blob: c1613963f04027693980beff5b197f58571a5271 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package perfetto.protos;
// Configuration for managed app heap graph snapshots.
message JavaHprofConfig {
// If dump_interval_ms != 0, the following configuration is used.
message ContinuousDumpConfig {
// ms to wait before first continuous dump.
// A dump is always created at the beginning of the trace.
optional uint32 dump_phase_ms = 1;
// ms to wait between following dumps.
optional uint32 dump_interval_ms = 2;
// If true, scans all the processes to find `process_cmdline` and filter by
// `min_anonymous_memory_kb` only at data source start. Default on Android
// S-.
// If false, rescans all the processes to find on every dump. Default on
// Android T+.
optional bool scan_pids_only_on_start = 3;
// Command line allowlist, matched against the /proc/<pid>/cmdline (not the
// comm string). The semantics of this field were changed since its original
// introduction.
// On Android T+ (13+), this field can specify a single wildcard (*), and
// the profiler will attempt to match it in two possible ways:
// * if the pattern starts with a '/', then it is matched against the first
// segment of the cmdline (i.e. argv0). For example "/bin/e*" would match
// "/bin/echo".
// * otherwise the pattern is matched against the part of argv0
// corresponding to the binary name (this is unrelated to /proc/pid/exe).
// For example "echo" would match "/bin/echo".
// On Android S (12) and below, both this pattern and /proc/pid/cmdline get
// normalized prior to an exact string comparison. Normalization is as
// follows: (1) trim everything beyond the first null or "@" byte; (2) if
// the string contains forward slashes, trim everything up to and including
// the last one.
// Implementation note: in either case, at most 511 characters of cmdline
// are considered.
repeated string process_cmdline = 1;
// For watermark based triggering or local debugging.
repeated uint64 pid = 2;
// Only profile target if it was installed by one of the packages given.
// Special values are:
// * @system: installed on the system partition
// * @product: installed on the product partition
// * @null: sideloaded
// Supported on Android 12+.
repeated string target_installed_by = 7;
// Dump at a predefined interval.
optional ContinuousDumpConfig continuous_dump_config = 3;
// Do not profile processes whose anon RSS + swap < given value.
optional uint32 min_anonymous_memory_kb = 4;
// Include the process' /proc/self/smaps.
// This only shows maps that:
// * start with /system
// * start with /vendor
// * start with /data/app
// * contain "extracted in memory from Y", where Y matches any of the above
optional bool dump_smaps = 5;
// Exclude objects of the following types from the profile. This can be
// useful if lots of uninteresting objects, e.g. "sun.misc.Cleaner".
repeated string ignored_types = 6;