blob: 5094f82a8cb82fe2688849bc62dc602a2f9c2b5c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
import "protos/perfetto/config/trace_config.proto";
// Rule that triggers scenario events (e.g. start, stop).
message TriggerRule {
// Rule unique name.
optional string name = 1;
// A value between 0 and 1 which encodes the probability this rule is
// triggered.
optional float trigger_chance = 2;
// Additional delay on the trigger below.
optional uint64 delay_ms = 3;
// Triggers when a value within the specified bounds [min_value,
// max_value] is emitted into a Chrome histogram.
message HistogramTrigger {
optional string histogram_name = 1;
optional int64 min_value = 2;
optional int64 max_value = 3;
// Triggers on a repeating interval, every `period_ms` milliseconds if
// `randomized` is false, and at random time within a `period_ms` window
// otherwise, thus ticking with an average period of `period_ms` milliseconds.
message RepeatingInterval {
optional uint64 period_ms = 1;
optional bool randomized = 2;
oneof trigger {
// Triggers when the associated named trigger is manually emitted in Chrome
// client code.
string manual_trigger_name = 4;
HistogramTrigger histogram = 5;
RepeatingInterval repeating_interval = 6;
// Chrome field tracing defines a set of scenarios, each associated with
// specific tracing configs, and nested scenarios that can cover interesting
// tracing regions within a parent scenario. Both scenarios and nested scenarios
// are enrolled by clients based on a set of start and stop rules that
// delimitate a meaningful tracing interval, usually covering a user journey or
// a guardian metric (e.g. FirstContentfulPaint). Collected traces may be saved
// and uploaded based on upload rules. Scenario enrollment and trace uploads may
// also be affected by client side scenario and upload limits.
// Start rules from all scenarios in the config are observed by default (when no
// scenario is active). Once enrolled in a specific scenario, other scenarios
// are ignored until the active one is exited. Start rules for nested scenarios
// are only observed once the parent scenario becomes active.
message NestedScenarioConfig {
// Nested scenario name, unique within the parent scenario.
optional string scenario_name = 1;
// When triggered, this scenario becomes active. This activates `upload_rules`
// and `stop_rules`.
repeated TriggerRule start_rules = 2;
// When triggered, exits the scenario. This reverts back to the parent
// scenario. All nested scenarios within the parent scenario will be observed
// again.
repeated TriggerRule stop_rules = 3;
// When triggered, exits both this scenario and the parent scenario, stops the
// tracing session, and attempts to upload the trace. All scenarios are
// observed again.
repeated TriggerRule upload_rules = 4;
message ScenarioConfig {
// Scenario name, unique within the whole field tracing config.
optional string scenario_name = 1;
// When triggered, this scenario becomes active. Initializes a tracing session
// and starts recording data sources. This activates `upload_rules` and
// `stop_rules`.
repeated TriggerRule start_rules = 2;
// When triggered, exits the scenario. This stops the tracing session and
// discards the trace. All scenarios will be observed again.
repeated TriggerRule stop_rules = 3;
// When triggered, exits the scenario, stops the tracing session, and attempts
// to upload the trace. All scenarios will be observed again.
repeated TriggerRule upload_rules = 4;
// When triggered, this scenario becomes active. Initializes a tracing
// session, without recording data sources, and waits for a `start_rules` or
// to enter a `nested_scenarios`, which would start recording. This also
// activates `stop_rules`.
repeated TriggerRule setup_rules = 5;
optional TraceConfig trace_config = 6;
repeated NestedScenarioConfig nested_scenarios = 7;
message ChromeFieldTracingConfig {
repeated ScenarioConfig scenarios = 1;