blob: bb0a70087b2f4e025154583399b247e107340be2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
// Configuration for go/heapprofd.
// Next id: 28
message HeapprofdConfig {
message ContinuousDumpConfig {
// ms to wait before first dump.
optional uint32 dump_phase_ms = 5;
// ms to wait between following dumps.
optional uint32 dump_interval_ms = 6;
// Sampling rate for all heaps not specified via heap_sampling_intervals.
// These are:
// * All heaps if heap_sampling_intervals is empty.
// * Those profiled due to all_heaps and not named in heaps if
// heap_sampling_intervals is not empty.
// * The implicit libc.malloc heap if heaps is empty.
// Set to 1 for perfect accuracy.
// Otherwise, sample every sample_interval_bytes on average.
// See
// for more details.
// Before Android 12, setting this to 0 would crash the target process.
// N.B. This must be explicitly set to a non-zero value for all heaps (with
// this field or with heap_sampling_intervals), otherwise the producer will
// not start.
optional uint64 sampling_interval_bytes = 1;
// If less than the given numbers of bytes are left free in the shared
// memory buffer, increase sampling interval by a factor of two.
// Adaptive sampling is disabled when set to 0.
optional uint64 adaptive_sampling_shmem_threshold = 24;
// Stop doubling the sampling_interval once the sampling interval has reached
// this value.
optional uint64 adaptive_sampling_max_sampling_interval_bytes = 25;
// E.g. surfaceflinger,
// This input is normalized in the following way: if it contains slashes,
// everything up to the last slash is discarded. If it contains "@",
// everything after the first @ is discared.
// E.g. /system/bin/surfaceflinger@1.0 normalizes to surfaceflinger.
// This transformation is also applied to the processes' command lines when
// matching.
repeated string process_cmdline = 2;
// For watermark based triggering or local debugging.
repeated uint64 pid = 4;
// Only profile target if it was installed by one of the packages given.
// Special values are:
// * @system: installed on the system partition
// * @product: installed on the product partition
// * @null: sideloaded
// Supported on Android 12+.
repeated string target_installed_by = 26;
// Which heaps to sample, e.g. "libc.malloc". If left empty, only samples
// "malloc".
// Introduced in Android 12.
repeated string heaps = 20;
// Which heaps not to sample, e.g. "libc.malloc". This is useful when used in
// combination with all_heaps;
// Introduced in Android 12.
repeated string exclude_heaps = 27;
optional bool stream_allocations = 23;
// If given, needs to be the same length as heaps and gives the sampling
// interval for the respective entry in heaps.
// Otherwise, sampling_interval_bytes is used.
// It is recommended to set sampling_interval_bytes to a reasonable default
// value when using this, as a value of 0 for sampling_interval_bytes will
// crash the target process before Android 12.
// Introduced in Android 12.
// All values must be non-zero or the producer will not start.
repeated uint64 heap_sampling_intervals = 22;
// Sample all heaps registered by target process. Introduced in Android 12.
optional bool all_heaps = 21;
// Profile all processes eligible for profiling on the system.
// See
// for which processes are eligible.
// On unmodified userdebug builds, this will lead to system crashes. Zygote
// will crash when trying to launch a new process as it will have an
// unexpected open socket to heapprofd.
// heapprofd will likely be overloaded by the amount of data for low
// sampling intervals.
optional bool all = 5;
// Do not profile processes whose anon RSS + swap < given value.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional uint32 min_anonymous_memory_kb = 15;
// Stop profile if heapprofd memory usage goes beyond the given value.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional uint32 max_heapprofd_memory_kb = 16;
// Stop profile if heapprofd CPU time since start of this data-source
// goes beyond given value.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional uint64 max_heapprofd_cpu_secs = 17;
// Do not emit function names for mappings starting with this prefix.
// E.g. /system to not emit symbols for any system libraries.
repeated string skip_symbol_prefix = 7;
// Dump at a predefined interval.
optional ContinuousDumpConfig continuous_dump_config = 6;
// Size of the shared memory buffer between the profiled processes and
// heapprofd. Defaults to 8 MiB. If larger than 500 MiB, truncated to 500
// MiB.
// Needs to be:
// * at least 8192,
// * a power of two,
// * a multiple of 4096.
optional uint64 shmem_size_bytes = 8;
// When the shmem buffer is full, block the client instead of ending the
// trace. Use with caution as this will significantly slow down the target
// process.
optional bool block_client = 9;
// If set, stop the trace session after blocking the client for this
// timeout. Needs to be larger than 100 us, otherwise no retries are done.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional uint32 block_client_timeout_us = 14;
// Do not profile processes from startup, only match already running
// processes.
// Can not be set at the same time as no_running.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional bool no_startup = 10;
// Do not profile running processes. Only match processes on startup.
// Can not be set at the same time as no_startup.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional bool no_running = 11;
// deprecated idle_allocations.
reserved 12;
// Cause heapprofd to emit a single dump at the end, showing the memory usage
// at the point in time when the sampled heap usage of the process was at its
// maximum. This causes ProfilePacket.HeapSample.self_max to be set, and
// self_allocated and self_freed to not be set.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional bool dump_at_max = 13;
// Escape hatch if the session is being torn down because of a forked child
// that shares memory space, but is not correctly identified as a vforked
// child.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional bool disable_fork_teardown = 18;
// We try to automatically detect when a target applicatation vforks but then
// does a memory allocation (or free). This auto-detection can be disabled
// with this.
// Introduced in Android 11.
optional bool disable_vfork_detection = 19;