).
// This is intended for human debugging only.
optional string tracing_service_version = 5;